Category Archives: Barbarians of Lemuria

Posts about, related to, or featuring content for Barbarians of Lemuria and related games such as Barbarians of the Aftermath, Dicey Tales, Dogs of WAR, and so on.

BoL Character: Doran FitzCael

Wherein your humble scribe presents yet another Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. More will follow at highly irregular intervals.

From the misty, moody island of Kel comes Doran FitzCael, hard of liver and weak of eye. This big brawler lives to fight, and is more than happy to join up with any band that’s out to bust heads and bring home a few coins for a fresh pint. Though he’s not the sharpest, Doran stands by his friends in a pinch and is truly the sort you’d rather have with you than against you. Despite his fancy last name, Doran has no idea who his father was, nor does he have a drop of royal blood in his veins. Like many of his countrymen, Doran knows his fair share of drinking songs. He’s even actually a very good singer – a tenor in a bass’ body.

Lifeblood 15
Hero Points 5

Strength 3
Agility 1 (0)
Mind -1
Appeal 1

Brawl 2
Melee 2
Ranged -1
Defense 1

Bard 1
Mercenary 2
Thief 1
Worker 0

Hard to Kill

Poor Eyesight

Kellic, Common (non-literate)

Fist d2+3
Longsword, d6+3
Medium armor & Shield (d6)

BoL Character: Orsola Grimaldi

Wherein your humble scribe presents yet another Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. More will follow at highly irregular intervals.

Within the City of Secrets, none are privy to more whispered wisdom than the shadowy order of priestesses who serve the goddess Ceria. Not without reason are these women viewed with suspicious eyes, as they are well-known extortionists who use their knowledge to line the coffers of their order. Many attractive young women in Liria find their way into the sisterhood as a way out of the lower rungs of society, using their unique “gifts” to gather information for the Goddess. Orsola Grimaldi is just such a woman.

Lifeblood 10
Hero Points 5

Strength 0
Agility 2
Mind 0
Appeal 2

Brawl 0
Melee 1
Ranged 0
Defense 3

Dancer 1
Courtesan 0
Assassin 2
Priestess 1

Knife Fighter



Lirian Kris, d6-2
Very light armor, 1d3-1

BoL Character: Stig Damsgaard

Wherein your humble scribe presents yet another Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. More will follow at highly irregular intervals.

From the frozen wastes of Geirbjornhal comes Stig Damsgaard, fierce warrior of the wilds. Captured and enslaved by the forces of Warlord Krug Jas when he was a young man defending his village, Stig soon proved to his captors that his innate ferocity could be put to better use in their army where, at the very least, he would be killing their enemies rather than their slave masters. While serving his new master Stig developed an interest in the songs and poems of the peoples he helped the Warlord conquer. Along the way he has mastered several different folk instruments and intends to learn more still.

Lifeblood 13
Hero Points 5

Strength 3
Agility 1
Mind 1
Appeal -1

Brawl 0
Melee 3
Ranged 0
Defense 1

Barbarian 1
Slave 0
Mercenary 2
Minstrel 1

Spear Fighter
Born To Climb


Native (Non-literate)

Spear (1d6+3)
Axe (1d6+3)
Light Armor & Shield (1d6-1)

BoL Character: Uncle Fakhir

Wherein your humble scribe presents a Barbarians of Lemuria system-powered character built for use in an Arabian Nights style game. The alert among you will remember that I’m actually running an Arabian Nights game using BRP (not BoL). No worries, though. Even though my players want the relative extra crunch of BRP, I’m still thinking in BoL terms where I can.

Depending upon whom you ask, Uncle Fakhir is either the benevolent master of The Academy For Wayward Children or he is a filthy criminal who exploits and controls the orphans of Wah’Jabiah, forcing them to pick pockets for his own profit. Actually, he is both of these things, and quite a bit more.

While it is entirely true that Uncle Fakhir fills his coffers with the ill-gotten gains acquired by his army of diminutive cutpurses, he does indeed provide them with a safe home, good food, and even an education. He seldom raises a hand against his charges and is always there to secure their safety from the town guard in the event that one of them should be caught in the act of “teaching the blessed lesson of humility” to someone in the souk. Uncle Fakhir truly cares for his “nieces and nephews” and will exact brutal revenge on anyone who should happen to harm them.

Numerous merchants, guardsmen, officials, and soldiers (as well as a number of lovely young ladies within the Sultan’s harem) are graduates of Uncle Fakhir’s Academy and most look kindly upon the man. This may explain just how it is that he is able to continue to operate the Academy as something of an open secret within the walls of Wah’Jabiah.

Raised by his older brothers on the streets of Wah’Jabiah, Fakhir first made his way in the world as a street performer and rogue. Though he now engages mostly in legitimate commerce (at least on the surface) and has grown rather fat with his age and success, Fakhir remains a nimble and dangerous foe in combat.

Lifeblood 11
Hero Points 6

Strength 1
Agility 1
Mind 1
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 2
Ranged 0
Defense 2

Thief 2
Merchant 1
Tumbler 1
Vagabond 0

Marked by the Gods

City Dweller


Scimitar (d6+1)
Several Daggers (d3+1)
Very light armor (good quality clothing) d3-1

Stat BoL Characters For Fun And Profit

In case you haven’t wandered over to the semi-official Barbarians of Lemuria forum, you haven’t seen the little contest that Simon Washbourne (the author of BoL) is running.

To help promote The Crimson Edda – his upcoming book of BoL adventures – Simon is asking folks to take a stab at statting up some characters that are named in the BoL core rules but aren’t actually written up therein. Winners get their writeup included in The Crimson Edda and get a free copy of the PDF once it’s done. Not bad!

So, if you’re up to it, give it a shot. Methyn Sarr, Bellys Blak, Jesharek Jool*, and a few others await your guiding hand!

* I’ve already submitted my take on the Wizard-Alchemist Jesharek Jool, and frankly it’s badass, so pick someone else if you want to win, sucker 🙂

BoL Bestiary: Chain Demon

A Chain Demon is a 30’+ length of heavy chain that has been inhabited by a malevolent life force from another plane of existence. The chain is animate, and able to form itself into many different shapes, including various humanoid configurations. Chain Demons attack either by striking with a massive chain “fist” at close range or by lashing out with a smaller (and harder to avoid) chain “whip” to a distance of 30′.

Though their very nature as lengths of chain makes Chain Demons hard to dispatch physically, there may be other ways of dealing with Chain Demons. For example, it is rumored that an immobilized Chain Demon can be exorcized of its malevolent spirit by certain kinds of priests.

Strength 5
Agility 1
Mind -1

Combat Abilities
Attack with 1 chain “fist” +2; damage 2d6
Attack with chain “whip” +4; damage 1d6+1
Defense: 3
Protection: 1d6+2 (steely skin)
Lifeblood: 20

BoL Characters: Dusz & Giszeah

Wherein your humble scribe presents Barbarians of Lemuria stats for Dusz and Giszeah, of the Demons of Adad Untash fame. Why? Because it was something to do to kill some time on a lazy Saturday morning, that’s why!


Lifeblood 12
Hero Points 6

Strength 2
Agility 2 (1)
Mind 0
Appeal 0

Brawl 0
Melee 2
Ranged 0
Defense 2

Warrior 2
Soldier 1
Farmer 1
Rogue 0

Marked by the Gods, Quick Recovery

Country Bumpkin


Alchemical Great Axe 1d6+4 (Uncommon, Boon to hit)
Heavy Armor (mail shirt) d6



Lifeblood 11
Arcane Power 15
Hero Points 5

Strength -1
Agility 1
Mind 3
Appeal 1

Brawl -1
Melee 1
Ranged 1
Defense 3

Sorceress 3
Scholar 1
Healer 0
Rogue 0

Power of the Void, Hard to Kill


Umaabi, Sorceric

Alchemical Dagger 1d3-1 (Rare, Boon to hit, unbreakable, ignores armor)

BoL Character: Irina Chernekovna Gorbenko

Wherein your humble scribe presents another Barbarians of Lemuria system character inspired by the “rebirth” of Mythic Russia. Uh-oh. This is getting serious…

From the frozen wastes north of Novgorod comes Irina Chernekovna Gorbenko, a pagan midwife dedicated to Mat-Syra-Zemlya. Though she can be quite expressive in the company of children and new mothers, Irina is typically quite stoic when men are present, and her hard gaze makes them ill at ease.

Irina possesses a unique gift for being able to tell when she is being lied to, and this, coupled with her chosen profession, has made her something of a legend when it comes to resolving disputes regarding paternity throughout the territories of Lord Novgorod.

Irina is passionate about knowledge and seeks to learn all she can about both the Mortal and Ideal worlds. This drive has served her well, providing her with a rudimentary understanding of magic, which she uses to defend herself and those with whom she has formed a bond.

Lifeblood 10
Arcane Power 10
Hero Points 5

Strength 0
Agility 1
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 1
Ranged 1
Defense 2

Priestess 1
Healer 2
Sorceress 0
Scholar 1

Detect Deception
Learned: Flora & Fauna



Staff 1d6-1
Dagger 1d3
Sling 1d6-2
Very Light Armor (furs, leather) d3-1

BoL Bestiary: U’uurab

Wherein your humble scribe, working on a request and from a certain source for inspiration, presents a new challenge for your BoL characters: the dreaded U’uurab.

These goat-headed humanoids seethe with hatred for civilization and order. They often worship disease spirits and seek to sow chaos and hatred in the world. U’uurab are found in nearly every environment and are the bane of humans wherever they are found.

Immune to all diseases themselves, U’uurab commonly used infected weapons in combat and have been known to infect treasure with various diseases in the hopes of it being found and the disease thereby spread among humanity.

Lifeblood: 13
Arcane Power: 10
Villain Points: 1

Strength 3
Agility 1
Mind 1
Appeal -1

Combat Abilities
Brawl 2
Melee 2
Ranged -1
Defense 1

Barbarian 2
Tracker 2
Magician 0
Druid 0

Disease Immunity
Poison Immunity
Thick Skin

1d6 (tough hide plus light armor & shield)

Spear, 1d6+3
Club, 1d6+2
Headbutt, 1d3+3

Quick & Dirty BoL To BRP Conversion

Right, so I love Barbarians of Lemuria. The game feels right to me – I like thinking in the terms and structures laid out by it. But it’s pretty rules light – too light for most of my players, sadly. So what I’ve been doing as I’ve been working on my BRP Arabian Nights game (and planning for other eventual things like a BRP Mythic Russia game) is to think of things in BoL terms and then convert them to Basic RolePlaying, since that system seems to be about right for my players (and, to be honest, I love it too). To date I’ve just been doing this “on the fly” in my big ol’ head. And that’s cool. But I thought I’d go ahead and write down the concepts so that they’re saved somewhere other than said noggin.


This one is pretty simple. Just take the BoL attribute value and multiply it by 2, and then add/subtract that to/from 10. So a 0 in BoL is a 10 in BRP, and a 3 in BoL is a 16 in BRP. Seems close enough.

Oh, and we need to map those Attributes, don’t we? It’s pretty obvious, but just in case:

  • BoL Strength = BRP Strength, Constitution, and Size
  • BoL Agility = BRP Dexterity
  • BoL Mind = BRP Intelligence and Power (and Education, if used)
  • BoL Appeal = BRP Appearance

One could, of course, come up with more complicated formulas. Or one might be concerned that doing it this way loses some detail. Dowhutchalike. If you need that strong guy to be sickly, adjust as needed. In fact, that kind of adjusting is probably a good way to take Boons & Flaws into account.

You should calculate the necessary derived stats (Hit Points, Stamina Rolls, etc) from the BRP attributes.


Each level of a Career, beginning at zero, is equivalent to 20% in the appropriate skills for that career in BRP. So our pal Andrei Ivanovich Denisov has 20% in Sailor skills, 40% in Merchant and Soldier Skills, and 60% in Minstrel skills.

You can comb through and cross-reference the skill and profession lists in BRP to figure out what those skills actually are, or you can just run with it BoL style and view them as overall categories. I’d likely to the former for PCs and the latter for NPCs. But that’s just me. Actually, I probably wouldn’t do any of this for PCs, since they’re probably going to want to build their characters in BRP in the first place.

Oh, and if it turns out there’s some crossover between skills you think two different careers have, and the character in question has different levels, just average them. So in the case of Andrei Ivanovich Denisov, where BRP’s Persuade skill falls under both Performer (a good match for Minstrel) and Merchant (the 1:1 mapping for Merchant) you could decide that his skill level Persuade is 50%.

Combat Abilities

The same concept for Careers applies to Combat Abilities. And that works nicely for BRP since it, too, doesn’t tie your profession to your martial prowess (like, say, D&D does). In general, consider BoL’s Combat Abilities to map to BRP as follows:

  • BoL Brawl = BRP Brawl & Grapple skills
  • BoL Melee = Two or three of the BRP melee weapon skills (the broad kind, like Sword & Axe)
  • BoL Ranged = Two or three of the BRP missile weapon skills (again, go broad here)
  • BoL Defense = BRP Dodge skill & Parry skills (if you want to separate Attacks & Parries from each other, otherwise just use this for Dodge)

And again, each level (starting at zero) is worth 20% here. So the aforementioned Andrei Ivanovich Denisov brawls & grapples at 40%, swings a sword or axe at 60%, fires bows or slings at 20%, and dodges at 40%. I’d probably let him keep his parries equal to his attacks, but I could very easily see not doing so.

BRP Professions sometimes include access to combat skills, but I’d just ignore those in favor of the above, based on the way BoL handles such things.

Boons & Flaws

Boons and Flaws really call for eyeballing. As noted above, they can easily affect Attribute scores. They could also provide a boost or penalty to certain skill rolls. Or they could even go so far as to automatically make certain skill rolls Easy (double skill) or Difficult (half skill). It all depends on how much power you want these aspects to have. Personally, for elegance’s sake, I’d opt for the Easy/Difficult effect on non-combat Boons & Flaws and go for a 15% bonus/penalty on the combat-related Boons & Flaws. Actually, if one really wanted to make this a serious, well-thought-out conversion system, there’d need to be some significant work done here. But that’s not what I’m after here. If you are, well, you’re on your own, kid 🙂


Oh lord. The bane of all conversion attempts: magic. For a straight BoL to BRP magic conversion I think I’d use the BRP Magic power system, with the Magician’s career level setting the skill level for the spells known. And for spells known I’d opt for six or eight (Heroic or Epic power level). I could also see using BRP’s Sorcery system (but that’s mostly because of the two, I prefer it). Again, this one’s a judgement call.

For Alchemy you’re on your own. But mapping Alchemist career levels to skills is probably a good place to start.

For the Priest/Druid “magic” as seen in BoL Legendary Edition I’d give the character an equivalent number of opportunities to invoke their deity’s power in the form of making an appropriate skill roll Easy or Difficult. Since these are much more one-off and hard to come by than actual Boons & Flaws, I’m ok with these having such a dramatic effect in combat. You could also require a POW vs POW contest for the Priest/Druid to be able to affect the target with this ability.

A Final Note

I haven’t put this process through any rigorous testing, so I don’t know how the final products work out in terms of point levels and such. They might be wildly overpowered or wildly underpowered. Adjust as you need to and it won’t really matter if the NPCs you characters face are “Normal” while the PCs are “Epic” (or whatever). Actually, it quite possibly shades the other way, but that entirely depends on how many skills you assume apply to each BoL Career (and that, of course, will vary by career). This is really just a slightly more advanced version of eyeballing a BoL character into a BRP character, after all 🙂