Author Archives: the venomous pao

BoL Bestiary: Jaguar (Ocelotl)

Jaguars, called Ocelotl by the natives of Tlactoztlan, are large predatory cats that are nearly as powerful as lions and tigers. Their spotted coats make them difficult to see in their jungle habitat, a trait which plays well to their solitary nature and stalk-and-ambush hunting style. Their powerful jaws allow them to deliver a bite capable of piercing the sturdiest armor or even a human skull. These cats are highly proficient at climbing and are strong swimmers with little to no disinclination towards water. There are rumors of larger & more dangerous Ocelotl living deep within the jungle, though these tales are generally believed to be exaggerations, since anyone who encountered a “giant” jaguar would likely not have survived to report the encounter.

Strength 2
Agility 3
Mind 0

Combat Abilities
Attack with Bite +2; d6+2 damage
Attack with 2 claws +2; d6-1 damage each
Attack with all three attacks at +1
Defense: 3
Protection: d2-1 (tough hide)
Lifeblood: 13

Barbarians of Heavy Metal Design Diary 1

Editor’s Note: The content that follows was written by Nathaniel, the author of Barbarians of the Aftermath and the forthcoming Barbarians of Heavy Metal. The original post (and the comments thereupon) can be found here. I’m separating out the design diary portions themselves for easy indexing. -tvp-

This is pretty much the first thing I get straight in my mind when I design a game. In the case of BoHM, there are a number of influences that I plan to mix about to get the right feel for a heavy metal universe with decaying tech and a feudal civilization:

Battletech: The basic idea behind the game is take the original BT game back to what I consider the ‘Good Ol’ Days,’ the dark age of technology before they started messing it up with the Clans, recovered tech, etc.

Dune: The David Lynch version of the movie was terrible for the most part (especially how people ‘thought’ things you could obviously see right in front of your blinkin’ eyes), but the costumes and set design were so friggin’ weird yet strangely compelling that I love the look of the whole thing.

Krull: Nothing says high tech, space-faring feudal society like Krull. In fact, I would say this is the ultimate D&D in space movie.

Heavy Metal – The Movie: I know its just cartoon porn for the most part, but certain parts of it blend music, sci-fi and fantasy so well, that I have not been able to shake the image of this movie out of my head for 30 years. It just smacks of late 70′s early 80′s music and imagery and is, thusly, the main influence for any book that relies on that imagery.

Warp Riders: I love this album as it is everything metal should be and it really speaks to the concept of piratical space raiders, heroic adventurers on mighty quests, and all the other mythical conceits that made the music of my distant youth so memorable. I plan to base some of the background around some of the concepts from this album, including adding a Warp Rider career, using the term Navigatrix for female ship captains and taking warp fold theory as the basis for interstellar travel. If I can get their permission, I might even detail Acheron as a planet.

Brutal Legend: Heavy Metal warriors on mythic quests, driving the Heavy Metal version of tanks and using music to melt the faces off of their enemies. Nuff’ said.

Every Fantasy and Sci-Fi Cover from the Seventies: This is the imagery of my youth. It wasn’t always precise or even technically competent, but the covers of 70′s paperbacks were always able to stir my imagination and transport me to other strange and fascinating places, even if they had nothing to do with the stories in the books themselves. They were always weird and defied the common perception of what space travel or fantasy should look like, the kind of stuff that inspired OD&D not the insipid, overdone half-anime art that dominates the modern market and informs 4E.

Every Album Cover of the Seventies and Early Eighties: Look inside the jacket of Led Zeppelin IV and try not to be transported. Look at the cover of Bat Out of Hell. It is way out of tune with the music, but the imagery tells such a story! And who can think of Iron Maiden without alson thinking of Eddie coming out of a grave or all Cyber-ed up and travelling time? Many of the Rock artists of this period seemed to spend more time and attention on their album covers than their music, but the results were mind blowing in so many cases and well worth the one song you purchased the entire album for.

These are the sights and sounds that will inform BoHM. And C7 and I are currently looking into hiring an artist who can truly realize this sort of imagery all mixed together. My first choice is a fantastic artist whose art fille the early Battletech and Shadowrun books of the eighties: Jeff Laubenstein. Let’s hope we can get him.

Next Up: Book Breakdown…

A Dangerous Foe: Chalchiquahchimal

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

A respected general in the army of King Cuhuitlazcaltiacapan, Chalchiquahchimal serves with pride and honor, bringing great glory to Tlactoztlan. As commander of an elite cadre of Eagle Knights, Chalchiquahchimal drives his men to their limits of endurance, leading by example and fearing no foe. Honored with the Jade Eagle Shield by the King for his efforts against an invading outlander army, Chalchiquahchimal is, outwardly, the model of of a perfect soldier. But looks can be deceiving…

During that great conflict Chalchiquahchimal came into possession of a number of outlander texts, which he deciphered with the help of a prisoner he (mostly) spared from torture. These writings opened the general’s eyes to different visions of the world and through them he came to view the ruling class with disdain. In short order Chalchiquahchimal began to develop a vision for Tlactoztlan wherein the warrior caste, lead by his own hand, would rise up and take control of the country, enforcing order and discipline on the decadent people of the lost valley and, eventually, traveling forth to conquer the outlanders themselves. Though he keeps his contempt in check, Chalchiquahchimal becomes bolder and more open in his attempts to wrestle power from the King with each passing season.

Like all Coztli (the warriors of Tlactoztlan), Chalchiquahchimal wears a headdress comprised of yellow parrot feathers, with his own right-of-passage blood red Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 15
Villain Points 5

Strength 3
Agility 2
Mind 1
Appeal 2

Brawl 2
Melee 3
Ranged 0
Defense 2

Warrior 3
Soldier 3
Torturer 1
Scholar 1

Strength Feat
Keen Eyesight

Distrust of Sorcery

Tlacuatl, Outlander

Macuahuitl (obsidian-toothed wooden sword), 1d6+4 (-1 to hit)
Fist, 1d2+3
Ichcahuipilli (quilted cotton armor) & Jade Eagle Shield, d6

Fifteen Games…

All the cool kids are doing it, so I guess I’ll navel-gaze for fun & profit, too…

Here are fifteen games that will always have an impact on me (that I can come up with in under fifteen minutes)…

  1. D&D (specifically Moldvay/Cook/Marsh B/X and Gary’s AD&D)
  2. The Fantasy Trip (including Melee & Wizard, of course)
  3. Traveller
  4. Champions/Justice, Inc./Fantasy Hero (i.e., the early, pre-unified Hero System games)
  5. Illuminati
  6. Talisman
  7. Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud, none of this Hold ‘Em stuff, thank you)
  8. Spades & Hearts
  9. SunDog (old Apple ][ game)
  10. Quarters (no, really)
  11. Magic: The Gathering (sigh, really)
  12. Big Eyes, Small Mouth
  13. Basic RolePlaying
  14. Barbarians of Lemuria
  15. Out Of The Park Baseball (computer game)

I’m sure there are more, and I’m sure I’m cheating by lumping a few things together up there. Oh well.

Barbarians of Heavy Metal (And Source Material That Drives You Wild)

So in case you haven’t been following along in the comments section of an older post, I thought I’d note that Nathaniel, the author/designer/chief mutant who brought us Barbarians of the Aftermath (from the majesty that is Simon Washbourne’s Barbarians of Lemuria) will soon be working towards bringing us Barbarians of Heavy Metal which looks to draw on a number of sources that really tickle my old school nerd itch.

I’d like to throw the comments to this post open to Nathaniel to let him talk a bit about the inspiration and design process that’s fueling BoHM as well as for anyone else to talk about the bits of source material that just keep gnawing away at their brains until they finally up and do something with ’em. I’ve already mentioned the album Warp Riders by The Sword as one of mine (and since infected Nathaniel with it!). What are some of yours?

Tlactoztlan: Towards A Map

Tlactoztlan Map I love RPG maps as a concept, but I have a tendency to shy away from them for settings I produce. I like the vagueness that comes with the lack of a map. But at the same time, damn if the old “Known World” maps and such just set my mind to racing.

So, with a little help from map tools by the inimitable Dan Proctor and the incomparable harmyn, I decided to knock together this thing over here on the right side of the screen. Yep, it’s an honest-to-goodness attempt to map out Tlactoztlan based on the bits and pieces that have been revealed in the various writeups I’ve done on that setting.

This is probably not final, and it certainly shouldn’t be taken as any kind of canon. Or rather, I utterly and completely reserve the right to blow this up and replace it with something else entirely. Or at least refine it if I ever get on the stick and produce anything for distribution beyond the confines of the blog.

So let me know what you think of what you see. I’m no cartographer and I’m definitely open to suggestion. That said, I’m not overly concerned with realism here. So if you find yourself getting hung up on the intricacies of my terrain placement, please feel free to share. Just don’t get too distraught if I don’t immediately freak out with you 🙂

BoL Character: Huetzin The Hermit

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

The ancient seer Huetzin lives in a cave deep within the jungle to the south of Xotepeclan. Here he subtly works to help the nearby villagers overcome the troubles inflicted upon them by both the evil sorcerer Nezatl Xomec and the corrupt priest Tlilpotonqui. Huetzin knows that he lacks the power or influence to take on either of these threats to Tlactoztlan directly and would never engage in such folly. Instead, he does what he can to ease the suffering of the people and to alert those who serve King Cuhuitlazcaltiacapan faithfully to the threats posed by those who seek to harm Tlactoztlan or its people.

Huetzin has forseen a day when an army of ghosts will come to Tlactoztlan and wash away the stains of the old ways with a sea of blood and brushes made of bones. He believes, but cannot see, that a brighter future free of evil lies on the other side of this great change. Huetzin is favorably disposed to most outlanders he encounters and is always watchful for signs that such people might lead the way to change. He is, at the very least, a strong if not active ally against the machinations of those who outlanders are likely to run afoul of when they arrive in Tlactoztlan.

Like all Izatacli (the sorcerers of Tlactoztlan), Huetzin wears a headdress comprised of white parrot feathers, with his own right-of-passage cerulean Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 11
Hero Points 3
Arcane Power 12

Strength 1
Agility 1
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Brawl 1
Melee 1
Ranged 2
Defense 1

Sorcerer 2
Scolar 1
Hunter 1
Merchant 1

Magic of the Sorcerer Kings
Jungle Tracker

Cravings: Chewed leaves & roots that grant energy and mystical visions
Country Bumpkin

Tlacuatl, Sorceric, Outlander

Jade monkey-headed Knife, d3+1
Atlatl (dart thrower), 1d6-1

Mini Six Characters: Darghast & Molnara

Wherein your humble scribe presents a couple of characters he whipped up in honor of the arrival of his print copy of Mini Six. For the record, it should be noted that I have never played a single D6 game of any vintage by any publisher. I only bought into Mini Six because I was so impressed with the effort the AntiPaladin Games guys put into it and I love nice light systems to tinker with. Oh, and the subtle little Warren Zevon reference in the rulebook makes me happy.

Molnara found Darghast face down in a pool of filthy rainwater in the alley behind the Flagrant Fox. She noted that he was short a couple of teeth when she lifted him up with her giant hands, and as she slung the rogue over her shoulder the stench of Fool’s Own brandy that emanated from his every pore was so thick as to be nearly visible.

“Tsk, tsk, Darg. You really shouldn’t go to this part of town without me, you know,” the warrior gently lectured her friend in her rough & smokey voice.

“Grnshp. ButIwaswinnng. Before. Uuuungh.”

“Sure you were, Darg. And I’m sure you weren’t cheating at all. And that’s certainly not why Krogan and his boys treated you to a visit to the alley,” she continued as she made her way through the midnight streets of the Plum Street district, winding through its less dangerous sections to try to get back to their rooms at the Old Boar’s.

“Fnshwa. NalvinandSandohadmback,” Darghast slurred, stifling a laugh that would only have caused his head to hurt more.

“Nalvin and Sando? You really shouldn’t put your faith in friends like that pair. It doesn’t matter how well connected you think you are, Darg. No one likes a cheater. Not here in Franziltown, anyway.”

“Franziltown! Wemightwnnleavbefore. Sunnnup…”

Molnara stopped dead in her tracks and hauled Darghast’s limp form from her broad back. She held his nearly insensate form directly in front of her face, her eyes narrowed, her jaw set.

“What. Did. You. Do, Darg?”


“What? Hunsding? What does that mean, Darg?”

In later days Molnara would often remind him of what happened next. Of how he had emptied the sad contents of his guts on the ground (and her) and passed out completely just as the three Huntsmen stepped out of the darkness where they had been waiting for the rogue and the warrior, swords glinting in the moonlight. Of how she had single-handedly defeated two of them with her axe and send the third running back to his Guildmaster with one less ear for eavesdropping. And of how she had managed to get them clear of Franziltown before the Guild could properly deal with them. All while Darghast slept like a baby, snoring loudly and occasionally muttering softly to himself.

Might 2D+2
Agility 3D+1
Wit 2D+1
Charm 3D+2

Skills: Persuasion 4D+2, Streetwise 4D+2, Sword 3D+2, Pickpocket 4D+1, Dodge 5D+1
Perks: Favors
Gear: Sword (5d+1)
Static: Dodge 16, Block 8, Parry 11
Body Points: 30
Armor: Leather (2) & Shield ( 4)

Might 4D
Agility 3D+1
Wit 2D+1
Charm 2D+1

Skills: Brawling 5D, Axe 6D, Dodge 4D+1, Tracking 2D+2, Ride 3d+1, Courage 3d+1
Perks: None
Gear: Axe (7D)
Static: Dodge 10, Block 15, Parry 18
Body Points: 36
Armor: Chainmail (6) & Shield (4)

All is not well with The Sword

Well hell. The drummer for The Sword is leaving the band!

This seriously blows. But I certainly hope that he fares well in whatever his future holds. And, of course, I hope the guys find someone even half as badass to beat the skins and they’re able to keep on bringing us the monster jams for many years to come!

Sorry to share the bummer news, folks. Time to go put Warp Riders on indefinite repeat!

BRP Character: Edwina Lyselle Sirolangg

Wherein your humble scribe presents an NPC for use with Basic RolePlaying.

Edwina Lyselle Sirolangg is a freelance pilot and entrepreneur who makes her living clearing the space lanes of debris left over from the various planetary collisions that frequently occur throughout the densely packed AT4-R1 sector. And though most people think she is just “a little off” from having spent too much time alone blasting the big rocks into dust, Edie swears she has seen alien spacecraft out there in the ‘stroid Fields. She doesn’t quite know why, but she “feels” that the aliens come from a planet called Vekt’aar. At least, that’s what the voices in her head seem to be telling her, when she can hear them over the “heartbeat” of her ship.

STR 10 CON 14 SIZ 10 INT 14 POW 16 DEX 18 APP 14
Hit Points 12 Major Wound 6 Power Points 16

Damage Bonus: none
Weapons: Blaster Pistol 55%, damage 1d8+2
Armor: Adaptive Mesh, 1d4+2
Skills: Appraise 35%, Artillery: Shipboard 65%, Disguise 25%, Dodge 55%, Energy Weapons: Blaster Pistols 55%, Fine Manipulation 25%, First Aid 50%, Heavy Machine 35%, Knowledge: The Fields 50%, Listen 50%, Navigation 55%, Pilot: Starship 75%, Repair: Electronic 30%, Repair: Mechanical 60%, Sleight of Hand 25%, Spot 75%, Stealth 30%
Powers: Danger Sense 30%, Intuition 20%, Precognition 20%, Telepathy 20%