Author Archives: the venomous pao

Traveller: The Professional Athlete Career (And Some Barnstorming Ceroballers)

It’s spring, or close to it, and that means that The Venomous Pao’s fancy turns to baseball. He can’t help it. And though that may make him a little odd for a raging geek blogger, that’s just who he is. On the plus side, he’s channeled this quirk into the creation of a new prior career for his favoritest old school SciFI game – Classic Traveller. And now… without further ado… here’s the Professional Athlete career (eer-eer-eer)!

Professional Athlete
Enlistment 9+
DM of +1 if STR or DEX 9+
DM of +2 if END 10+

Survival* 6+
DM +2 if END 9+

Position 8+
DM +1 if INT 9+

Promotion 9+
DM +1 if STR or DEX 11+

Re-enlist (4+terms served)+

*Failing a survival roll for a Professional Athlete seldom results in death. Instead, this result typically indicates a career ending injury or, less frequently, a scandal that forces the player out of the sport. On a failed survival roll, throw 10+ for a scandal-based end to the career (which reduces the character’s SOC by 1D). Otherwise a CEI reduces all physical attributes by 1D each. Only on a throw of 2 is character death indicated.

Rank 0 Minor Leaguer (Scrub)
Rank 1 Journeyman
Rank 2 Regular
Rank 3 Star
Rank 4 All-Star
Rank 5 Superstar
Rank 6 Legend

Material Benefits
1 Low Psg
2 Mid Psg
3 High Psg
4 +1 Soc
5 +1 Int
6 Travellers’
7 Sponsorship Deal
Characters of Rank 5 or 6 are allowed a DM of +1 on this table.

Cash Benefits
1 1,000
2 5,000
3 10,000
4 20,000
5 50,000
6 100,000
7 200,000

Characters with Gambling or who have retired are allowed a DM of +1 on this table.

Sponsorship Deal: The character – so long as he or she maintains a professional public reputation – earns money from his or her sponsorship of various businesses and their goods. Characters of Rank 5 earn Cr 20,000 annually and those of Rank 6 earn Cr 50,000 per year.

Rank And Service Skills
Minor Leaguer: Athletics-1
Journeyman: Sport-1
Superstar: +1 Soc

Acquired Skills Table

Personal Development Table
1 +1 Stren
2 +1 Dext
3 +1 Endur
4 +1 Intel
5 Athletics
6 Brawling

Service Skills Table
1 Athletics
2 Carousing
3 Sport
4 Sport
5 Gambling
6 Streetwise

Advanced Education Table
1 Vehicle
2 Liaison
3 Recruiting
4 +1 Educ
5 Gun Cbt
6 Bribery

Advanced Education Table (EDU 8+ Only)
1 Medical
2 Instruction
3 Jack-o-T
4 Forgery
5 Admin
6 Pilot

Athletics: The individual is a trained athlete. This skill should be used as a favorable DM in situations that test athletic ability.

Sport: The individual is skilled in the rules and performance of a specific sport, which must be specified immediately upon receipt of this skill. DMs based on specific situations should be generated, and Sport skill should be used as a favorable DM. This skill may also prove useful for certain jobs.

The New Chuzaen Traveling Knights

Below are a few key players on the New Chuzaen Traveling Knights – a team of retired Ceroball Players who are barnstorming through the the Claybourne Subsector rather than growing up and getting “real” jobs now that their pro days are over. There’s no telling what kind of trouble a group like this can get into while traveling between systems. And sometimes they might even need to book passage with a scurvy crew of ex-Scouts, Marines, and the like.

#29 Sir Edward “Eddie Knightblade” Falshine IV
8AC97A Age 22 1 Term (Service: Professional Athlete, Final Rank: Minor Leaguer)
Athletics-3, Liaison-1

#6 Frederick “Flexi” Fogel
898458 Age 26 2 Term (Service: Professional Athlete, Final Rank: Regular)
Athletics-1, Brawling-1, Ceroball-3, Carousing-1, Ground Car-1

#18 Marion “Ox” Kozloski
B7A954 Age 38 5 Term (Service: Professional Athlete, Final Rank: All-Star)
Athletics-2, Ceroball-3, Liaison-1, Bribery-1, Gambling-1, Recruiting-1

#44 Genero “Dash” Di Miasi
8A9786 Age 30 3 Term (Service: Professional Athlete, Final Rank: Regular)
Athletics-2, Ceroball-2, Recruiting-1, Instruction-1, Admin-1

A Lovely Dinner With A Nice Surprise

Just got back from dining at one of the very bestest places in Austin – The Emerald. If you live here, or just happen to visit, you really ought to make a point of getting out to this (pardon the pun) gem of a restaurant. I hadn’t been there in far, far too long and had the opportunity to go again. Chateaubriand never tastes as good as it does with a fresh pint of Guinness to compliment the flavors!

While dining, my wife and I ended up chatting with a delightful couple at a nearby table who just happened to know a thing or two about RPGs and some upcoming interesting developments for the iPhone. I can say no more, but keep your eyes open for a very cool announcement during Austin’s own SXSWi festival, which is just a couple of weeks away.

In the meantime, I’m far too fat and happy to write about RPGs any more tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow or so with something or another to tickle your geek bones.

BoL Character: Professor Milam Ryde

Wherein your humble scribe presents a Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC in his slowly-developing Lovecraftian fantasy setting, Nogoloth.

A professor at Canton-on-Imisk University, Milam Ryde is a fearless explorer and talented cartographer. Professor Ryde has made the study of the lesser-known regions of Nogoloth (and the uninhabited islands nearby) his academic focus. He has led several expeditions into the unknown and has brought back numerous strange artifacts and bizarre biological samples many of which are on display in CU’s Dhawd Museum. That he frequently returns with fewer companions than he set out with is well-known. Some of the less scrupulous faculty occasionally encourage their more intellectually advanced students to join on with Ryde’s expeditions. That these academics then publish papers based on their vanished charges’ research is something of an open secret.

Lifeblood 11
Hero Points 3

Strength 1
Agility 1
Mind 1
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 2
Ranged 0
Defense 2

Scholar 2
Alchemist 1
Sailor 1
Physician 0

Learned: Geography
Born Sailor

Feels the Cold

Nogolothian, Ancient Khaarmish, Low Speech, Star Tongue Of The Elds

Axe, 1d6+1
Very Light Armor (d3-1)

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery PDF Download

In case you haven’t noticed the Downloads page I added a couple of days ago, take a look up there at the end of the navigation bar and click. This is the page I’ll use for corralling the various PDFs that I occasionally put together out of blog material and other sources.

To help launch this section of the site officially (the unofficial launch came with the release of G-Man’s adventure for Barbarians of Lemuria) I’ve gone and made a PDF of the project I’ve been poking at off an on for a year now.

This PDF contains only the “by class” entries and not the “adventuring parties” I’ve done. If I do enough parties I’ll put together a PDF for those on their own. I may also decide to do another batch of “by class” entries for higher level NPCs. But for now, here’s your chance to snag a bunch of first level mooks in one handy volume.

Now maybe I can get myself off this rock my creativity seems to have run aground upon and produce something new within a couple of days 🙂

BoL Adventure: The Unholy Greyl

Hey folks! Check this out! Regular Strange Stones reader & commenter G-Man has put together a great little Lovecraftian/Dark Fantasy adventure for Barbarians of Lemuria and honored me with the opportunity to host the PDF for your enjoyment. So, what are you waiting for?

Download The Unholy Greyl (40770 downloads )

What? You need more encouragement? It’s a free adventure featuring terrible degenerate humans who worship foul things in the dark woods. This is the very stuff Lovecraftian Fantasy is made of, kids! So download it already!

Oh, and it should be a snap to use it with a system other than BoL if you so choose, since converting BoL to other systems is a matter of just a little bit of thought. Take, for example, my own BoL-to-BRP conversion guidelines. If I can some up with something that works reasonably well, I’m certain you can.

BoL Character: Tor Carran

Wherein your humble scribe presents a Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC in his slowly-developing Lovecraftian fantasy setting, Nogoloth.

There is more to the simple-seeming Tor Carran than meets the eye. Nominally employed as part of the janitorial and maintenance staff of the Great University in Khaarm, Tor Carran is constantly reading and researching the “forbidden stacks” to which he has managed to “acquire” a key. Carran makes his home in a disused study off the main research room on the 3rd floor of the library. He is often disheveled and poorly-groomed, but keeps quiet and does quality work, so he escapes the watchful eyes of the administration. Tor Carran appears to have no specific motives other than the accumulation of knowledge.

Lifeblood 12
Arcane Power 13
Hero Points 5

Strength 2
Agility 0
Mind 2
Appeal 0

Brawl 1
Melee 1
Ranged 0
Defense 2

Scholar 1
Priest 1
Sorcerer 1
Worker 1

Learned: Legends
Power of the Void

Combat Paralysis

Nogolothian, Sorceric, Ancient Khaarmish, Low Speech

Staff, 1d6

Monsters! Monsters! II (or, Maybe There’s Someplace To The West?)

Wherein your humble scribe presents the other Monsters! Monsters! party he drew cards for when he did the first post on that august game.

Coming from the same dungeon as The Maroon Marauders of Marksdale on the Marshes, this group of monsters put those weenies to shame. Lead by Baron von Bloodensteinberghoff (real name, Schmendrick Schlemiel), the shortest, fattest vampire in the world, this group – who refuse to go in for anything so pedestrian as a name for their band – features some truly awesome firepower. There’s Zeev Ohn, the glasses-wearing gorilla, the mummy of Pharaoh Pe-Nut Bhut-Ah, and Maurice the transvestite Half-Jack. This colorful bunch of monsters aim to skip right over the easy pickings that is Marksdale and head straight for Majestrum, the capital city of the Monarchy. Those city-slickers don’t know the fun they’re in for. If the Baron can figure out a way to get there without having to cross the roaring river Rel, that is.

Baron von Bloodensteinberghoff / Vampire / 5′ 3″ / 280
Strength 28 Intelligence 22 Luck 16 Combat Adds 20
Constitution 11 Dexterity 11 Charisma 9 Speed Normal
Weight Possible 2800 Weight Carried Minimal Experience Points 0
Weapons: Fists (2-1/2d)
Armor: none
Languages: Vampire, Common, Mummy, Shadowjack, Gorilla, and a whole bunch more

Zeev Ohn / Gorilla / 6′ 4″ / 270
Strength 45 Intelligence 4 Luck 16 Combat Adds 36
Constitution 30 Dexterity 8 Charisma º Speed Fast
Weight Possible 45,000 Weight Carried Minimal Experience Points 0
Weapons: Fists (3d), Steel Key Ring (2d)
Armor: none
Languages: Gorilla

Pe-Nut Bhut-Ah / Mummy / 5′ 11″ / 170
Strength 30 Intelligence 42 Luck 10 Combat Adds 12
Constitution 33 Dexterity 3 Charisma º Speed Slow
Weight Possible 3,000 Weight Carried Minimal Experience Points 0
Weapons: Ankh Axe (4d+3)
Armor: none
Languages: Mummy, Vampire, Shadowjack, Gorilla, and a whole bunch more

Maurice / Shadowjack / 5′ 1″ / 85
Strength 8 Intelligence 15 Luck 6 Combat Adds −4
Constitution 10 Dexterity 11 Charisma 15 Speed Normal
Weight Possible 800 Weight Carried Minimal Experience Points 0
Weapons: Sabre (2d)
Armor: Leather Armor (2)
Languages: Shadowjack, Common, Gorilla, Mummy
Magic: none yet

Traveller: Baron Furnols’ Retinue

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book from Book 1: Characters And Combat and/or Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium.

Bored to tears in the Claybourne Subsector, Baron Ignasi Ot Furnols and his latest group of playthings, er, friends, have found themselves on Albian with little to do but wait for the next liner headed somewhere interesting. But wait! It turns out there’s a branch of the Psionics Institute operating here, and on a whim the Baron himself funds everyone’s training. This should make life a but more interesting for those who come into contact with this particular entourage…

Baron Ignasi Ot Furnols
7A77AC Age 30 3 Terms (Service: Nobles, Final Rank: Baron)
Bribery-1, Foil-1, Brawling-1
Psionic Strength: 8
Psionic Talents: Telekinesis-1, Telepathy-1

Florian Krusinski
78B656 Age 26 2 Term (Service: Army, Final Rank: Captain)
Rifle-1, SMG-1, Gambling-1, Bayonet-1, Tactics-1
Psionic Strength: 5
Psionic Talents: Telekinesis-1, Telepathy-1

Bernadette Piper
AA6884 Age 26 2 Terms (Service: Merchants, Final Rank: 3rd Officer)
Jack of All Trades-1, Air/Raft-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical-1, Pilot-1
Psionic Strength: 9
Psionic Talents: Telepathy-1, Teleportation-1

Masumi Sandoval
6C8397 Age 22 1 Terms (Service: Army, Final Rank: Captain)
Rifle-1, SMG-1, Mechanical-2, Tactics-1, Medical-1
Psionic Strength: 10
Psionic Talents: Clairvoyance-1, Telekinesis-1, Telepathy 1

Monsters! Monsters! (or, Two Orcs, A Gremlin, And A Ghost walk into a tavern…)

So, inspired by the recent posts by Jeff Rients on his experiences with Monsters! Monsters! I finally snagged the PDF from RPGNow (it’s on sale for half-off the list price as I type this).

Monsters! Monsters! is a game that I’ve been passingly interested in for years, but just never managed to get my hands on before. I won’t bore you with the details of the game other than to say it’s essentially early Tunnels & Trolls but with the twist that the players are monsters who are sick of having their dungeon raided and have decided to take the fight to the humans and such outside the dungeon. It’s a cute conceit, and one that nicely illustrates the boundaries already being pushed in 1976.

Anyway, here I present my very first (and totally random, as is the nature of M!M!) monster party. It’s a fairly tame collection, featuring the two Orcs, one Gremlin, and one Ghost noted in the title of this post. That’s what simulating drawing playing cards at random got me. A second round of drawing yielded a group consisting of a Gorilla (think Grodd), a Mummy, a Shadowjack (think corrupt, shadow-dwelling wizard), and a Vampire (think D&D-style, not sparkly). That’s a much nastier crew indeed! We’ll see if they turn up for your entertainment eventually. For now, though, we’ll stick with the simpler bunch.

I had a few of moments of uncertainty when handling the Ghost. First, do Ghosts get Combat Adds? And if so, do they suffer penalties for having nulls in Strength and Dexterity? And if yes to that, should the penalties be −9 per stat actually being zero? I opted for yes on all counts. I was looking at this as some kind of poltergeisty telekinesis thing, or perhaps some kind of psychic damage. But I can certainly see choosing to go a different route. The second significant concern with the Ghost was that spells (which, barring my TK decision above, are the only way for Ghosts to affect combat) are supposed to cost Strength to cast, but Ghosts have no Strength value. Thirdly, spells have a minimum Dexterity required to learn and Ghosts have no Dexterity value. So I winged it and just figured I’d use Intelligence as the all-purpose stat for Ghosts’ magic use. Basically, in drawing a Ghost I appear to have found what might be the biggest hole in the entire game. Yay me!

And now… without further ado… here are… the Maroon Marauders of Marksdale on the Marshes (And Municipalities More Metropolitan)! Lead by the big honkin’ mace of Luranng and steered by the clever machinations of the sinisterly smart Turunng, the Maroon Marauders are ready to make a name for themselves. Well aware that more than just steel will win the day, the Orcs have rounded out their warband with a couple of magical creatures: Grey Marjorie (the Ghost of the Princess Who Wasn’t Rescued) and Nynchitter Nast, the reasonably charming Gremlin with connections.

Luranng / Orc / 5′ 11″ / 200
Strength 16 Intelligence 7 Luck 14 Combat Adds 5
Constitution 11 Dexterity 8 Charisma ° Speed Normal
Weight Possible 1,300 Weight Carried Minimal Experience Points 0
Weapons: Mace (4+2)
Armor: Chainmail (5) & Viking Spiked Shield (2)
Languages: Orcish

Turunng / Orc / 5′ 1″ / 180
Strength 10 Intelligence 16 Luck 10 Combat Adds 2
Constitution 10 Dexterity 14 Charisma ° Speed Normal
Weight Possible 1,200 Weight Carried Minimal Experience Points 0
Weapons: Scimitar (2)
Armor: Scale Armor (4) & Viking Spiked Shield (2)
Languages: Orcish, Goblin, Common, Hobbit, Gremlin

Grey Marjorie / Ghost / 5′ 3″ / —
Strength — Intelligence 15 Luck 30 Combat Adds 12
Constitution 11 Dexterity — Charisma ! Speed Normal
Weight Possible — Weight Carried — Experience Points 0
Weapons: None
Armor: None
Languages: Common, Orc, Gremlin, Troll
Magic: Knock-knock, Take That, You Foe!, Oh-go-away

Nynchitter Nast / Gremlin / 4′ 3″ / 90
Strength 4 Intelligence 16 Luck 23 Combat Adds 6
Constitution 5 Dexterity 10 Charisma ? Speed Normal
Weight Possible 400 Weight Carried Minimal Experience Points 0
Weapons: Dirk (1d3+1) – Poisoned w/ Dragon Venom for a total of 2d+1
Armor: Steel Cap (1)
Languages: Gremlin, Common, Orc, Dragon, Troll
Magic: Brimstone Blip, Finagle’s Demons, Hidey Hole

Hey, What’s With These Guys’ Weird Charisma Scores?

In case you don’t happen to have a copy of M!M! handy (and you really should – did I mention it was on sale?) you probably don’t know that many monsters don’t get numerical Charisma scores. Instead they get these symbols that indicate the general reaction of humans. A question mark indicates contempt, disgust or disbelief. A degree symbol means “some” fear. And an exclamation point represents outright terror. There’s also a plus sign used to indicate “awe or liking.” But I didn’t wind up with any of those types this go round.

My first reaction, were I actually going to run M!M!, was to give the monsters some kind of Charisma score at least relative to other monsters. But then I thought better of it. If the game is effectively willing to do away with Charisma, why not let the players handle all of that stuff completely freeform? I mean, I absolutely despise the concept of “social mechanics” in games anyway. But that’s a different topic for a different day. And probably a different blog and blogger, too, since I’m not inclined to get into RPG theory 🙂