Category Archives: Barbarians of Lemuria

Posts about, related to, or featuring content for Barbarians of Lemuria and related games such as Barbarians of the Aftermath, Dicey Tales, Dogs of WAR, and so on.

Fortress Oblivion – A New G-Man BoL Adventure!

It’s time to let the uncanny G-Man guide you into the outré shadows of Hyboria in Fortress Oblivion (21168 downloads ) , a decidedly CAS-flavored adventure for Barbarians of Lemuria (Mythic Edition).

Can your heroes survive a night of eldrtich terror in a Mughal-style fort near the Turanian border while a vicious sandstorm scours the desert outside? Download this accursed PDF and find out!

BoL at NTRPG Con?

Update: It’s official! These two games are on the game list and everything. So go get registered for the con itself and then head back to their site around 4/15 to register for specific games.

Will there be Barbarians of Lemuria games at North Texas RPG Con this year? Well, if my proposals (submitted today) are accepted, then yes! I have no reason to believe they won’t be, so if you’re headed to the Dallas-Fort Worth area in June and are looking for games to play at the Con, give these Mythic Edition adventures some consideration…

Friday Night 6/3: The Beasts of Eternity

On the outskirts of Vusseaux, Brother Xelarius stubbornly maintains the flame at the now abandoned Abbey of St. Giles the Green. And though the monk does his best to protect the travelers and messengers who pass through his old order’s territory, brigands and stranger things have recently begun to stir in the shadows. Falsely accused of witchcraft, your small band is given the opportunity to travel to the Abbey in search of an answer to the increase in iniquity or face the guillotine.

Saturday Night 6/4: The Valley of the Ravenous

The wicked sorceress Zaana Dziriijla hurled one last hissing curse at you before she vanished. The world swam, colors swirled, and the ground went as soft as an empty belly below your feet. When your senses returned, you were no longer in her castle on the coast of Kel. Where once your skin was bitten by a frigid wind, it now prickles beneath the heat of an oppressive sun. Distant mountains rise to either side and the cries of unfamiliar birds echo across the skies. It may take some work to get back to Thaxos…

BoL: Sacred Restoration

Wherein your humble scribe presents six BoL (Mythic Edition) characters that are approximations of the characters he’s had kicking around in his head for an Egyptian-themed one shot for years now. Would he actually run it in BoL? Maybe. That’s not the first system he’s considered. Nor will it likely be the last.

“An old priest and a young priest. A young soldier and an old soldier. An architect and a thief. These are the six parts that must come together to restore the jars and quiet the soul of Ptatmep,” spoke Pharaoh’s seer, Pentu-Paneb.

“The way will be perilous. The bandits and their scorpions ravage the roads between Upper and Lower Aphtet. We hear the sandstorms are fierce in the valley this season. And it is far from unlikely that the tomb’s occupants have remained at rest after the desecration.”

“Bring forth the amulets. Allow each of the assembled to choose a single talisman to take with them in Queen Khedebneithireretbeneret’s name. Then give them food and wineskins and send them on their way.”

Personally, I just call her “Your Majesty” or “Her Highness.” Or just “The Queen.”


Nebenefer / Lifeblood 11 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 11 / Fate Points 2
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 0 Mind 3 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 2
Careers: Noble 0, Priest 2, Physician 1, Magician 1
Boons: Learned (Religion), Detect Deception
Flaws: Elderly
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Occu
Equipment: Staff (d6), Light Armor (d6-3)

Taheret / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 12 / Fate Points 1
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 1 Appeal 2
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Noble 1, Slaver 0, Priest 1, Magician 2
Boons: Attractive, Silver Tongue
Flaws: Arrogant
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Occu
Equipment: Mace (d6), Light Armor (d6-3)


Ramessu / Lifeblood 11 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 2 (1) Mind 0 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Noble 1, Beast Trainer 1 , Sailor 0, Soldier 2
Boons: Alert, Keen Eyesight
Flaws: Can’t Lie
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Parsit
Equipment: Sword (d6), Bow (d6), Small Shield, Medium Armor (d6-2)

Beketaten / Lifeblood 13 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 3 Agility 1 (0) Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Slave 0, Worker 0, Farmer 1, Soldier 3
Boons: Fearless, Poison Resistance
Flaws: Superstitious
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Parsit
Equipment: Great Axe (d6H), Medium Armor (d6-2)

Architect & Thief

Zazamoukh / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 2 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 1 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Scribe 1, Merchant 1, Worker 1, Architect 3
Boons: Learned (Engineering), Friends in High Places
Flaws: Non-Combatant
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Sharaal
Equipment: Cudgel (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

Seneb / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Beggar 1, Minstrel 1, Slave 0, Thief 2
Boons: Sneaky, Low-Born
Flaws: Untrustworthy
Languages: Aphtetian
Equipment: 4 X Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

BoL: Mythic Mercenary Band!

Wherein your humble scribe, in honor of receiving his print copy of the Barbarians of Lemuria Mythic Edition today, presents a traveling band of mercenaries who are also a traveling band.

Oxaal / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 1 (-1) Mind 0 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 2
Careers: Blacksmith 1, Minstrel 1, Merchant 0, Mercenary 2
Boons: Attractive, Brawler
Flaws: Hot-Headed
Languages: Talish, Fendic, Iban
Equipment: Hammer (d6), Axe (d6), Small Shield, Heavy Armor (d6-1), Helmet

Dalger / Lifeblood 11 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 2 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 0
Careers: Thief 1, Acrobat 2, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 0
Boons: Friends in Low Places, Sneaky
Flaws: City Dweller
Languages: Talish, Fendic, Iban, Guild Speak
Equipment: Sword (d6), Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

Towan / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 14
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 3 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Scribe 1, Sorcerer 2, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 0
Boons: Fearless, Power of the Void
Flaws: Lustful, Absent-Minded
Languages: Iban, Fendic, Alemb, Saiban, Parlish, Taman, Mogani, Yamash, Baldwish
Equipment: Staff (d6), Dagger (d6L)

Homba / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 12
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 2 Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 2 Defense 0
Careers: Beastmaster 1, Hunter 1, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 1
Boons: Beast-Friend, Mighty Shot
Flaws: Country Bumpkin
Languages: Saiban, Fendic, Iban, Mogani
Equipment: Spear (d6), Compound Bow (d6H), Light Armor (d6-3)

Echo Chamber Newsflash: BoL Mythic Edition Kickstarter Launched

Readers of this blog are likely already aware, but just in case (and to boost the signal), I thought I’d mention that the Kickstarter for Barbarians of Lemuria: Mythic Edition has gone live.

Personally I’m rather soured on Kickstarter these days and I kinda wish BoL:ME weren’t going that route. But it is. So that’s that. I haven’t decided whether I’ll be dropping cash on this or not just yet, though I’m sure I will ultimately relent and pony up. I do love BoL, after all.

Also, it’s worth noting that everyone’s favorite BoL adventure writer, our good friend G-Man (he of the many adventures hosted here on Strange Stones) has an adventure that will be released if one of the stretch goals is reached. So that’s a strong motivator for sure.

So there you have it, amigos. Your daily dose of exciting BoL news.

BotA, Etc. – Gladiators of Zhaartahl IV

Wherein your humble scribe presents a couple of characters and a terrible beast in Barbarians of the Aftermath/Barbarians of Lemuria/Etc. format. Because he wanted to, that’s why.

The Shade Ale was flowing freely in the gladiator’s quarters. The men drank toasts and oaths and dirty jokes, all in honor of the undefeated duo from the west.

“If we defeat the Lord Mayor’s prized Boorm Cat, we will be made free men!” Adran bellowed, laughing as the cobalt blue fluid sloshed over the rim of his mug. The others roared and pounded their tables in boisterous excitement. All except the small pale man at the giant’s side.

“If we slay the Lord Mayor’s prized Boorm Cat,” the little man whispered, “he’ll have us killed immediately. He thinks of that damned thing as his own flesh and blood.”

“Come now, Hanlan,” Adran answered quietly. “Did not the arena master himself tell us this welcome news?”

“He lied, Adran. I could read his… face,” the wiry Baltierran’s voice trailed off, well aware that other ears were likely to overhear their conversation. “We can’t fight tomorrow. We have to escape. Tonight.”

“Flee? From the greatest challenge a man could hope to face? Where else are we to fight a Boorm Cat? There are no more in the wilds. The damnable Vanth have seen to that.”

“That may be true. But it also may not. The Vanth aren’t generally known for their truthfulness. And wouldn’t it be better to live long enough to find out?”

“I suppose. I suppose,” responded the Kortman. “So what is the escape plan this time?”

“Just follow my lead, Adran. Unlike last time…”

In the far distance the bells of the grand clock tower tolled nine times, indicating that the city’s gates were closing. And signaling the time for the lights to be extinguished in the gladiators’ quarters. The Lord Mayor was especially insistent that the people’s entertainers be well rested before their turns in the arena.

Adran / Lifeblood 15 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 3 Agility 2 Mind 0 Appeal -1
Combat Abilities: Brawl 1 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Gladiator 2 Barbarian 1 Thief 1 Miner 0
Boons: Determined, Steely Gaze, Hard-To-Kill
Flaws: Savage, Honorable
Languages: Kortmanish
Equipment: Sword (d6+2), Very Light Armor (d3-1), Shield (1)

Hanlan / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5 /
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 2 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Brawl 0 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 2
Careers: Thief 2 Scholar 1 Psychic 1 Gladiator 0
Boons: Carouser, Man About Town, Natural Thief
Flaws: Compulsive Gambler, Unlucky
Languages: Baltierreien, Kortmanish, Thoog, Vanth
Equipment: Sword (d6), PsiDagger (d3), Very Light Armor (d3-1)

Boorm Cat / Lifeblood 30
Attributes: Strength 3 Agility 2 Mind 1
Combat Abilities: Defense 3 Protection d6
Attack with bite +5; 2d6 damage
Attack with 2 claws +3 per attack; d6+3 damage each
Attack with all 3 attacks at +1 each

Once the dominant predator of Zhaartahl IV, Boorm Cats have been hunted to near extinction by the alien PsiLords of Vanth. A few of these terrifying creatures likely remain in the wilds, but none have been seen in more than a decade. A handful of specimens remain in captivity, where they are often well-cared for and highly prized.

Boorm Cats stand 8′ tall at the shoulder and are generally 10′ to 15′ in length. They are covered with a thick coat of azure and ochre striped fur and have piercing blue eyes. Though their size, strength and speed make them deadly, it is their keen intellect that makes them truly dangerous. They are cunning hunters and exceptionally clever combatants. Worse still, Boorm Cats are known to possess a number of psychic powers, including the ability to cause a single target not to be able to perceive them.

BoL: Mission to Enceladus

It’s time for another imaginary movie with Barbarians of Lemuria (etc.) stats for the major players. This time, let’s check out a completely fictional East German science fiction “classic.”

In 1974, after the success of Stanley Kubrick’s film of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and Andrei Tarkovsky’s version of Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris, the East Germans decided to get in on the deeply philosophical (and sometimes psychedelic) science fiction film action. Thus was born Einsatz zu Enceladus (Mission to Enceladus), which tells the story of a group of international explorers traveling to (oddly enough) Enceladus, one of the moons of Saturn. This being East Germany in the thick of the Cold War, the film is replete with Communist/Socialist propaganda despite its initial conceits of an East-West partnership in exploring space.

Under the auspices of the IWP (Internationale Weltraumforschung Partnerschaft, or international space exploration partnership), a crew comprised of an American soldier, a British scientist, a Russian cosmonaut, and an East German engineer set out in a Soviet spacecraft for Enceladus after a number of radio transmissions – in ancient Greek! – are received from that icy moon. The first half of the film or so consists of slow, largely silent shots of the crew performing their assorted duties and looking at very nice computer readouts, rather like the filmmakers were aping 2001 very closely and carefully.

The propaganda starts to creep in about the time the crew passes Mars (the Red Planet, get it?). At this point the swaggering, cartoonish American soldier, Colonel Rick Carson, begins hitting on the taciturn yet beautiful (and intelligent!) Soviet pilot, Commander Valentina Yegorova. Carson tries to buy her affections with stories of American excess. He breaks into a musical number (yes, it’s wildly out of place) in the style of Elvis movies. And ultimately he tries to force himself on her, only to be stopped with a strong punch to his glass (lantern) jaw by the ugly yet honest and upstanding (and intelligent!) East German engineer, Lieutenant Knut Volkmann. Being a creature of much bluster and little-to-no substance, Carson backs down immediately.

Throughout all of this the British scientist, Professor Alec Baxter-Pearl, is shown to be a weak-willed (and incompetent!) lackey of the domineering American.

Once the ship reaches Saturn the movie turns back towards the somber. For what feels like a very long time, we are treated to some slightly less stunning visuals and more of the slow, quiet shots. Eventually, an outpost is sighted on the surface of Enceladus – an outpost that looks for all the world like the Parthenon perched high atop an outcropping of rock rising from the icy seas that cover the moon.

The ship’s landing module, piloted by Yegorova, descends to the surface, with all four crew members aboard. Once on Enceladus, Carson, Volkmann, and Baxter-Pearl set out to explore the “ruins” and perhaps make contact with whoever lives there. Yegrova stays behind to helm the landing module in case of any trouble.

The three explorers discover a set of long stairs cut into the rock and ascend to the summit. They poke about the marble structures and are eventually greeted by a sole white-furred, yeti-like being wearing Greek-style clothing. The creature converses with Baxter-Pearl, revealing himself to be Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the gods. When he is told that the Olympian gods are no longer found on Earth, he flies into a rage and vows to destroy the planet for its insolence. Or something like that.

Baxter-Pearl tries to calm Hephaestus, spouting off incessantly about all of the Greek ideals that live on in the world (Democracy comes up more than once), but the “god” is having none of it (“Democracy is for fools!” he shouts back in response). Carson, back in stereotype mode, tries to fight Hephaestus, is beaten, and begs for mercy, offering to sell out the entire planet so that he may live on in service to the god. He is slain for his troubles, and Baxter-Pearl is destroyed as well (on principle, one presumes).

Volkmann escapes and returns to the landing module, where he manages to stammer out a brief explanation of what has transpired. Alarms then go off, indicating the launch of a missile from the west (which just happens to be painted red, white, and blue). Volkmann and Yegorova spring into action, launching from the moon intent on intercepting the projectile – even if it means their own doom. Instead of dying, however, the crafty engineer devises a way to “fire” the landing module at the missile and deflect it back to the surface where it might just destroy Hephaestus.

The plan works. The East German and the Russian embrace. (A) god is destroyed. The world is saved by Marxist-Leninist ideology. And the credits roll over brass-heavy closing music.


  • Astronaut/Cosmonaut as a career is meant to cover all of the things that go with being an astronaut, like vacc suit operation, piloting, operating communications arrays, etc.
  • Scientist as a career represents an overall science background, while specific careers like Archaeologist or Physicist represent the more specific fields of study identified by their names.
  • Spacesuits are rated Light, Medium, and Heavy. Light suits provide little defense and are not rated for extravehicular or direct contact with hostile atmospheres/environments for more than 1 hour. Medium and Heavy suits provide more protection at a cost to mobility and are capable of 2 and 4 hours EVA/hostile environment activity.
  • Laser Weapons are incredibly accurate and grant a +1 to Ranged COmbat Ability.


Professor Alec Baxter-Pearl / Lifeblood 9 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength -1 Agility 0 (-1) Mind 3 Appeal 2
Combat Abilities: Brawl 0 Melee 2 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Archaeologist 2 Poet 1 Scientist 1 Astronaut 0
Languages: English, Russian, German, Greek
Equipment: Medium Spacesuit (d6-1), Archaeological Tools, Hand Computer

Colonel Rick Carson / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 1 (0) Mind 0 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Brawl 1 Melee 0 Ranged 2 Defense 1
Careers: Soldier 2 Astronaut 1 Musician 1 Politician 0
Languages: English
Equipment: Laser Pistol (d6), Medium Spacesuit (d6-1)

Commander Valentina Yegorova / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Brawl 2 Melee 0 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Cosmonaut 3 Physician 1 Scientist 0 Farmer 0
Languages: Russian, English
Equipment: Laser Pistol (d6), Light Spacesuit (d6-2)

Lieutenant Knut Volkmann / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 1 (0) Mind 2 Appeal -1
Combat Abilities: Brawl 2 Melee 0 Ranged 2 Defense 0
Careers: Engineer 2 Astronaut 2 Soldier 0 Bureaucrat 0
Languages: German, Russian, English
Equipment: Laser Rifle (d6+2), Heavy Spacesuit (d6)

Space Yeti Hephaestus / Lifeblood 20
Attributes: Strength 4 Agility 1 Mind 2
Combat Abilities: Defense 1 Protection d6-2
Attack with Fist +2; 2d6

Echo Chamber Newsflash: Heroes of Hellas Now Available

Heroes of Hellas coverJust in case you haven’t heard it elsewhere, this seems like a good time to note that Heroes of Hellas, the Barbarians of Lemuria “ancient Greece” supplement, is now available.

I haven’t picked this up yet, so I can’t tell you anything about it. But if you’re itching to do some crazy Jason & the Argonauts stuff using BoL, I presume this will be worth your time and money to download. If I get around to checking it out I’ll be sure to let everyone know what I think. Meanwhile, I’m headed back to melting in the 103ºF heat here in fabulous Austin.

The Barbarians of Heavy Metal Kickstarter Is Live

The Kickstarter for Barbarians of Heavy Metal is live. You know BoHM, right? It’s by Nathaniel, who also brought us Barbarians of the Aftermath. His design diaries are hosted right here at Strange Stones, too.

Anyway, here’s the basic pitch from the BoHM Kickstarter:

Barbarians of Heavy Metal (BoHM) is a Table-Top Roleplaying game set in the post-apocalyptic 31st century where sonic technology and centuries of warfare have created the Metalsphere: a series of interstellar feudal empires based around the veneration of the Rocktagon: the Eight Great Schools of Rock.

Players take on the role of Metalheads, knights of the 31st century who roam the Metalsphere in pursuit of fame and glory. They are sonic warrior-wizards who possess rare and powerful Superstring Manipulators, sonic weaponry in the shape of musical instruments that can vibrate the underlying structure of the universe, bending it to the whim of the virtuoso musician.

The most elite Metalheads are granted the privilege of ‘Riding the Heavy Metal’: Titans! These giant robot combat vehicles tower over the battlefield and possess the power of an entire tank battalion. The nobility of headbanger society, those who possess these massive behemoths are, by definition, more metal than everyone else: the rock stars idolized by a society of rock stars.

BoHM is a conversion of the very popular BoX system found in Barbarians of Lemuria by Simon Washbourne. It is a simple game with a lot of variety in character and adventure types. You can be a wandering Sonic Warrior, a Titan Rider, a Soldier, Groupie (31st century courtesans), Manager (the officers of the 31st century), Space Cowboy, Warp Rider, Inquisitor or any mix of 28 different careers. Add to that 8 attributes, eight different Schools of Rock and a wide variety of musical instruments to specialize in and equipment to outfit yourself with, and you open up a universe of possibilities.

So if you’re ready to rock, why not drop by the Barbarians of Heavy Metal Kickstarter page and do that thing you do when you do the Kickstarter thing?