Wherein your humble scribe presents what might be an Adventuring Party for Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. And, as is now commonplace, they all have some snappy headgear.
Riding out of the frozen north, each upon his own sleigh drawn by a distinct pair of reindeer, this fearsome quartet of Winter Elves makes annual raids on the villages of men, always on the day when the sun shines least. Some of the victimized villagers leave items of tribute beneath lighted trees to keep the elves from ransacking their homes. Others use snow to construct “guardsmen” on their lawns in an effort to frighten the elves away. Still others leave freshly baked – and freshly poisoned – pies and cakes at their doors in the hope of ridding themselves of the elves once and for all. Legend foretells the coming of a hero – a saint dressed in red, with alabaster hair and eyes that twinkle – who will bring these fiends to heel. Could this be the year the people are saved?
Askasleikir / Elf Fighter 1 CE
Head Gear: A bloody scarlet hood with a single long tassel that ends in a fuzzy white ball
STR 15 INT 9 WIS 9 DEX 17 CON 13 CHR 13
HP 11 AC 2 Gold 5
Chain Mail, Shield, Longsword, Long Bow & 20 Arrows
Giljagaur / Elf Cleric 1 CE
Head Gear: A forest green hood decorated with Celtic deer designs
STR 13 INT 13 WIS 13 DEX 12 CON 6 CHR 11
HP 7 AC 4 Gold 54
Chain Mail, Shield, Mace, Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Cause Fear, Darkness, Resist Cold
Skyrjarmur / Elf Magic-User/Thief 1/1 CE
Head Gear: A long, heavy scarlet & white striped scarf
STR 8 INT 14 WIS 9 DEX 17 CON 9 CHR 10
HP 5 AC 6 Gold 67
Leather Armor, Short Sword, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Thieves’ Tools, Spell Book
Magic-User Spells: Floating Disc, Sleep, Spider Climb
Thvorusleikir / Elf Magic-User/Thief 1/1 CE
Head Gear: A platinum silver hood with single long tassel ending in a jingle bell
STR 10 INT 13 WIS 10 DEX 13 CON 7 CHR 12
HP 4 AC 5 Gold 34
Leather Armor, Long Sword, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Thieves’ Tools, Spell Book
Magic-User Spells: Charm Person, Dancing Lights, Ventriloquism