Author Archives: the venomous pao

A Great List Of TFT Clones

The incomparable Narmer over at Dynasty Zero has put together a great list of TFT clones. You should be sure to check ’em out. TFT (The Fantasy Trip, if you don’t know the acronym) was the first game that I truly loved. I played it way more than I ever played any form of D&D when I was a kid. It completely dominated my youthful geekness (alongside Traveller) and is, in my opinion, one of the finest RPGs ever produced. It’s a cryin’ shame that it was never more widely known.

TFT is also, in case you’re not familiar with this part of RPG history, the progenitor of GURPS. It’s also much, much better as far as I’m concerned. It’s lighter, faster, and much more fun to play than its unwieldy offspring. And though I have no need of a clone of it, I highly recommend giving the game serious consideration if you’re looking to add something new to your repertoire.


(cross-posted to a bunch of forums)

Hey folks. I try not to mix my politics with my gaming, but this is something I think we all need to be thinking about. The proposed SOPA & PIPA legislation seems like bad stuff, and I’ve especially been thinking about how it could impact OSR games, blogs, and so on. If you’re not familiar with this stuff, there’s a good primer on the topics here:

As I interpret this stuff, it could very well kill just about everything that’s been great, is great, and could still be great about the OSR. If this junk had been in place when OSRIC, LL, S&W and the other retroclones had been just getting started, it’s entirely possible that all of these things would have been nipped in the bud. And that would have been a tragedy.

So please take a few moments to educate yourself on these proposed laws and, if you’re so inclined, contact your elected representatives to let them know how you feel. A lot of great work has already been done by folks around the internet to put an end to this madness. But there’s more to be done.

Also, if you run a blog or other site, please consider joining in with Reddit’s blackout planned for 1/18/12. Full details here:

I’ll definitely be taking dark that day, but I don’t think that making a statement to all four of my readers is enough. If a huge swath of the OSR and other geek blogs took part, though, it might actually add up to something.

Oh, and for the record, I am 100% against piracy and IP theft and all of that. I’ve had my own pirates and thieves to deal with in various parts of my disparate artistic & other pursuits. I just happen to think that these particular approaches to the problems are draconian, stupid, ineffectual and downright dangerous.

That’s all I’ve got. Thanks for your time.

AFF Rogues Gallery 2: Magic Users!

Wherein your humble scribe, upon returning to topics that actually interest him, presents four characters for Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 – one for each of the available magic systems in the game. These folks were all rolled up randomly (per the optional rules in Chapter 11), and have a bare minimum of equipment.

Tharin Ringmaker / Human / A Craftsman With A Certain Knack
Skill 8 Stamina 9 Luck 11 Magic 4
Talent: Familiar (Udo the Grey Parrot)
Special Skills: Magic – Minor 2, Crafting – Metalwork 2, Swords 1, Strength 1, Law 1, Evaluate 1, World Lore 1, City Lore 1, Religion Lore 1, Dodge 1, Common Speech 4
Magic Points: 8
Cantrips: Burn, Extinguish, Glimmer, Hear, Mend, Noise
4 gp
Short Sword (1/2/2/3/3/3/4), Leather Hauberk (0/1/1/1/1/1/2)

Kentrick / Human / A Wizard From The Sticks
Skill 7 Stamina 6 Luck 8 Magic 5
Talent: Focus (Oaken Staff)
Special Skills: Magic – Minor 2, Magic – Wizardry 2, Magic Lore 2, Staves 1, Thrown 1, Animal Lore 1, Healing 1, Fishing 1, Hunting 1, Awareness 1, Trap Knowledge 1, Bargain 1, World Lore 1, Forest Lore 2, Religion Lore 1, Common Speech 4
Magic Points: 14
Cantrips: Enhance, Entertain, Mend, Mistake, Noise, Push
Spells: Wall, Counterspell, Force Bolt, Sleep, Ward, Open, Light, Illusion
8 gp
Staff (1/2/3/3/3/3/4)

Cylise Witchborn / Human / A Peasant Sorcerer
Skill 8 Stamina 13 Luck 5 Magic 6
Talent: Natural Mage
Special Skills: Magic – Sorcery 2, Polearms 2, Bows 1, Animal Lore 1, Dodge 2, Healing 1, Sneaking 1, Con 1, World Lore 1, City Lore 1, Religion Lore 1, Common Speech 4
3 gp
Spear (2/2/3/3/3/4/5), Leather Hauberk (0/1/1/1/1/1/2), Small Shield (0/0/0/0/+1/+1+2)

Kaenin Farool / Human / A Senior Priest of Telak
Skill 9 Stamina 8 Luck 5 Magic 6
Talent: Holy
Special Skills: Magic – Priestly 2, Clubs 2, Law 1, Leadership 1, Etiquette 1, Religion Lore 2, City Lore 2, Awareness 2, World Lore 1, Common Speech 4
Priestly Abilities: Bravery, Smite vs. Evil Humanoids, Heal, “For The Glory Of Telak!”
11 gp
Mace (2/3/3/3/3/3/4), Breastplate (0/0/0/1/2/3/4)

This group doesn’t really make much of an adventuring party, I’m afraid. But any one of them would be a useful addition to a party that contained some non-magical folks, I believe.

In other news, my copy of Out Of The Pit arrived in the mail today. So with the AFF “monster manual” on hand I’m that much closer to feeling like I might be ready to give the game a run. Still no definitive thoughts on whether or not I’m prepared to brave the wilds of online play. I’ll keep you all posted on that as things continue to develop.

A New Edition Of D&D? Meh.

I don’t like saying “meh.” I don’t even like the concept of “meh.” And yet, the news (Forbes, New York Times) that WotC is officially working on a new edition of D&D pretty much makes me go “meh” even though I don’t want to. I’m so far removed from anything resembling “official” D&D – I haven’t played a “current” edition of D&D since a brief and ill-fated 3rd edition campaign in 2001-2002, and prior to that it would have been some 1st edition AD&D stuff in ’84 or so – that this really doesn’t mean all that much to me. Except that the signal-to-noise ratio online just got worse as a whole new group of people fire up their outrage and angst engines to complain that their edition has been slighted.

Meh aside, I’ll pay attention to what develops. I might even try to weigh in on the process if anyone in my gaming group expresses an interest in poking at the playtest stuff when it becomes available (which is pretty unlikely, since we’re all happily playing BRP, BoL, Labyrinth Lord/Mutant Future, Mini Six, Advanced Fighting Fantasy, or what-have-you). And I do wish this venture well – at least if it succeeds it might shut up the “RPGs are dooooomed!” crowd some.

Oh, and I do like where Jeff Rients is taking this. Seems like something that a more motivated (and optimistic) individual than I might even try to set up an online petition for…

p.s. Does anyone else find it amazing that both Forbes and the New York Times are covering this? That just seems unfathomable to my inner twelve-year-old geek.

Naming Fictional Chinese Provinces

Gianni is at it again! This time he’s provided a set of tables for generating names for fitional Chinese-esque provinces. The man knows his stuff and is awesome for sharing his knowledge with the rest of us geeks who, let’s be honest, would probably throw a couple of random Chinese-sounding syllables together and wind up naming a province “Dog Excrement.” Or something even worse. Go check it out if you’re interested!

AFF: Priestly Magic

Advanced Fighting FantasySo I fell asleep whilst* reading the section on Priestly magic in the “new” Advanced Fighting Fantasy last night. I don’t often fall asleep reading things because I’m generally aware enough of my need for sleep that I put the book down and turn out the light. But just pondering the various permutations of deities in several of the various pantheons I’ve dreamt up for fantasy worlds over the decades and how I’d implement them in AFF kept me going long after I should have stopped.

Priests (at least those who spend points on Magic – I suppose it’s entirely reasonable to assume that not all priests can channel the divine power of their god) get access to four “magic” powers: three that are drawn from a common pool and one that is unique to their god. These powers are officially useable once each per day, though it’s possible (by spending Luck) to use a previously used power once more each day (but never thrice). It seems a little harsh to put that much of a limit on things – especially healing – but I also kinda like the capping. It keeps priests from going all miracle happy since they don’t have other “random” limits on their ability to do these things (i.e., no casting rolls and no Magic Point pool to manage). I still think I might tweak the rules a little bit, but that’s a topic for a different time. And I should probably run at least one game with the established rules in place before I go hotrodding the system.

There are a large number of Titan-specific (Titan is the default AFF world, in case you didn’t know) deities described, each with his or her own unique power explained and the three “common” powers associated with him or her delineated. The common powers include things like healing, creation of food & water, protection from (deity-specific enemy X), smite (deity-specific enemy X), and so on. The unique powers are quite varied, with things like “detect lies for X turns” and “cause a terrible disease in a target” and “will never be attacked by (deity-specific totem animal)” and so on. There aren’t any official guidelines for creating unique powers for your own pantheon’s gods, but a little studying of the existing unique powers should make such a task fairly trivial in the end.

I’d love to knock out a couple of gods right now, but alas the book is at home whilst I am at work. Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a PDF of AFF just to be able to refer to when I’m not near the book. But the publishers don’t appear to have made such a thing available. Silly publishers! 🙂

In the meantime, let’s just say that a god of wine seems like an ideal candidate to grant his priests the ability to create food & drink, instill bravery (or perhaps hostility) in individuals, and possibly to cause a debilitating inebriation (or hangover) in foes. It’s tempting to try to shoehorn some kind of healing in there as well, but hey, there’s limits that must be respected here.

*The hazards of reading a book written by a Brit is that it starts to colour your language.

AFF: Testing Out Monster Creation

Continuing my excursion into Advanced Fighting Fantasy (the “new” one), I thought I’d try putting together a monster for the system. My copy of Out Of The Pit hasn’t arrived just yet, but the excellent online compilation Beyond The Pit has served as a solid resource to begin my expedition.

You might recognize the following baddie as one of my favorites from a different game.

Skill 8 Stamina 8 Wits 7
Attacks 2 claws or 1 weapon
Damage: Claws (1/1/1/2/2/2/3) or by weapon type
Armor: Varies, usually Studded Leather (0/1/1/1/2/3)
Special Skills/Abilities: Regeneration, Paralyzing Touch (see description)
Habitat: Ruins, Subterranean, Wetlands
Number Encountered: 1d6/2
Type: Humanoid, Monster
Reaction: Hostile
Size: Medium

Throlgh are an unholy combination of Ghoul, Troll, and Hobgoblin (which they superficially resemble). They are fearless fighters who hunger for the flesh of sentient beings. Like Ghouls, their touch can paralyze those wounded by their vicious claws. Those damaged by a Throlgh’s claws must make a Luck check or be rendered completely immobile for 1d6 rounds. Like Trolls, these terrible fiends regenerate, healing 1 Stamina per round (except for damage done by fire or acid). Like Hobgoblins, they are canny warriors who receive a +1 to damage rolls when using weapons. Throlgh are often found in the company of regular Hobgoblins, acting as sergeants or overseers of slaves.

Naming Fictional Chinese Cities

the celestial empire for brpHey! In case you missed it, a very nice guide to naming fictional Chinese cities has been posted over at The Celestial Empire.

If I’m not mistaken, the blog in question is operated by Gianni Vacca, the author of the book that’s also named The Celestial Empire, which is an awesome resource for (and I quote) “Roleplaying in Imperial China” for Basic RolePlaying. So you can rest assured that the semi-random name generation won’t leave you stuck with names that people who actually speak Mandarin (or maybe it’s Cantonese? I admit to being a clueless gweilo* here) won’t laugh at or be offended by.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to pay a visit to that noodle house in Ningzhou! The Celestial Empire blog has lots of other neat stuff to look at, too. So stop there along your journey.

*Why is it that so many derogatory terms for white people start with “G”? Gweilo. Gaijin. Gringo. Gorey. Gurra. It’s odd.

AFF: Thoughts On The Magic Systems

So, Advanced Fighting Fantasy just happens to include four(!) different magic systems. Now, to be honest, two of them – Minor Magic & Wizardry – are essentially the same “system” (roll to cast, burn Magic Points) just with different spells (MM spells are much lower in power). Sorcery is mechanically very similar to MM and Wizardry (roll to cast), but has some flavor differences and, most importantly, is powered by burning actual Stamina (i.e., Hit Point) rather than the substantially less painful expenditure of Magic Points associated with Minor Magic & Wizardry. And then there’s the Priestly approach to magic, which has some mechanical differences (no rolls to cast being the biggest, no MP or Stamina costs being the other) and limits its practitioners to many fewer spells/effect. So these systems aren’t as wildly divergent as, say, BRP’s Magic and Sorcery as presented in the Big Gold Book. But still, the differences are there.

What’s awesome here is that the functional differences between Minor Magic/Wizardry and Sorcery makes for a delightful opportunity to take the game in either a high fantasy or swords & sorcery direction just by which system(s) you choose to use. Minor Magic and Wizardry – either alone or used in conjunction – speak to high fantasy (though MM by itself might be only half high fantasy). Meanwhile, Sorcery, with its high personal cost of burning Stamina to cast, is (no surprise, given its name) perfect for a swords & sorcery feel. If you decide to use all four systems, you’re clearly in over-the-top fantasy land, which can certainly be a fun place to visit. Oh, and I suppose if you went with just Priestly magic, you’d be in a very interesting place as well. I’m not sure what you’d call that place, but it might make for an interesting Ancient World kind of feel, where only the devout were throwing magic around.

So not only is AFF a delightfully simple system to play with, it manages to be highly configurable. Mix & match magic systems to taste and you’re off and running into the fantasy feel you want to explore.

Advanced Fighting Fantasy Books

Blacksand!So I’ve ordered vintage copies of the old AFF books Blacksand! and Out Of The Pit, and they’re both on their way. Part of me wanted to get the new printing of Out Of The Pit, but it was much more cost effective to snag an old copy, and since the new book is just a straight reprint. I’ve also read that the content from Blacksand! is due to be released by the new license holder eventually, but I didn’t feel like waiting.

Anyway, I keep having ideas of things to do with the system, but I know that it’s way too simple & light for the folks I play with normally to want to sink their teeth into. But, like Barbarians of Lemuria, I think it’s a system that I can use as an inspirational tool even if I have to then take those inspirations and wrangle them into Basic RolePlaying.

All that aside, I’m still entertaining notions of using AFF for some kind of online play or another. It strikes me as ideal for a good one- or two-player (plus GM) game. That is, having only three truly character-defining stats feels good for quick play with a small group, but even I can admit that for larger groups you’d run into folks feeling like their characters were all too much the same. But if you had one fight-y type and one magic-y type getting into trouble side-by-side, I think it would be aces.

Building Out Advanced Fighting Fantasy

Out Of The PitIn other news, I’m already kicking around some ideas for a few new talents for AFF, including:

  • Brawler: This talent reduces the combat score penalty for fighting unarmed against an opponent armed with anything more than a dagger from -4 to -2.
  • Iron Fist: This talent increases the damage table for unarmed attacks to (1/1/1/2/2/3/4)

I’ve also got an idea for implementing a whole bunch of new talents based on the Martial Arts abilities in the old, ill-fated wuxia-meets-D&D game DragonFist to make AFF a solid engine for that kind of fighting. But I’ll save those thoughts for another time.

I think the key thing I’m seeing/feeling here is that AFF is so delightfully light that (like other light games) it’s just begging to have stuff made up for it. Consider these new spells for the Minor Magic system as a great example.

I guess the ultimate point of this post is that, unsurprisingly, I like games that are inspiring and open a hell of a lot more than I like detailed games with detailed rules and answers for everything. Shocking news, I know 🙂