Author Archives: the venomous pao

Traveller: Baby You Can Drive My… Hovercraft? Submarine? Helicopter?

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of three characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book from Book 4: Citizens of the Imperium.

This group of well-educated, yet oddly not very bright, folks met after mustering out of their various careers on Hepaxion in the Claybourne Subsector. They’re not entirely sure what they want to do with the rest of their lives, but between the three of them they have a good grasp on the mechanics of getting there. It’s only a matter of time before one of them reads a good idea that someone else thought of and works out how to put it into action. That, or some quick-witted patron will realize that his transportation needs are covered by this largely non-threatening trio.

Reuben Matusiak
4996B8 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Bureaucrat, Final Rank: Assistant Manager)
Vehicle: Hovercraft-2, AutoPistol-1, Admin-2, Computer-1, Recruiting-1

Stefan Ozols
8764A6 Age 22 2 Terms (Service: Sailors, Final Rank: Lieutenant)
Water Craft-2, Demolition-1, Electronic-1, Communications-1

Teresa Ballinger
8675C5 Age 38 5 Terms (Service: Flyers, Final Rank: Staff Major)
Air Craft: Helicopter-2, Survival-2, SMG-1, Medical-1, Admin-1, Gambling-1, Carousing-1
SMG, High Psg

BoL Bestiary: Huecueyatl – The Giant Frogs of Tlactoztlan

Able to leap up to 40′, these enormous, boar-sized amphibians are scattered throughout the swamps of Tlactoztlan. Aggressive, vicious and utterly without fear, huecueyatl (as they are called in Tlacuatl) are ambush predators with large, round mouths that will attack anything that approaches their territory. Traveling priests report that several disparate vroups of villagers swear by the great Tlatoani that they have seen men with heads like huecueyatl deep with the marshes. It is unlikely, though, that these tlacueyatl, or frog-men, really exist.

Strength 2
Agility 2
Mind -1

Combat Abilities
Attack with Bite +2; d6-1
Defense: 2
Protection: d3-1 (tough hide)
Lifeblood: 13

WNMHGB Character: Lt. Commander Yzel’k

Wherein your humble scribe presents a character for Where No Man Has Gone Before, his favoritest Star Trek game ever.

Born on Federation colony Madera III to an archaeologist, a doctor, a Federation Yellow Shirt and a free trader, Yzel’k soon moved to Iza V with his charan and shreya while his zhavey was assigned to a tour aboard the USS Majestic. Sadly, his thavan was killed in a freak shuttle accident before Yzel’k was born. While on Iza V, young Yzel’k had an adventuresome time, exploring the remote valleys and caves with his pet throvak (which is a lot like a sabertooth tiger that never gets bigger than a large house cat).

Eventually, Yzel’k felt the call of Starfleet and shipped off to the Academy, to his zhavey’s delight and his charan and shreya’s chagrin. By entering the sciences, though, Yzel’k brought some degree of harmony and balance back to his family. While at Starfleet Academy, Yzel’k took a course from Dr. Roger Korby, which ultimately led to his decision to pursue Archaeological Medicine as his focus.

Yzel’k’s post Academy career has been an eventful one indeed. While assigned to the USS Taurus (a Hermes Class ship) he not only discovered a conduit to the Mirror Universe – which he narrowly rescued the ship from – but also displayed great sacrifice in not using the mysterious alien device time travel device the crew discovered to save his thavan’s life.

While posted to Starbase 9, Yzel’k uncovered a Romulan spy and prevented the destruction of several ships and the base itself. Later, back aboard the USS Taurus as part of a diplomatic envoy, Yzel’k took part in a heroic rescue mission when a distress call was received from the USS Tian An Men (a Miranda Class vessel).

Captain Serena Carroway of the Tian An Men was so taken with Yzel’k’s performance during the rescue of her ship (and he with her uncommon beauty) that she specifically requested he be assigned to the Tian An Men during his next tour of duty. While serving as chief science officer for Captain Carroway, Yzel’k once again took part in a rescue mission when the ship responded to a distress call from a civilian transport ship. Yzel’k was personally responsible for saving the lives of all 500 passengers and crew of that ship.

Later during the same tour, Yzel’k and the rest of the crew of the Tian An Men discovered a new civlization – a race of bird-like humanoids living in the rainforests on the moon of Daneb IX. When communication with the Danebixians proved difficult, it was Yzel’k who puzzled out their language, showing great creativity in the process.

For his next tour, Yzel’k was transferred to the USS Saratoga (a Miranda Class vessel) under somewhat mysterious circumstances, though records indicate that his relationship with Capt. Carroway of the Tian An Men had become somewhat strained. While aboard the Saratoga Yzel’k’s quick action in a battle with Romulan forces saved the life of that ship’s captain, Commodore Adam Inman. During that same tour, the Saratoga discovered a new civilization on Fimiri II, a hostile group of humans from a lost colony ship from the late 20th Century who had established a culture based on the teachings of Ayn Rand. Yzel’k used his keen knowledge of that author’s writings to save a number of his crewmembers lives.

Lt. Commander Yzel’k now finds himself posted to the USS Daedalus, under the command of Captain Hal MacMillan, where he is expected to serve as chief science officer.

Name: Yzel’k
Species: Andorian

Class: Blue Shirt
Ship Position: Science
Rank: Lt. Commander

Level: 7
XP: 0
HP: 44
AC: 14

Action Points: 2

Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Int: 18 (+4)
Cha: 12 (+1)

Communication +4
Engineering +4
Knowledge +10 (Trained)
Medicine +10 (Trained)
Physical +4
Subterfuge +4

Exploit Weakness
Trained Skill (Medicine)

Melee Attack Bonus: +7
Ranged Attack Bonus: +8

Barbarians of Heavy Metal Design Diary 5

Editor’s Note: We’re trying a different approach here. Nathaniel sent me his content and I’m posting it up as a proper blog entry rather than as comments following on. Hopefully this makes things easier for everyone. The comments section below is open as usual, though. And remember, what follows is from Nathaniel, not me 🙂 -tvp-


Coming up for air from my work on the DW:AiTaS core revision layout, I thought I’d share a few notes on the main rules section. I won’t be laboring to do these in any order, preferring to hit on subjects as they coalesce in my head.

In addition, the focus here is more about what I plan to accomplish thematically and mechanically, so this is more of a look behind my conceptual goals rather than a list of hard and fast rules that you could play by using this diary alone.

That said, today’s topic concerns the Core Rules and the rules for Titan and vehicle combat.

The Core Rules
As I mentioned earlier, this book will be different from my previous BotA by having the basic rules for play included in the book so you can play without needing to buy another book beforehand. As I also mentioned, this will not be a complete set, but an expurgated set that provides you with everything you need for this setting. Including the rules for adjudicating actions, combat and so on, but not sorcery, alchemy or priests.

Of particular note, I will be using the armor rules from the Legendary Edition. I think the ‘variable armor’ rule is superior to the old set armor values. I will, however, have a couple of extra notches on the scale to account for high-tech armors and the like.

Combat will remain pretty much the same, but I will be adding a few things to make it different enough to provide something new for those who have bought the other books including: variation on Dodge and Parry that makes them more interesting/useful options; an optional Death & Dismemberment Chart (a cool idea I’ve used in my B/X D&D games) which will allow for scarring, missing limbs in combat, and other results that can occur after you hit 0 LB; and provide optional rules for map based combat based around the same system used for Titans and vehicles.

An interesting idea came up when I was thinking about Languages in BoHM. Instead of the usual languages, I thought that there would be three basic categories: Lingua Metallica, the universal language; Classical, covering all the languages spoken on Earth and now only known to the Monks, like English, Chinese, German and even Latin; and finally and most interestingly, the Tongues of Rock (with all the imagery that implies) which are specific dialects of Lingua Metallica spoken by the specific schools and which relies on a shared knowledge of the style to understand. The more knowledgeable you are in a Style, the better you understand that language that goes with it (you know your primary school’s tongue fluently, of course).

Other than these wrinkles, the basic rules remain largely the same.

Heavy Metal
BoHM will have different vehicle rules from BotA for two reason. The first is that giant robot combat requires more tactical detail than the average vehicle system in order to really get across the feel of fighting in a 60 foot walking tank that can jump, punch climb, etc. as opposed to fighting in just any old heavy vehicle.

The second is that I hate to repeat myself, and while it would be incredibly easy to just steal my own system from BotA and tweak it for giant robots, it wouldn’t be as thematic, fun, or as good a deal for the purchaser. After all, if you have two different systems in two different books, that adds value, IMO, as you now have twice the choices and don’t feel you are repurchasing the same material. Use the one you like or even combine the two (an option I will present in BoHM with appropriate rules tweaks) at your leisure.

The system won’t be as detailed as, say, BT, but it won’t be as abstract as my previous vehicle rules. Here are some basic details:

1. Hex movement is in, but the hexes are larger (we’re talking the scale of a Battleforce map rather than BT one) and represent the terrain and moving about in it on a more strategic scale, where long range fire and maneuver are important. Once Titans are in the same hex, the basic BoX combat rules will apply, shifting from a wargaming feel back to the close in mayhem only an RPG with a GM could allow without a massive tome of rules, like making strategic use of the terrain, jumping down on opponents from on high, etc.

I’m also going with a slightly different method of adjudicating movement through terrain, inspired in part by WFB 8th edition: terrain doesn’t slow down movement, it forces piloting checks instead with terrain density adding difficulty to the roll. I always thought that an elite giant robot pilot should be able to move faster through different terrains rather than be hobbled by the same penalty as the green guy in a tank, and in this case, that can happen, with the ace pilot being more likely to take the risk (i.e. make the piloting rolls) to move through dense terrain at full speed.

The style of movement I’m going with has a number of advantages. First and foremost, the ‘board’ will fit on an standard sheet of paper, not fill up a whole table. Second, the larger, more abstract scale reduces the fiddly bookkeeping for movement and allows you to have aircraft interact on the same map effortlessly. Third, you get the best of both worlds in wargame and RPG style action.

2. Titans will have enough detail to allow customization but not so much that every fiddly thing has to be kept track of. Basically, a Titan will have attributes, combat abilities that represent the various weapons systems, ‘careers’ that represent specialist equipment, a simplified damage system with similar armor rules to the main game and a Death and Dismemberment chart for their use, a simple heat scale and ammo checks ala BotA . Basically, they will be very similar to regular characters. Non-Titan vehicles will be even simpler.

By cutting down on the record keeping I hope to reduce the amount of time it takes to play a single battle between two bands of Titans, with a number of vehicles and infantry units, from the 4+ hour marathon it normally takes to 30 – 60 minutes, cut back on the amount of scribbling and erasing you’ll have to do and allow the GM to control a large number of enemies with a single sheet of paper and minimal fuss.

3. As for combat, we’re talking the same combat rules as the generic BoX system with a few tweaks to cover combat on Battlefield scales including strategic movement, weapons and vehicle/Titan damage.

Think of a level of detail between the Classic BT game and the BT Clicky game and you can see where I’m aiming for in the detail and difficulty department. Everything should be able to be handled with the sheet, a bead and the occasional recording of critical damage by checking a single box per result, but still provide enough options to make combat interesting in a strategic sense, especially for the GM who should be able to run massive conflicts in an hour or so with a single NPC record sheet and a couple of dice. That’s the goal, at any rate.

My main goal is to cleave as close to the simplicity of the BoX rules as possible, while adding crunch to them to provide variety and value in the product. I think I did a pretty good job of that with BotA and can achieve a similar result here.

In particular, I want the move from PC action to Titan action to be as seamless as possible, with few new rules to have to remember but still retaining the thematic variety the two experiences offer. By using, essentially, the same system with tweaks for a larger scale of conflict, I think this will happen. Only time and play-testing will tell…

Up Next: Warp Ships…

BRP Character: Fujiwara Shigeki

Wherein your humble scribe presents an NPC for use with Basic RolePlaying.

Fujiwara Shigeki is world renown as the lunatic daredevil who will scale any building, anywhere, regardless of the dangers involved. His broken English, his emphatic shouts of “Go For It!” when confronted with a challenge, and his obsession with Henry Mancini’s “Baby Elephant Walk” have endeared him to his fans across the globe. This absurd ascender is currently in training to tackle four skyscrapers in Chicago, where he plans to offer his fans a chance to impede his efforts by throwing flower pots, buckets of water and fruit at him from various windows throughout the structures.

STR 13 CON 12 SIZ 10 INT 13 POW 15 DEX 16 APP 16
Hit Points 11 Major Wound 6 Power Points 15

Damage Bonus: none
Weapons: none
Armor: none
Skills: Brawling 75%, Climbing 90%, Dodge 75%, Grapple 75%, Insight 40%, Jumping 75%, Language: English 13%, Martial Arts (Karate) 25%, Martial Arts (Judo) 25%, Ride: Horse 50%, Sense 70%, Stealth 70%, Swim 75%, Throw 75%

BoL Bestiary: The Bats of Tlactoztlan

Many different varieties of bats, collectively referred to as tzinacatli in Tlacuatl, are found throughout Tlactoztlan, ranging from the normal-sized to the truly gigantic. Below are stats for three different varieties, each of which can pose a significant threat to the unwary traveler.

Tzinacatliachitzin (Bat Swarm)

A swarm of twenty or more normal-sized bats, of the sort that might fly out of a cave and briefly trouble an unlucky adventurer. If three or more points of damage are inflicted on the swarm it will disperse and flee, but only 3-12 bats will actually have been killed.

Strength -2
Agility 3
Mind -3

Combat Abilities
Attack with Bite +3; d3-1
Defense: 1
Protection: 0
Lifeblood: 3

Tzinacateztli (Giant Vampire Bat)

A large, carnivorous bat found in the deep jungle and occasionally in the mountains. These creatures often travel in small groups of 4-6, in search of food. The bite of this variety of bat is mildly poisonous, and anyone bitten by a giant vampire bat will suffer a -2 penalty to attack roles and move at half speed unless they succeed at a Tricky Strength-based task check. After two rounds the victim of a Giant Vampire Bat’s bite must make a second Tricky Strength-based task check or fall unconscious for d6 minutes. Giant Vampire Bats will drain d3 Lifeblood per minute from an unconscious victim if not driven away.

Strength -1
Agility 3
Mind -2

Combat Abilities
Attack with Bite +2; d6-1
Defense: 2
Protection: 0
Lifeblood: 10

Tzinacatahualo (Giant Bat)

These enormous creatures are large enough to be ridden by a man, though they make for foul-tempered mounts. Anyone attempting to ride a Tzinacatahualo who does not have significant prior experience in dealing with these beasts must make regular Tough agility or ride checks to remain mounted and keep the Tzinacatahualo on the desired path.

Strength 5
Agility 3
Mind -1

Combat Abilities
Attack with Bite +2; d6+1
Defense: 2
Protection: 1d3 (tough hide)
Lifeblood: 20

Barbarians Of Lemuria GM Screen (Legendary Edition Version)

So with a little friendly nudging & some great suggestions from an appreciative reader (ReaperWolf at the BoL Forums) I finally updated my Barbarians of Lemuria GM Screen to reflect the small number of rules changes & additions in the Legendary Edition of that august game. Most notably I’ve tweaked the Task Modifiers to match those listed in the LE. I also added in the “Shake off wounds” option to the summary of spending Hero Points. Oh, and I updated the armor section to match the LE approach to armor.

All of this necessitated some layout changes that I’m not entirely enamored of, but it’ll still get the job done.

Oh, and my house rules for kicking and having large shields as an option are still on here, too. Feel free to ignore those if you don’t want ’em in your game.

Download this puppy here:

If you happen to spot anything that needs updating or fixing, please let me know in the comments for this post.

BoL Bestiary: The Crocodiles of Tlactoztlan

Crocodiles, as well as the fortunately very rare Giant Crocodile, are found throughout Tlactoztlan, in the swamps as well as along the banks of the many rivers and streams that crisscross the lost valley. Both varieties are quite aggressive and can be incredibly dangerous to anyone unlucky enough to encounter them unprepared. In addition to biting with their massive jaws, crocodiles are able to lash out with their powerful tails, knocking foes from their feet. Any character or creature stuck by a crocodile’s tail must succeed at a task check against strength (Hard for normal crocodiles, Demanding for giant crocodiles) or be knocked prone.


Strength 5
Agility 1
Mind -2

Combat Abilities
Attack with Bite +1; 1d6+1
Attack with tail slash +0; 1d6 damage
Defense: 1
Protection: d3-1 (tough & scaly hide)
Lifeblood: 20

Giant Crocodile

Strength 10
Agility 0
Mind -2

Combat Abilities
Attack with Bite +2; 2d6
Attack with tail slash +0; 2d6-1 damage
Defense: 0
Protection: d3 (tough & scaly hide)
Lifeblood: 40

1977 Detectives: Hu Fong Lee, His Daughter, And Her Henchmen

Wherein your humble scribe succumbs to the siren song of Mini Six once again. The fabulous Precinct ’77 mini-setting continues to serve as the inspiration.

Hu Chang Min parted the beaded curtain, allowing a flare of sunlight into the dim, smoke-filled room behind the Canal Street storefront. Pausing briefly to place a small round coin in the palm of the golden Buddha that stood beside the doorway, she crossed the room silently. Alerted to her presence by the sound of the tribute, her father lifted his wizened head and watched as she approached, regarding with some amusement the haughtiness in her bearing even as she strove to show the traditional deference required by their culture.

“Father,” the elegantly dressed young woman began, bowing slightly at the waist, her exquisite black hair flowing like ink down her back as she did. “Lt. Washington is, as the gweilo say, a tough customer. I do not presume to know your mind, but I feel as though I must suggest that the detective now knows too much.”

“Daughter,” replied Hu Fong Lee, his eyes bright with appreciation for his daughter’s boldness. He knew it would not be long before the girl began to exert herself even more. She had been growing more assertive ever since her brother had left the City to expand the family’s influence in California. “I have allowed the black jing cha to learn precisely as much as I desire, and no more. However, to ensure that my generosity is not exceeded, I request that you take Lo, Din and Tsu and eliminate Lt. Washington tonight. I believe he will be found at the drinking establishment known as McSorley’s. Try not to involve anyone else, if possible, please. We do not want to attract undue attention.”

“Of course, father,” Min replied, her face scarcely able to conceal the pride she felt at being entrusted with this task. Soon Hu Fong Lee would be too old to run the operation, and with Wang-fen occupied with the situation she had arranged for him in San Francisco, surely she would be named her father’s successor. “I will gladly remove this threat to our, I mean, your organization.”

“Go then, my Jade Blossom, and bring honor to our family,” the old man replied. If she could perform this task, faced with the unexpected variables Hu Fong Lee knew that she would encounter, he would feel that she was prepared to assume even more responsibilities. And if she failed? The wily old man chuckled to himself quietly as his daughter left his sanctuary, pausing again before the golden Buddha at the door. If she failed, so be it. He was not so ready to retire to the opium den that he could not maintain the business until his number one son returned from his journey to the West.

Hu Fong Lee
Might 1D Agility 2D+2
Wit 3D+2 Charm 3D+2
Skills: Brawling 2D, Dodge 4D+2, Good Cop 5D+2, Bad Cop 4D+2
Perks: Ethnic Background (Chinese)
Complications: none
Gear: none of note
Static: Dodge 14, Block 6, Parry 3
Body Points: 24
Armor: none

His Daughter, Hu Chang Min
Might 2D Agility 4D
Wit 2D+1 Charm 2D+2
Skills: Brawling 3D, Dodge 5D, Guns 5D, Sneak 5D, Undercover 3D+2
Perks: Ethnic Background (Chinese), Heaving & Breathless
Complications: none
Gear: Light Pistol (3D)
Static: Dodge 15, Block 9, Parry 6
Body Points: 28
Armor: none

Her Henchmen, Lo, Din, and Tsu
Might 3D Agility 2D+2
Wit 1D+2 Charm 1D+2
Skills: Brawl 4D, Melee 4D, Muscle 4D, Dodge 3D+2, Guns 3D+2, Bad Cop 2d+2
Perks: Ethnic Background (Chinese)
Complications: none
Gear: Pistol (4d)
Static: Dodge 11, Block 12, Parry 12
Body Points: 32
Armor: none