BoL Character: Acaxochitl

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

The daughter of Xuchitl, one of the renown silver artisans of Quanoac, Acaxochitl now serves among the honor guard at the temple of Xochiquetzal. Chimanihuatl, the high priestess of Xochiquetzal, clearly favors Acaxochitl and has made the young warrior maiden something of a celebrity among the nobles and priests in Tecali, often choosing her to serve as the priestess’ personal guard during processions and public services. And though she is truly happiest on the field of battle, Acaxochitl finds her current life more than a little pleasing.

Acaxochitl wears a silver hummingbird pendant made for her by her father for her coming-of-age ceremony. She treasures this piece above all else and will fight to the death to retain or defend it. A person who managed to acquire it from her could almost certainly demand nearly any form of payment from her in exchange for the pendant. The evil sorcerer Nezatl Xomec is aware of this weakness and has plans to exploit it one day, when the stars are right and a certain high priestess must be slain by the hand of a maiden…

Like all Coztli (the warriors of Tlactoztlan), Acaxochitl wears a headdress comprised of yellow parrot feathers, with her own right-of-passage crimson Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 11
Hero Points 3

Strength 1
Agility 2
Mind 0
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 2
Ranged 1
Defense 1

Guard 2
Warrior 1
Metalsmith 1
Noble 0

War Cry
Thick Skin
Escape Artist



Macuahuitl (obsidian-toothed wooden sword), 1d6+2 (-1 to hit)
Atlatl (dart thrower), 1d6-1
Ichcahuipilli (quilted cotton armor) & chimalli (shield), d6-1

0 thoughts on “BoL Character: Acaxochitl

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Thanks, Gobbo! I’ve been trying to breathe a bit of life into these particular cardboard cutouts 🙂 It’s my special way of offsetting the string of incomprehensible names that comprise their descriptions and backstories! But seriously, writing these up makes me feel weird, like I’m Frank Herbert throwing out all of these names and terms that have to be looked up in a glossary somewhere. It’s weird. But fun. Glad you’re digging!

    2. the venomous pao Post author

      Oh, and sadly no, I haven’t actually gotten to run anything in Tlactoztlan just yet. The occasional BRP-based Arabian Nights game continues to dominate my actual playing time for the moment. Fingers crossed I can get some good BoL action in before too much longer, though!

  1. G-Man

    Agree with Goblinkin. This run of NPC’s has been especially interesting.

    I was wondering how you’d handle the macuahuitl. Looks like you gave it the same stats as a morningstar–extra plus for damage, but a bit unwieldy

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Mille grazie, G-Man! I’m glad you’re enjoying ’em. I definitely want this batch to feel real. As I noted above in my reply to Gobbo, it’s the only way I can fell comfortable rolling out the weird Nahuatl-based names and such. Otherwise everything just feels too backlot Hollywood to me.

      You are exactly right about my approach to the macuahuitl. It seemed the best way to make it powerful without causing the über-weapon conundrum. You know, the one where everyone feels the need to drop their own weapon in favor of the ridiculously overpowered native weapon. I don’t want that to happen when my “traditional” barbarians arrive (by accident or by invasion), but I did want to give the macuahuitl the little bit of oomph it deserves.

  2. Goblinkin

    I think your approach to the macuahuitl is a good one. I guess you still have to remember that while it’s a solid lump of wood to smash someone over the head, it’s not the be all and end all of melee weapons

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Thanks, mate. It’s hard not to give the macuahuitl über status when one reads the report from one of Cortez’s conquistadores that it was capable of decapitating a horse in a single blow. It’s probably an overstatement, but still…

      Then again, as gamers we all know that no weapon is superior to the katana 🙂

  3. Goblinkin

    Oh – and I’d love to see some write up ons “Jaguar” and “Eagle” warriors. or even the “The Shorn Ones”.
    I found this on them: The “Shorn Ones” (Cuachicqueh) was the most prestigious warrior society — their heads were shaved apart from a long braid over the left ear. Their bald heads and faces were painted one half blue and another half red or yellow. They had sworn not to take a step backwards during a battle on pain of death at the hands of their comrades

    Sounds like a great enemy

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      I’m considering whether or not I want to drag the Jaguar and Eagle warriors into Tlactoztlan. I don’t mean for the setting to be a perfect analog of Aztec/Mexica culture, after all. That said, they are such iconic bits that it’s hard to pass them up (especially when my loyal readers are clamoring for them :)). So we’ll see where this wanders.

      The Cuachicqueh, though, I’m definitely planning on spec’ing out. They’re just too nasty to ignore and they’re perfect foes for the “never give up” barbarian types. Conan vs. a Cuachicqueh would be an epic battle, no doubt!

  4. G-Man

    “It’s hard not to give the macuahuitl über status when one reads the report from one of Cortez’s conquistadores that it was capable of decapitating a horse in a single blow”

    That conquistador being Bernal Diaz, from “The Conquest of New Spain.” One of the most fascinating historical reads I’ve come across and a source of excellent GMing material.

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      You know, I’ve only ever read snippets from Diaz, but it does indeed seem like an excellent resource. I’ll have to add it to the reading list. Amazon, here I come!

  5. Goblinkin

    I get what you’re saying about it not being a direct representation of Aztec/Incan culture.
    Probably for the best. But those Cuachicqueh are a must have. I imagine them as the hard to kill temple guardians – who are lurch back to their feet after being killed, reanimated by dark temple pacts that binds them to service… forever.
    Well, or something.
    @G-Man – I actually saw a very old, battered copy of Diaz awhile back in a used bookshop but didn’t pick it up. I’d heard of him but decided it was too dear for such a battered copy.
    Regretting it now.