Author Archives: the venomous pao

A Dangerous Foe: Tlilpotonqui

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

Feared throughout Tlactoztlan, Tlilpotonqui is the high priest of the Tlactozotl death god, Omacatl. He resides deep within the jungles of the lost valley, in the great vine-covered temple of Omacatl, where he and his cadre of jaguar-masked enforcers live richly upon the offerings left to Omacatl at the shrines that dot the roads and rivers of the land. Though he freely uses his position and power to benefit himself, Tlilpotonqui is no charlatan. He and his charges are devout believers in the power of Omacatl and they treat their rites with the utmost of respect. Tlilpotonqui possesses a very dark sense of humor and is not afraid to openly mock or threaten even the great Tlatoani if it suits his needs. Like all Texotli (the priests of Tlactoztlan), Tlilpotonqui wears a headdress comprised of blue parrot feathers, with a single jet black Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 11
Arcane Power 11
Villain Points 6

Strength 1
Agility 2
Mind 3
Appeal 1

Brawl 1
Melee 3
Ranged 1
Defense 2

Priest 3
Assassin 2
Magician 1
Torturer 1

Poison Immunity
Detect Deception
Marked by the Gods

Cravings: Chewed leaves & roots that grant energy and mystical visions


Jade Parrot Mace, 1d6+1
Obsidian Monkey Knife, 1d3+1
Very light armor (black feathered cloak) 1d3-1

BoL Bestiary: Quetzalcoatl

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

Quetzalcoatl, as they are called by the natives of Tlactoztlan, are 15′ long feathered snakes that fly by means of their brightly-colored wings. Revered by the Tlactozotl people, it is rumored that there are larger, more powerful Quetzalcoatl able to cast magical spells living deep within the jungles of the lost valley. The strongest Tlactozotl will, as part of their initiation into adulthood, seek out a Quetzalcoatl and challenge it to a duel. Victory yields a Quetzalcoatl feather that will be the centerpiece of the Tlactozotl’s head covering. Defeat results in nothing less than death.

Strength 3
Agility 4
Mind 3

Combat Abilities
Attack with Bite +3; d6+3
Defense: 4
Protection: 1d6 (scales, feathers, and magical nature)
Lifeblood: 20

A Mutant Future Party

A group of adventuerersWherein your humble scribe, inspired by the picture to the right (from the venerable and legendary Metamorphosis Alpha) presents an Adventuring Party for Mutant Future. These characters are all 1st level and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created by the book (i.e., 4d6 drop the lowest). I almost did these up in Barbarians of the Aftermath, but I decided to stick a little closer to the source material.

“The Council of Wimson be damned”, thought Nyles Venck as he and his odd companions crossed the Atin Line. “They tell me not to venture into the ruins, but the answers to our peoples’ troubles can be found within that fabled pink dome. And I will not sit by as more children die from this damnable plague.”

Venck’s reverie was broken as the robot, WRD3N, came to an abrupt halt, its weapons loading with an audible click. His mutant companions fidgeted nervously, knowing that the robot’s sensors had detected some source of danger that remained unseen from the asphalt road they traveled.

“What do you sense, metal man?” asked the giant in his rumbling voice as his grip instinctively tightened on his trusted shotgun – so much smaller in his hands than it would be in those of a normal sized being.

“Nine lifeforms approaching from the south… bzzzz… west…” the machine responded mechanically.

Noknok, the little trickster, drew an arrow from his quiver and cocked his head to listen, his mutant ears able to pick up sounds that escaped the other flesh-and-blood members of his group.

“Me hear… thump-thump?” he announced quizzically.

Lysna, her tiny wings beating lightly, closed her eyes and began to draw up her mental strength, to better deal with whatever it was that sought their attention.

“I do not want this… encounter… to turn violent if it can be avoided,” Venck said as he placed his hand on WRD3N’s shoulder, as if to dissuade the machine from following its core programming. “We have important things to find in the ruins of the city and there is no telling what troubles we will face there. Noknok, can you use your power to keep us protected while we negotiate?”

“Me will,” the strange looking little man replied as the air about his body began to shimmer faintly…

Nyles Venck / Human 1 Lawful
STR 14 INT 15 WIS 14 DEX 12 CON 18 CHR 19
HP 82 AC 5 Gold 17
Long Sword, Breastplate, Gauss Machine Pistol (Battery has 9 shots left)

Lysna / Mutant Human 1 Neutral
STR 8 INT 15 WIS 12 DEX 17 CON 15 CHR 17
HP 55 AC 4 Gold 97
Mutations: Complete Wing Development, Dwarfism (1 ft. Tall), Energy Retaining Cell Structure, Increased Physical Attribute (Dexterity), Know Direction, Mind Thrust
Leather Armor

Noknok / Mutant Human 1 Chaotic
STR 15 INT 8 WIS 10 DEX 15 CON 14 CHR 12
HP 57 AC 5 Gold 110
Mutations: Bizarre Appearance, Dwarfism (4 ft. Tall), Increased Sense (Hearing), Body Adjustment, Greater Force Screen
Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Shortsword, Studded Leather Armor

Pragnus / Mutant Human 1 Lawful
STR 17 INT 11 WIS 13 DEX 11 CON 14 CHR 9
HP 7 AC 6 Gold 21
Mutations: Bizarre Appearance, Gigantism (9 ft. Tall), Natural Armor, Combat Empathy, Phobia (Snakes)
Shotgun (7 shells), Mace

WRD3N / Robot
Hit Dice: 20
Frame: Armature
Locomotion: Casters
Manipulators: Advanced Hands
Armor: Duralloy (AC 3)
Sensors: Class IV
Mental Programming: Artificial Intelligence
Accessories: Internal Storage Unit, Loading Mechanisms, Vocalizer, Weapon Mounts, Self-Repair Unit
Weaponry: Flame Thrower, Automatic Rifle, Smoke Grenades

The Black Angels – You On The Run

I’m not quite sure what variety of gaming this ties into for me, but it’s another damned fine (and quite heavy, though not metal) Austin band with a new album out…

This song isn’t from the new album. But it’s mighty tasty. And it’s homegrown, so I gots to support it. The new album will be mine before the end of the week.

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: The Purple Herbalists

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in an irregular series of Adventuring Parties for Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order.

For reasons they appear to be unwilling to share, each member of this group of multifaceted magicians (and their one-dimensional bodyguard) always wears at least one article of clothing that has been dyed a deep purple. They are traveling in search of various rare herbs to use either as components for their spells or, perhaps, to sell to other, less adventurous wizards. Snickeringly referred to as The Purple Herbalists by several rival adventuring parties, this group does not seek fame for their exploits, so they have not bothered to name themselves anything else. If their choices in attire and bizarre mannerisms make them inscrutable to barman, inn keeper and highwayman alike, so much the better. They, too, possess some snappy headgear.

Loran Muir / Half-Elf Magic-User/Thief 1/1 N
Head Gear: A deep purple fez with a single tassel and a crescent moon embroidered in silver thread
STR 10 INT 14 WIS 10 DEX 16 CON 10 CHR 14
HP 5 AC 6 Gold 37
Long Sword, Silver Dagger, 3 Daggers,12 Darts, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools, Spell Book, 2 oz. Wolfsbane, 1 oz. Belladonna
Magic-User Spells: Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Unseen Servant

Zaarn / Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User 1/1 NE
Head Gear: A conical brass helm with a deep purple plume
STR 14 INT 15 WIS 12 DEX 9 CON 10 CHR 7
HP 7 AC 7 Gold 54
Quarterstaff, Dagger, Studded Leather, Spell Book, 5 oz. Spiderwort, 4 oz. Feverfew
Magic-User Spells: Charm Person, Jump, Magic Missile

Oola Hadrin / Half-Elf Cleric/Magic-User 1/1 NG
Head Gear: A deep purple turban & a white ceramic mask that covers half her face
STR 10 INT 15 WIS 15 DEX 8 CON 14 CHR 10
HP 7 AC 5 Gold 25
Mace, Chain Mail, Sling & 10 Bullets, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol, Spell Book, 5 buds of garlic, 5 oz. Hollyhock
Cleric Spells: Create Water, Purify Food & Drink, Resist Cold
Magic-User Spells: Detect Magic, Floating Disc, Magic Missile

Grek Parr / Half-Orc Fighter 1 N
Head Gear: An open-faced helmet with a deep purple brush top
STR 16 INT 5 WIS 11 DEX 6 CON 13 CHR 8
HP 11 AC 4 Gold 18
Scimitar, Hand Axe, Banded Mail, Shield, 5 oz. Sage

BoL Character: Tyrnon Vran

Wherein your humble scribe presents yet another Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. More will follow at highly irregular intervals.

As moody as his misty homeland of Kel, Tyrnon Vran stalks Kaalmuria with his one true companion – his trusted bow – close at hand. He sleeps with one eye open, for he has been exiled and his enemies are everywhere. Despite this particular misfortune, the Kellic gods still smile upon the archer, helping his arrows fly straight and true when most needed.

Lifeblood 12
Hero Points 6

Strength 2
Agility 2
Mind 0
Appeal 0

Brawl 0
Melee 0
Ranged 3
Defense 1

Mercenary 1
Blacksmith 1
Hunter 1
Vagabond 1

Longbow Master
Marked By The Gods

Feels The Heat


Kellic Long Bow, d6+3
Kellic Broadsword, d6+2

The Sword – Warp Riders

The title track from the new album by The Sword – Warp Riders.

To cross the Universe / in hyper-spatial flight.
We ride the warp of space / into the womb of night.

Alright. This needs to be gamed. Soon. The only question is what system to use. I think I want to make a BoL/BotA 60s/70s-style SciFi/metal thang. No one I know will play it, of course. But I still want to do it.

Oh, and for more inspiration, observe the Art of Penguin Science Fiction

BoL Character: Astrid Hriedall

I grew up playing Metagaming’s The Fantasy Trip far, far more than I played just about any other RPG (yes, even more than D&D). I’ve always thought that this is part of what lead to me being the particular flavor of freak that I am. I blame it on the spirit of Cidri, the default setting for TFT that warped me into my current shape. Rather than try to explain that, I’ll just quote from In The Labyrinth, the “player’s handbook” for TFT (which is also the source of the illustration):

IN THE LABYRINTH, and most of the FANTASY TRIP material to follow, will be set in Cidri. This enormous polyglot world was chosen as a background for two very good and totally opposite reasons. The first is variety. Cidri is big enough to hold thousands of Earths; it has room for the world of every Game Master who’ll ever put pencil to hex-paper. There’s room here for every sort of fantasy adventure to co- exist — in a logical manner. And it provides a workable rationale for the weird melange of legend, historical fact, pre- history, science fiction, and sheer wild imagination that characterizes the work of the best fantasy gamers.

The second reason is the opposite one… consistency. THE FANTASY TRIP is an attempt to set up a rule system that is complete without being overwhelmingly technical — so the gamers can spend their time playing, rather than re-writing the rules. Hopefully, this will mean that everyone who plays this game can consider themselves part of the same gigantic cam- paign, playing out the destinies of a whole world. Whatever strange lands you map, there’s room for them in Cidri, just across that pirate-infested sea or trackless desert. No matter
how powerful the dictator’s legions may be on one continent, or how mad and mighty the sorceror-kings may be on another, there’s always room for peaceful lands or beast-haunted forests — somewhere. And, if you like, it can all happen at once.

Not that other worlds aren’t possible. The FANTASY TRIP system will work for historical adventures on Earth itself, or for excursions into the past or future of your favorite author. But parts of all these are to be found on Cidri as well — that was why it was created. Enjoy.

A Lovely Sorceress

Sorceress, from TFT's In The Labyrinth

I took that passage very deeply to heart. And because of it, I’ve never felt the need to adhere to any official setting. And other than the fact that my worlds (and those of my friends) might have been part of Cidri (they probably weren’t, though) and the incredibly loose (or perhaps non-existent) links that some of the subsectors I wandered through in Classic Traveller might have had to the Third Imperium, I never really spent much time in an official setting.

Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. What matters is that I take the inspiration where I find it and throw back some nice new RPG content your way. So looking at the lovely Swords & Sorcery enchantress to the right – straight from In The Labyrinth – I present to you a new Barbarians of Lemuria character…

Astrid Hriedall

Once the slave and consort of The Wolfmage, Astrid Hriedall took every opportunity to learn the magical arts from the canny old wizard, and eventually she won her freedom by besting her master in a game of chess. Now she travels Kaalmuria seeking out sources of arcane wisdom wherever they can be found.

Lifeblood 8
Arcane Power 13
Hero Points 5

Strength 0
Agility 1
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 1
Ranged 0
Defense 3

Barbarian 1
Sorcerer 3
Hunter 0
Slave 0

Magic of the Sorcerer Kings


Geiric, Sorceric, Lirian

Dagger, d3

BoL Bestiary: Kappa

Ronin vs. Kappa

Ronin versus Kappa, from Bushido

I love old RPG black & white line art. A lot. And this one is so evocative of the Fantasy Nippon that is the central setting for the FGU classic Bushido. I’ve never actually played it, sadly. But damn if the art doesn’t make me want to.

Of course, Bushido’s system is, like much from FGU, a bit thick, so I don’t think I’d be likely to use it to scratch my samurai itch. In fact, I’ve been tinkering (well, I was tinkering, I’ve mostly stopped now) with a Barbarians of Lemuria-powered semi-Bushido. BoL seems like a good system for some chanbara action (really, of course, it’s a great system for any action), after all.

So, sticking with the finding inspiration thing I’m rocking right now, here’s a quick writeup for the Kappa as a BoL critter.


Kappa are malign water spirits who resemble ugly little men covered in scales, often (though not always) with turtle-like shells covering their backs. They have a small, bowl-shaped depression on their heads that holds a small amount of water from their home lake, pond or river. If the Kappa can be tricked into spilling this water it will flee immediately to return to its lair. A waterless Kappa’s attributes are reduced to -1 and it will die within 3 days if it cannot return to its home to refill its head basin.

Kappas are masters of Koppo, a bone-breaking technique. If they score a Mighty Success when brawling they may elect to afflict their target with a broken bone. Damage done as a result of this injury may not be “shaken off” (BoL LE p. 39) nor may it be included in the 1/2 LB recovery after a combat (BoL LE p. 10). However, the damage done by a Koppo attack does not receive the normal +1d6 associate with a Mighty Success, though it is still set at the maximum damage for the attack (i.e., the attack does 5 points rather than 5 +1d6).

Kappa are minor magicians, but any spells they cast must relate in a significant way to water. As spirit beings they are also able to draw upon their connection to the water to use Fate Points to grant water-themed boons or flaws.

All Kappa love cucumbers and an offering of such will go a long way towards easing any encounter with them.

Lifeblood: 15
Arcane Power: 11
Villain Points: 5

Strength 3
Agility 1 (5 in water)
Mind 0
Appeal -1

Combat Abilities
Brawl 3
Melee 0
Ranged 0
Defense 1

Magician 1
Druid 2
Hunter 1

Strength Feat


1d3 (scaly skin) or 1d6 (shell), depending on where the attack strikes the Kappa

Fists, 1d2+3

BoL Bestiary: Stone Goblins

Goblin by Trampier

This is the definitive image of a goblin to me. It’s too bad that outside of this depiction, by Trampier in the AD&D Monster Manual, goblins really never looked like this in any other art.

I really like the fact that this guy looks more like a classical gargoyle in the face than he does some green, pointy-nosed thing. Heck, I can almost imagine him carved out of stone rather than being flesh.

So, in the spirit of running with inspiration wherever it crops up, here’s a quick Barbarians of Lemuria monster writeup based on this crazy idea…

Stone Goblins

Stone Goblins are small (3’ to 4’ tall) ugly humanoids made of living stone. They are frequently found infesting quarries and mines, where it is rumored that the earth itself spawns them in order to drive away those who do not say the appropriate blessings or pay proper respect as they hew into the rock in the name their own profit.

Strength 2
Agility 1
Mind 0

Combat Abilities
Attack with stone mace +2; damage 1d6
Defense: 1
Protection: d6 (stony skin + shields)
Lifeblood: 8