Author Archives: the venomous pao

LL Character: Bregdorf The Unwary

Young Bregdorf has left his home of Donkey’s Rest in search of his fortune. You know, the one Auntie Helga told him was waiting out there for him. She also used to tell him that sixteen of anything was lucky (unless it was torches) and that opals are the devil’s stone. And that he’d live to the rip old age of one-and-eighty and one day he would slay a vampire. And, of course, that there’s a fortune out there waiting to be had.

Bregdorf The Unwary / Human Fighter 1 / Neutral Good
Head Gear: A classical Greek helmet

STR 16 INT 12 WIS 4 DEX 12 CON 10 CHR 13
HP 5 AC 5 Money 12 sp, 4 cp
Bastard sword, Silver dagger, Scale Mail, Shield, 3 wooden stakes, Hammer, Wooden Holy Symbol, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 vial of holy water, Small silver mirror

BRP Character: Secret Agent G-6155

Wherein your humble scribe presents an NPC for use with Basic RolePlaying.

Secret Agent G-6155 (codename “Interceptor”) is one of the most respected wheelmen working for the Agency. He is an outstanding driver and a fair shot with the weapons that are frequently built into the types of cars used by the Agency. Interceptor is cool under fire, even when his arch nemesis, “The Mad Bomber” takes to the skies in his custom helicopter in an effort to destroy G-6155. The agents of FANGS are all well aware of Interceptor’s skills and do their best to drive him off the road whenever this spy hunter winds up on their tail.

STR 13 CON 12 SIZ 12 INT 13 POW 15 DEX 16 APP 16
Hit Points 12 Major Wound 6 Power Points 15

Damage Bonus: +1d4
Weapons: Medium Pistol 60%, damage 1d8
Armor: none
Skills: Artillery 75%, Brawl 65%, Dodge 70%, Drive (Car) 85%, Fast Talk 45%, Grapple 65%, Hide 35%, Listen 50%, Martial Arts 15%, Navigate 40%, Pistol 60%, Research 50%, Spot 60%, Stealth 45%

The King’s Treasure

Elric RPG BooksSo King’s Hobby in Austin, which I hadn’t been to in a few years, seems to have a whole lot of its RPG stock on sale. I fear that this is because after the changeover in ownership they’re not looking to carry this particular flavor of geekdom once they clear things out. So if you live in or near Austin you might want to swing by and see what you can find.

Speaking of what you can find, I hit a vein! They had new old stock of some very lovely Elric! books, as you can see to the right. Everything is lightly shelfworn, but otherwise in great shape. And it was all 50% or more off of cover price. Yes, I’m bragging. No, they don’t have any more Elric! books (unless they’re hiding stuff in the back and only bringing it out when necessary – but I doubt that). They do have some other interesting stuff, though. Oh, and I snagged a copy of the 3rd edition of Skyrealms of Jorune (also 50% off) on a whim, since I’ve never actually owned a copy of it before.

So thank you, King’s Hobby, for these delightful treats. And if you’re giving up on RPGs, it’s our loss. But hey, at least you’ve got the town covered for WWI airplane models and such. We need that niche handled!

A Dangerous Foe: Nezatl Xomec

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

In his hidden lair deep beneath the city of Xotepeclan, the sorcerer Nezatl Xomec patiently waits, like a malignant spider, weaving his plans of deceit and corruption with steely purpose and twisted, maniacal glee. The sorcerer has been a bane to the people of Tlactoztlan for more than 100 summers. Despite his great magical prowess, Nezatl Xomec is physically frail as a result of his great age and his obsession with the darkest magics.

In his pursuit of power Nezatl Xomec has entered into a pact with Mictlantecuhtli, a demon that rules over the lowest levels of hell. In exchange for his incredibly long life and the skills that he has developed as a sorcerer, Nezatl Xomec must supply Mictlantecuhtli with a steady stream of sacrifices. Further, Nezatl Xomec must consume the flesh and organs of these sacrifices on a regular basis or else he will falter and finally fall into complete decrepitude.

As if this weren’t enough, Mictlantecuhtli has cursed the sorcerer with a strange recurring malady – at the eleventh hour of every day, the flesh of Nezatl Xomec’s head melts away, leaving him with just a hideous bare skull until the twelfth hour arrives. It is frequently during this hour that Nezatl Xomec performs his sacrifices, as Mictlantecuhtli delights in souls that pass into his realm already filled with terror.

Nezatl Xomec is a master of many spells, but perhaps more terrifying is his willingness and ability to summon forth terrible demons to terrorize his foes and do the things that he himself is no longer physically capable of.

Like all Izatacli (the sorcerers of Tlactoztlan), Nezatl Xomec wears a headdress comprised of white parrot feathers, with his own right-of-passage emerald Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 7
Arcane Power 17
Villain Points 5

Strength -1
Agility 1
Mind 4
Appeal 0

Brawl 0
Melee 0
Ranged 2
Defense 2

Sorcerer 5
Scholar 4
Artificer 3
Noble 1

Power of the Void

Cravings: Human Flesh
Mictlantecuhtli’s Curse

Tlacuatl, Outlander, Sorceric, Demonic

Obsidian Spider Knife, 1d3 plus paralyzing poison (hard Strength task to resist)
Amulet of Tepeyollotl (d6-2 of “armor”)

Berwhale the Avenger

Wherein your humble scribe riffs on an old comedy routine as a way of filling space otherwise left blank because life got a little busy all of a sudden. We will be returning you to your regularly scheduled Tlactoztlan shortly.

Forged by an order of priests dedicated to the eradication of evil magic, this ancient, ornate silver longsword’s name is engraved into its blade in the runes of Ollerman-Goth. It was once wielded by Timothy the Pure, though it was lost upon his death in battle against Pewnack, the Destroyer. It surfaced sometime later in the hoard of the red dragon Furloroth. It has since disappeared again, though rumors abound that it may be found in the dungeons beneath Saffron Walden.

Magic Longsword, +3 to hit, +1 Damage
Alignment: Lawful
Special Purpose: Slay Magic-Users
Intelligence: 12
Ego: 12
Primary Abilities: Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Extraordinary Abilities: Healing
Languages Spoken: Law, Old High Thjardil, Draconic

BoL Character: Acaxochitl

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

The daughter of Xuchitl, one of the renown silver artisans of Quanoac, Acaxochitl now serves among the honor guard at the temple of Xochiquetzal. Chimanihuatl, the high priestess of Xochiquetzal, clearly favors Acaxochitl and has made the young warrior maiden something of a celebrity among the nobles and priests in Tecali, often choosing her to serve as the priestess’ personal guard during processions and public services. And though she is truly happiest on the field of battle, Acaxochitl finds her current life more than a little pleasing.

Acaxochitl wears a silver hummingbird pendant made for her by her father for her coming-of-age ceremony. She treasures this piece above all else and will fight to the death to retain or defend it. A person who managed to acquire it from her could almost certainly demand nearly any form of payment from her in exchange for the pendant. The evil sorcerer Nezatl Xomec is aware of this weakness and has plans to exploit it one day, when the stars are right and a certain high priestess must be slain by the hand of a maiden…

Like all Coztli (the warriors of Tlactoztlan), Acaxochitl wears a headdress comprised of yellow parrot feathers, with her own right-of-passage crimson Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 11
Hero Points 3

Strength 1
Agility 2
Mind 0
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 2
Ranged 1
Defense 1

Guard 2
Warrior 1
Metalsmith 1
Noble 0

War Cry
Thick Skin
Escape Artist



Macuahuitl (obsidian-toothed wooden sword), 1d6+2 (-1 to hit)
Atlatl (dart thrower), 1d6-1
Ichcahuipilli (quilted cotton armor) & chimalli (shield), d6-1

BoL Character: Yayauhqui

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

A charming, though somewhat anxious, young priest of Tlaloc, the rain god of the Tlactozotl, Yayauhqui travels between villages and cities in Tlactoztlan, bringing news and, if Tlaloc is pleased, rain. Yayauhqui is an accomplished agrarian and an amateur alchemist who believes that mixing the two disciplines will allow him to better understand the world around him.

Grounded as he is in the physical world and the plight of his people, he often finds himself at odds with his superiors in the great temples of Xotepeclan and Tecali. Additionally, unlike many within the priesthood Yayauhqui is not immediately suspicious of the handful of outsiders who have found their way into the lost valley. In fact, he may well be sympathetic to their plight.

Like all Texotli (the priests of Tlactoztlan), Yayauhqui wears a headdress comprised of blue parrot feathers, with his own right-of-passage green Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 13
Hero Points 5

Strength 1
Agility 0
Mind 1
Appeal 2

Brawl 0
Melee 1
Ranged 1
Defense 2

Priest 2
Farmer 2
Laborer 0
Alchemist 0

Sling Fighter

Insubordinate (roll an extra die when dealing with “superiors”)

Tlacuatl, Outlander

Jade parrot mace, d6+1
Sling, d6-2
Very light armor (feathered cloak) & shield (chimalli), d3

Lookee What I Got!

After enduring* for what seems like forever with just my horrible* old red cover copy of Labyrinth Lord (and worse, only a cheap printout of the Advanced Edition Companion) I finally broke down and ordered shiny new hardcovers of both books.

Ain’t they loverly?

Now, I’ll freely admit that I wasn’t sold on the new cover art when I first saw it announced. Actually, I wasn’t sold on it until this afternoon when Mr. FedEx showed up with the books. I can’t stress how sharp these books look in person. And having the two of them next to each other on the shelf just makes me smile.

Eventually I’ll break down and get OEC as well. But since it’s not a big shiny hardback, the oomph won’t be the same. That’s ok, though. There shouldn’t really be any oomph where 0E is concerned, in my opinion. And, of course, I’ve still got my OCE box if I ever need it.

*I am being sarcastic with these comments, just so you know.
Yes, I’m bragging here 🙂

The Demons Of Adad Untash: Muaamta

Far beyond the great desert, one will find the troubled land of Umaab. The people of this once proud kingdom are oft beset by demons who serve the dark god Nergal. The characteristics of these demons are described in the holy Tablets of Adad Untash.

As the skeletal jaws closed around her throat, Nara Mudhul’s body went limp and lifeless. The blackness that engulfed her consciousness whispered dark and terrible words to her, coxing her to join the war against her people. Though she no longer felt the pain of the hideous hound’s raking claws and razor-sharp teeth, her soul burned with an agony she never feared possible. And slowly the darkness continued to offer its vile offer of nightmarish power and release.

Seeing his beloved fall to the beast, Bar-Ganin felt the rage of the desert storms well within him. He tossed aside the holy mace he had been given by the high priest of Marduk before he, the Champion of Dnaniri, and the sorceress had departed for the other world and drew the one weapon he knew he could count on: his grandmother’s ancient iron sword. In the same instant that curved blade leapt into his hands from its enchanted scabbard, Bar-Ganin could only stare as the demon warped and shuddered, reconfiguring itself into a disgusting new form.

Now before him loomed a giant, armed with massive, torturous weapons that glinted evilly off the large multi-faceted eyes that looked down upon him. The tumors that swelled and swarmed across its grey and black skin blasted his mind with their soul-rending resemblance to the face of Nara Mudhul.

“Yes,” the thing’s brush-dry voice spoke, “Your mate is mine now. But fear not, pathetic worm. She is coming to rejoin this battle shortly.”

Casting a glance at the creature’s feet, Bar-Ganin saw with horror that Nara Mudhul’s body was beginning to make its own terrifying transformation…

Muaamta (Higher Order Demon)
No. Enc.: 1d3 (1d3)
Alignment: Chaotic (evil)
Movement: 150’ (50’) or 90’ (30’)
Armor Class: -3
Hit Dice: 12
Attacks: 3 (2 claws, 1 bite) or 2 (weapons)
Damage: 3d8/3d8/3d10, level drain or 2d12/2d12, poison
Save: F12
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XXII
XP: 7,600

Muaamta possess two distinct forms: the first is of a large, skull-headed coal-black hound with burning red eyes and fur that teems with maggots and worms; the second is of a 12’ tall humanoid with a spider’s head, the tail of a viper, and necrotic flesh that undulates with tumors that resemble screaming, agonized human faces. Both forms reek of dead owls. Any individual Muaamta may switch between forms only after successfully killing an intelligent creature in combat. This transformation is nearly instantaneous and does not leave the Muaamta vulnerable in any way.

In hound form, Muaamta attack with powerful claws and terrible bites. Any opponent struck by a Muaamta in hound form will lose 1 level (and the associated hit points, abilities, spell levels, etc.) unless they successfully save against Death at -10. A character drained of all of his levels rises 1d6 rounds later as a Tummahu Anang Gar or an Agara Muun, whichever is more appropriate based upon the dictates of the Tablets of Adad Untash. If neither form is deserved, the character will take the form of whichever demon is closest to the slain character’s original level.

In humanoid form Muaamta attack with giant multi-headed flails and cat o’ nine tail whips. Both of these weapons deliver a vicious poison that causes an additional 1d8 damage per round until a successful save is made. Further, those afflicted with this poison suffer a -5 to hit and a corresponding penalty to their armor class due to the intense burning pain that the poison causes.

In addition to these attacks, Muaamta have the following spell-like abilities, useable at will: Animate Objects, Animate Dead, Charm (Monster, Person, or Plant), Death Spell, Fear, Gaseous Form, Hypnotize, Magic Missile, Polymorph Self, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Speak with Dead, Suggestion

Additionally, Muaamta possess all of the abilities of a typical Higher Order Demon:

  • Infravision (90’)
  • Half damage from cold-based attacks
  • Half damage from electrical-based attacks
  • Half damage from fire-based attacks (all)
  • Half damage from gas-type attacks
  • Telepathy (allows all languages to be understood)
  • Teleport without error

Muaamta can only be damaged by +2 or better weapons, though they are susceptible to damage from non-magical weapons made of pure iron. Muaamta may Gate (10% probability of success) 2d6 Tummahu Anang Gar (25%) or 1d4 Agara Muun (75%).

Muaamta are occasionally found in graveyards, gloating over the tombs of their victims. More often, though, they are encountered when sent forth by the demon lords of Umaab.

The Tablets of Adad Untash tell the faithful that Muaamta are the souls of those who committed murder, whether in cold blood or motivated by passion, of their own free will.