Category Archives: Labyrinth Lord

Posts about, related to, or featuring content for Labyrinth Lord and related games such as Basic/Expert D&D, Swords & Wizardry, OSRIC, and so on.

Labyrinth Lord, Rise From Your Grave!

All three of you, if you missed it, will be happy to hear… Labyrinth Lord is coming back swinging. I’ll direct your attention to the words of Doctor Dan Proctor hisownself:

Labyrinth Lord second edition is set for release in Q1 of 2023. Its release will be concurrent with a new solo adventure (the writing stage is currently almost finished). These products will be released directly to the public, not via any fundraising effort ahead of time.

Later, there will be a second edition of the Advanced Edition Companion, and if the public desires it, these books will be compiled to create a second edition of Advanced Labyrinth Lord. All editions will remain in print, but clearly labeled with our vendors as to which books are first or second edition.

Goblinoid Games will continue to publish additional adventures and other works regularly going forward.

Between this and the other parts of the announcement (some of which were buried on Faceskronk, but surfaced on Reddit) it sounds like this second edition will move closer to the core “as written” B/X experience a la OSE since, as the intervening years have shown, the earliest RetroClones’ efforts to change thing around a little (e.g., 1st level Clerics getting spells, varied or dropped level titles, &c.) to avoid lawsuits are no longer needed.

In any case, that my original fav-o-rite clone of my original fav-o-rite RPG is being revivified makes me happy. Hopefully it puts a smile on your faces, too. Now let’s hope that Mutant Future gets brought along for the ride…

LL: Let’s Talk Nerdy To The Animals

The animals, the animals,
Let’s talk nerdy to the animals.
Save vs Death, Mister Bunny.
Roll to hit, Mister Bear.

-Apologies to Gilda Radner

Recently Random Order Creations released Rabbits & Rangers, a “supplement written for Labyrinth Lord describing 50 cartoon animal races and various rules tweaks that let you get a slightly more cartoony vibe out of your game.” And since I’m a sucker for Carl Barks, Looney Tunes, Felix the Cat, Hanna-Barbera cartoons, Redwall, and just about any other instance of Funny Animals (as well as things that twist or subvert the genre, like Cerebus, Howard the Duck, Fritz the Cat, Rock & Rule, and so on), I bought it.

Buying it is no good if I don’t put it to use, though. So here’s a party (in the style of my Labyrinth Lord Rogues Gallery) of characters created using Rabbits & Rangers. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Standard LL Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order.

Note: All of the animal races have assorted abilities, attribute modifiers, limitations, and the like. I haven’t listed those here (except for their natural weapon damage values). R&R is only $2, so if you’re curious, go buy the dang thing.

Billysseus / Goat Fighter 1 N
Nature: Cunning / Luck: 6
STR 16 INT 10 WIS 7 DEX 12 CON 12 CHR 11
HP 8 AC 7 Gold 98
Spear, Longbow, 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Shield
Tooth and Claw: 1d4 bite; 1d6 horns
Languages: Common, Goat, Cow, Chicken, Pig

Bjorn / Polar Bear Fighter 1 L
Nature: Simple / Luck: 4
STR 17 INT 5 WIS 5 DEX 8 CON 12 CHR 6
HP 9 AC 5 Gold 15
Two-Handed Sword, Chain Mail
Tooth and Claw: 1d10 bite; 1d6 claw
Languages: Common, Bear, Deer, Fox, Frog, Mouse, Porcupine

Logana / Badger Fighter 1 C
Nature: Sinister / Luck: 8
STR 14 INT 12 WIS 11 DEX 8 CON 14 CHR 14
HP 10 AC 4 Gold 14
Battle Axe, Chain Mail, Shield
Tooth and Claw: 1d6
Languages: Common, Badger, Duck

Don Pedro Quintanilla, El Pinchazo / Porcupine Fighter/Magic-User 1/1 N
Nature: Stoic / Luck: 7
STR 17 INT 17 WIS 9 DEX 11 CON 13 CHR 10
HP 6 AC 2 Gold 1
Sword, Crossbow, 10 Quarrels, Chain Mail, Shield, Spell Book
Tooth and Claw: 1d4 bite; 1d4+1 claw
Languages: Common, Porcupine, Stoat, Sheep, Bird, Wolf
Magic-User Spells: Shield, Burning Hands, Mending, Manipulate Fire, Erase, Charm Person, Unseen Servant

Red, Just Red / Squirrel Thief 1 C
Nature: Bully / Luck: 9
STR 9 INT 8 WIS 7 DEX 15 CON 16 CHR 5
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 86
Sword, Dagger, Short Bow, 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools
Tooth and Claw: 1d3
Languages: Common, Squirrel, Tiger, Penguin, Owl, Coyote

Brother Bathersby / Kangaroo Cleric 1 L
Nature: Upright / Luck: 3
STR 12 INT 11 WIS 16 DEX 11 CON 14 CHR 13
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 8
Mace, Sling, 10 Bullets, Chain Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Tooth and Claw: 1d4 bite; 1d6+1 kick
Languages: Common, Kangaroo, Fossa, Bird, Gorilla, Owl
Cleric Spells: Purify Food and Drink, Cure Light Wounds

Reynja / Fox Magic-User/Thief 1 N
Nature: Rascally / Luck: 7
STR 11 INT 17 WIS 5 DEX 12 CON 10 CHR 11
HP 4 AC 7 Gold 146
Sword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools
Tooth and Claw: 1d4
Languages: Common, Fox, Panda, Raccoon, Chameleon, Sheep, Kangaroo, Mongoose, Lion
Magic-User Spells: Protection from Evil, Jarring Hand, Allure, Ventriloquism, Shield, Read Magic, Enlarge

Arthur / Crow Magic-User/Cleric 1 C
Nature: Ornery / Luck: 4
STR 7 INT 15 WIS 15 DEX 9 CON 12 CHR 4
HP 6 AC 8 Gold 125
Sword, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Leather Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, Spell Book
Tooth and Claw: 1d4
Languages: Common, Crow, Cow, Wolf, Rhino, Pig, Turtle, Wolf, Kangaroo
Magic-User Spells: Summon Familiar, Mending, Erase, Hold Portal, Magic Aura, Read Languages
Cleric Spells: Sanctuary, Command

LL/AEC Party: Explorers of the Diamond Sutra

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in an irregular series of Adventuring Parties for Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order.

This time around the focus is on psionic characters using the information from the Basic Psionics Handbook from New Big Dragon Games. Specifically for this entry, the party’s comprised entirely of standard class characters that have all tested out to be in possession of Wild Psionics as described on p. 46 of the BPH.

Guided by the words of the Diamond Sutra, two Ghoii, two Heyamii, two Narvatii, and a couple of castless handlers of the items of the dead ride out from Bhaaram Vaat in search of the lost treasures of the ancients. Their elephants well trained in the arts of battle, their weapons consecrated against the unliving terrors that reside deep within the jungles. What they will find beyond the shining city will may shake the foundations of the world.

Gho Dagaash/ Human Cleric 1 LG
STR 12 INT 9 WIS 16 DEX 4 CON 10 CHR 13
PSP 1 HP 8 AC 6 Gold 28
Mace, Sling, Chain Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Psionic Abilities: Clairaudience (Clairsentient), Control Flames (Psychokinetic)
Cleric Spells: Detect Magic, Light, Remove Fear

Gho Kalii / Human Cleric 1 NG
STR 12 INT 14 WIS 15 DEX 14 CON 10 CHR 17
PSP 1 HP 8 AC 3 Gold 30
Heavy Flail, Sling, Banded Mail, Silver Holy Symbol
Psionic Abilities: Hypnosis (Telepathic)
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Resist Cold, Sanctuary

Heyam Diisu / Human Fighter 1 LN
STR 16 INT 10 WIS 11 DEX 9 CON 8 CHR 14
PSP 1 HP 9 AC 5 Gold 9
Tulwar, Scale Mail, Short Bow, Quiver w/ 20 Arrows, Shield, 50′ Rope
Psionic Abilities: Dream Travel, Time Leap (Psychoportative)

Heyam Tikkaraal / Human Fighter 1 NG
STR 13 INT 9 WIS 14 DEX 9 CON 4 CHR 9
PSP X HP 8 AC 4 Gold 36
Scimitar, Kris, Light Crossbow, Case w/ 10 Quarrels, Chain Mail, Shield, Small Steel Mirror
Psionic Abilities: Control temperature (Psychokintetic)

Narvat Shaash / Human Magic-User 1 CG
STR 11 INT 13 WIS 11 DEX 11 CON 13 CHR 11
PSP 1 HP 5 AC 9 Gold 113
2 Silver Kris, Spell Book, 8 Torches, Flint & Steel
Psionic Abilities: Chameleon Ability, Expansion (Psychometabolic)
MU Spells: Comprehend Languages, Erase, Jump, Read Languages, Read Magic

Narvat Diil / Human Magic-User 1 NG
STR 12 INT 16 WIS 9 DEX 10 CON 13 CHR 5
PSP 1 HP 5 AC 9 Gold 131
Quarterstaff, Spell Book, 12 Iron Spikes, Hammer
Psionic Abilities: Body weaponry (Psychometabolic)
MU Spells: Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Magic Aura, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Ventriloquism

Priyat / Human Thief 1 N
STR 17 INT 12 WIS 14 DEX 18 CON 13 CHR 6
PSP 3 HP 7 AC 5 Gold 89
2 Hand Axes, 6 Chakram, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools
Psionic Abilities: Mass Domination (Telepathic)

Lagam / Human Thief 1 N
STR 9 INT 11 WIS 14 DEX 15 CON 11 CHR 11
PSP 1 HP 6 AC 7 Gold 42
2 Hand Axes, 6 Charkram, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools
Psionic Abilities: Know Location (Clairsentient)

Heists For Fantasy Thieves

Wherein your humble scribe, drawing on the “All The Dice” random generator concept (tip of the hat to Grim), presents a random table for your nerdly needs.

My latest obsession/idea is an old school urban crime mini-campaign, something along the lines of the old Gamelords Thieves’ Guild RPG.

My first thought was to use Labyrinth Lord/AEC and break down the thieving skills a bit to turn that subsystem into something that players could customize to reflect their own individual thief’s specialties (sort like AD&D 2e did – but I don’t have those books handy to steal from reference). But when I started doing the math I quickly realized I’d be better off using a different system (one that was already skill-based).

So in rode BRP and the fabulous Classic Fantasy monograph (to be used if I feel the need to retain a degree of D&D style). If I ever make this get off the ground (and given my current levels of gamer ADD and the general scheduling issues with the folks I play with, that’s a dubious proposition) I’m going to need an idea generator for some thiefly adventures & heists. Hence, the tables below. Please feel free to make use of these in any way you see fit. Sharing makes the world go ’round!

Let’s Roll

Grab yourself a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20 and roll ’em. Check against the charts below and let your creativity fill things out as needed.

Location of item(s) to be liberated, 1d4

  1. Temple or other religious/ceremonial building
  2. Private residence (1d4: 1 lower class, 2 middle class, 3 upper class, 4 nobility)
  3. Mercantile building (guildhall, apothecary, etc.)
  4. Governmental building (military hq, prison, town hall, etc.)

Complications of the job, 1d6

  1. No complications, job as described by the rest of the dice
  2. Minor complications, roll for a second guardian for the item (now under double guard)
  3. Major complications, roll for a second location (the item has been moved)
  4. No complications, job as described by the rest of the dice
  5. Serious complications, roll for two more guardians and a second location – the item(s) has been moved to a new location and is under a different kind of protection
  6. It’s a setup! A double-cross! A trap! Everything proceeds normally, but something bad happens if the job is successful (not paid, guard alerted, the job is completely fake, etc.)

Method of payment for liberating the item(s), 1d8

  1. No payment
  2. Keep anything else you can take
  3. Coin: ((2d4-1) X 10)% of item’s value
  4. Coin: ((1d10+10) X 10)% of item’s value
  5. A minor, limited-use magic item (potion of healing, etc.)
  6. Information (a treasure map, the name of a spy, etc.)
  7. Coins: (3d8 X 10) total gp value
  8. Gems: (4d6 X 10) total gp value

Nature of the item(s) to be liberated, 1d10

  1. Plain ol’ coin money
  2. Magic item (weapon/armor/shield)
  3. Religious relic
  4. Gems or jewelry
  5. Paperwork of significance
  6. Object d’Art (statue/painting/etc.)
  7. Symbolic item
  8. Magic item (non-weapon)
  9. Roll again twice using d8s
  10. Roll again three times using d8s

Guardian of the item(s) to be liberated, 1d12

  1. None
  2. Locked chest/safe
  3. Trapped & locked chest/safe
  4. Magical wards
  5. Generic human/demihuman guards
  6. Tougher-than-generic human/demihuman guards
  7. Natural animal(s)
  8. Monster(s)
  9. Undead
  10. Demon/devil
  11. Roll again twice using d10s
  12. Roll again three times using d10s

Source of the job, 1d20

  1. Professional connection (guild, crime family, etc.)
  2. Freelance theft-for-hire (merchant, sailor, etc.)
  3. Rumor/Innuendo/Legend
  4. Personal Reasons (revenge, matter of honor, thrill seeking, etc.)
  5. Religious connection (prelate with a problem, a favor for the god of thieves, etc.)
  6. Professional connection (guild, crime family, etc.)
  7. Freelance theft-for-hire (merchant, sailor, etc.)
  8. Romantic connection (spouse, mistress, etc.)
  9. Family connection (no-good brother-in-law, dying aunt, etc.)
  10. Political connection (local political faction, foreign government, etc.)
  11. Professional connection (guild, crime family, etc.)
  12. Freelance theft-for-hire (merchant, sailor, etc.)
  13. Rumor/Innuendo/Legend
  14. Personal Reasons (revenge, matter of honor, thrill seeking, etc.)
  15. Professional connection (guild, crime family, etc.)
  16. Freelance theft-for-hire (merchant, sailor, etc.)
  17. Military/Police connection (the corrupt sheriff, a questionable general, etc.)
  18. Rumor/Innuendo/Legend
  19. Professional connection (guild, crime family, etc.)
  20. Freelance theft-for-hire (merchant, sailor, etc.)

Some Sample Heists

  • Your older brother offers to pay you a lot of money to break into the town armory and steal the enchanted Shield of the Sentinels. Of course, the armory is guarded by a pair of basilisks, but that’s not a problem for someone like you. You know he can afford what he’s offering; you just don’t know what he’s up to, which is planning on double-crossing you by turning you and the shield in for the reward to pay off his gambling debts.
  • Old Garril the Stonemason offers you a number of small diamonds he once found in a wall he was repairing to steal the sixteen large sapphires Korath the Bold recently donated to the Temple of Naali. These are locked in a chest stored within the high priest’s chambers.
  • You’ve heard a rumor that there’s a woman in Amberton who will pay a nice sum of money for a set of enchanted combs that are currently available in the shop of Forlburt the silversmith. The smith is a paranoid sort, who employs a small number of human guards and trained hounds to stand watch over his shop even as he locks all of his merchandise within a heavy (and trapped!) safe every evening.
  • Your guild or crime family needs you to break into the manor house of the Harbormaster and steal the ledgers for the last season’s shipping taxes. Your reward for pulling off this heist is the name and location of the man who killed your family when you were young. Everyone knows that the house is protected by magical wards. Not even your contact knows about the wraith that has been bound to guard the grounds.

Echo Chamber News Flash: Starships & Spacemen Crowdfunding

In case you’ve missed it elsewhere…

Carry Out Missions in the Final Frontier!

The IndieGoGo project to fund the Starships & Spacemen Second Edition rule book is now live!

Starships & Spacemen was first released back in 1978, only the second science fiction RPG ever to be released.

This second edition of the classic game is compatible with Labyrinth Lord and Mutant Future. The best elements of the first edition have been kept–the classes and subclasses, the excellent starship rules, and the space adventuring rules. Classes, races, and abilities have been made more in line with Labyrinth Lord.

This second edition has elements that let you customize the style of play whether you prefer an “original series” feel, a “next generation” feel, or something in between.

You won’t be bogged down by an over-complicated and detailed galaxy. That’s one of the difficulties sometimes when trying to play in an established licensed universe. With Starships & Spacemen get just enough information to get going, and plenty of advice for designing your galaxy. Galactic space will be yours to customize.

Much like in Labyrinth Lord, in Starships & Spacemen you design your milieu. This is adventuring in space, not History 101!

Pledging at any level gives you access to the playtest draft and the playtest forums!

Because we all need something else to spend money on, right?

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: More Multi-Classed Characters

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s more Multi-Classed Characters. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. And, as is now commonplace, they all have some snappy headgear.

Laras Fairweather / Elf Fighter/Magic-User 1/1 LG
Headgear: A large green beret
STR 16 INT 15 WIS 7 DEX 10 CON 9 CHR 6
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 28
Long Sword, Silver Dagger, 4 Darts, Banded Mail, Shield, Spell Book
Magic-User Spells: Hold Portal, Magic Missile

Ulrich Krell / Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter 1/1 NG
Headgear: A light brown fur-lined hood
STR 16 INT 12 WIS 13 DEX 11 CON 13 CHR 6
HP 10 AC 7 Gold 16
Mace, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Shield, Wooden Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Command, Detect Evil

Ousman Njie / Half-Elf Cleric/Ranger 1/1 CG
Headgear: A ridiculously extravagant helmet that resembles an elephant’s head
STR 10 INT 13 WIS 14 DEX 10 CON 15 CHR 11
HP 13 AC 7 Gold 22
Longsword, Short Sword, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Studded Leather, Wooden Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Light, Resist Cold

Nystia Halfmoon / Half-Elf Cleric/Magic-User 1/1 LN
Headgear: An open-faced helm adorned with antlers
STR 10 INT 15 WIS 14 DEX 9 CON 11 CHR 8
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 55
Flail, Sling & 10 Bullets, Studded Leather, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol, Spell Book
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Light, Purify Food & Drink
Magic-User Spells: Burning Hands, Shocking Grasp

Borquelle du Fabinont / Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Thief 1/1/1 N
Headgear: A deep sea-blue wrap with a blank-faced tortoise-shell mask
STR 17 INT 14 WIS 6 DEX 15 CON 10 CHR 10
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 33
Long Sword, Quarterstaff, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Chain Mail, Shield, Spell Book, Thieves’ Tools
Magic-User Spells: Charm Person, Magic Aura

Spiros Schylex / Gnome Fighter/Illusionist 1/1 CN
Headgear: A wide-brimmed floppy hat
STR 13 INT 16 WIS 10 DEX 16 CON 11 CHR 8
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 9
Short Sword, Dagger, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Chain Mail, Spellbook
Illusionist Spells: Hypnotism, Phantasmal Force

Krade Gemcutter / Dwarf Cleric/Thief 1/1 LE
Headgear: A five-tiered ziggurat hat
STR 8 INT 8 WIS 13 DEX 15 CON 16 CHR 8
HP 9 AC 7 Gold 52
Light Hammer, Hand Axe, Leather Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, Thieves’ Tools
Cleric Spells: Detect Magic, Light

Mohrgrest The Grim / Half-Elf Fighter/Assassin 1/1 NE
Headgear: A ridiculously extravagant helmet in the shape of a skull
STR 14 INT 12 WIS 6 DEX 14 CON 9 CHR 17
HP 8 AC 6 Gold 22
Long Sword, 2 Daggers, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Leather Armor, Shield

Cirel Dreamstone / Elf Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User 1/1/1 CE
Headgear: A conical helmet with a crimson tassel
STR 15 INT 16 WIS 16 DEX 13 CON 8 CHR 8
HP 6 AC 3 Gold 15
Bastard Sword, Silver Dagger, Banded Mail, Silver Holy Symbol, Spell Book
Cleric Spells: Command, Detect Magic, Fear
Magic-User Spells: Enlarge, Magic Missile

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: More Sub-Classes

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s more Subclass Classes. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. And, as is now commonplace, they all have some snappy headgear.


Vælar Solm (aka “The Prince”) / Human Assassin 1 NE
Headgear: Classic open-faced Mongol-style helm
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 9 DEX 14 CON 9 CHR 11
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 74
Long Sword, Dagger, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Leather Armor, Shield

Marghal Nightbane / Elf Assassin 1 CE
Headgear: A black hood with sickly mustard-colored stripes
STR 15 INT 14 WIS 10 DEX 16 CON 13 CHR 11
HP 7 AC 6 Gold 31
Long Sword, Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor


Arthur Oakheart / Human Druid 1 N
Headgear: Bare, revealing his mohawk haircut
STR 12 INT 5 WIS 13 DEX 8 CON 11 CHR 17
HP 8 AC 8 Gold 197
Scimitar, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Wooden Shield
Druid Spells: Pass Without Trace, Purify Water, Shillelagh

Asharahsa / Human Druid 1 N
Headgear: A three-tasseled hat
STR 9 INT 10 WIS 15 DEX 5 CON 12 CHR 16
HP 8 AC 9 Gold 145
Sickle, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Wooden Shield
Druid Spells: Animal Companion, Divine Weather, Shillelagh, Speak With Animals


Jiang Jin Lo / Human Monk 1 LG
Headgear: An albino white wrap with an attached grilled gladiator style mask
STR 12 INT 9 WIS 16 DEX 16 CON 9 CHR 5
HP 8 AC 9 Gold 14
Long Sword, 4 Darts

Oralt / Human Monk 1 LN
Headgear: A single-tasseled forest green hat
STR 13 INT 10 WIS 15 DEX 17 CON 13 CHR 10
HP 9 AC 9 Gold 12
Spear, Short Bow & 20 Arrows


Kashord the Sly / Human Illusionist 1 CG
Headgear: A scarlet bishop’s mitre
STR 9 INT 15 WIS 11 DEX 16 CON 13 CHR 10
HP 5 AC 7 Gold 82
Silver Dagger, 6 Darts, Spell Book
Illusionist Spells: Hypnotic Pattern, Misdirection

Errom Tir / Gnome Illusionist 1 CE
Headgear: A sky blue, 4-tired ziggurat hat
STR 7 INT 16 WIS 12 DEX 17 CON 15 CHR 10
HP 5 AC 7 Gold 54
Quarterstaff, 3 Daggers, Spell Book
Illusionist Spells: Blur, Magic Mouth


Fidela the Charitable / Human Paladin 1 LG
Headgear: Bare, revealing her shortish black hair tied back in a ponytail
STR 15 INT 9 WIS 15 DEX 6 CON 9 CHR 17
HP 10 AC 4 Gold 2
Scimitar, Banded Mail, Shield

Haerund, Sword of St. Berestin / Human Paladin 1 LG
Headgear: A long heavy scarf knit from deep sea blue wool
STR 13 INT 10 WIS 13 DEX 12 CON 13 CHR 17
HP 11 AC 4 Gold 40
Long Sword, Chain Mail, Shield


Dennent Brock / Human Ranger 1 NG
Headgear: A plain helmet with a wolf-faced mask
STR 14 INT 13 WIS 12 DEX 9 CON 15 CHR 7
HP X AC X Gold 25
Bastard Sword, Longbow & 20 Arrows, Chain Mail, Shield

Argun Trailminder / Half-Elf Ranger 1 CG
Headgear: A classic, Roman-style helmet
STR 11 INT 14 WIS 14 DEX 10 CON 15 CHR 8
HP X AC 6 Gold 94
Short Sword, Hand Axe, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Studded Leather, Shield

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: More Thieves

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s more Thieves. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. And, as is now commonplace, they all have some snappy headgear.

Runnert of Lomax / Human Thief 1 NG
Headgear: Bare, revealing his long flowing hair (tied back)
STR 10 INT 14 WIS 4 DEX 15 CON 11 CHR 11
HP 6 AC 7 Gold 57
Long Sword, 2 Daggers, Hand Axe, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Silas Smokesky / Elf Thief 1 CG
Headgear: An extravagant tri-cornered hat
STR 15 INT 12 WIS 9 DEX 16 CON 11 CHR 12
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 57
Short Sword, Silver Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

D’Neeta Sahav / Human Thief 1 CG
Headgear: A reversible hood that is black on one side and brilliant copper on the other
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 13 DEX 18 CON 11 CHR 5
HP 6 AC 5 Gold 111
Bastard Sword, Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Ghentlex / Halfling Thief 1 CN
Headgear: A fancy top hat
STR 12 INT 13 WIS 13 DEX 16 CON 10 CHR 11
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 104
Mace, Silver Dagger, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Torbald Keeneye / Half-Orc Thief 1 CN
Headgear: An open-faced helm adorned with spikes
STR 13 INT 11 WIS 12 DEX 14 CON 16 CHR 10
HP 8 AC 7 Gold 127
Long Sword, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Andhal / Human Thief 1 CN
Headgear: Bare, revealing his amazing curly mane
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 10 DEX 14 CON 12 CHR 12
HP 6 AC 7 Gold 77
Scimitar, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Milius Darkwater / Half-Elf Thief 1 NE
Headgear: A blank-faced masked helmet adorned with bat wings
STR 6 INT 14 WIS 10 DEX 17 CON 10 CHR 7
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 48
Short Sword, 3 Daggers, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Hyaldi the Rat Catcher / Human Thief 1 CE
Headgear: A heavy fur-lined hood of pea green cloth
STR 13 INT 11 WIS 10 DEX 14 CON 13 CHR 9
HP 7 AC 7 Gold 38
Flail, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Burrus the Toad / Gnome Thief 1 CE
Headgear: A deep green & black headscarf
STR 9 INT 13 WIS 11 DEX 17 CON 11 CHR 10
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 92
2 Hand Axes, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: More Clerics

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s more Clerics. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. And, as is now commonplace, they all have some snappy headgear.

Daunielle / Half-Elf Cleric 1 LG
Headgear: A 3-tasseled indigo hood
STR 13 INT 7 WIS 15 DEX 15 CON 7 CHR 9
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 8
Mace, Sling & 10 Bullets, Chain Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Detect Magic, Remove Fear, Resist Cold

Dzja Mrbeq / Human Cleric 1 NG
Headgear: A spiralled conical hat
STR 9 INT 14 WIS 16 DEX 14 CON 6 CHR 9
HP 6 AC 3 Gold 30
Flail, Sling & 10 Bullets, Chain Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Detect Magic, Resist Cold, Sanctuary

Ardeienne Spirttalker / Elf Cleric 1 CG
Headgear: Bare, showing her shaved & tattooed head
STR 13 INT 11 WIS 14 DEX 7 CON 12 CHR 7
HP 8 AC 8 Gold 1
Heavy Flail, Studded Leather, Wooden Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Detect Evil, Purify Food & Drink, Remove Fear

Dalbin the Anvilguard / Dwarf Cleric 1 LN
Headgear: A helm incorporating a snake-faced mask
STR 9 INT 8 WIS 16 DEX 8 CON 14 CHR 7
HP 9 AC 4 Gold 23
War Hammer, Banded Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic, Light

Kir Artrin / Human Cleric 1 N
Headgear: Bare, revealing his long, braided hair
STR 13 INT 10 WIS 16 DEX 10 CON 10 CHR 12
HP 8 AC 4 Gold 6
Heavy Flail, Banded Mail, Wooden Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Protection From Evil, Sanctuary

Sauldo Wert / Gnome Cleric 1 CN
Headgear: A metal skullcap
STR 8 INT 8 WIS 15 DEX 10 CON 13 CHR 14
HP 9 AC 4 Gold 28
Mace, Sling & 10 Bullets, Chain Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Light, Remove Fear

Rewald Weslav / Human Cleric 1 LE
Headgear: Bare, showing his shortish, pony-tailed hair
STR 11 INT 10 WIS 17 DEX 12 CON 8 CHR 11
HP 7 AC 4 Gold 37
Flail, Banded Mail, Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Detect Good, Fear, Light

Lurghra / Half-Orc Cleric 1 NE
Headgear: A bedouin-style wrap
STR 12 INT 9 WIS 14 DEX 12 CON 13 CHR 10
HP 8 AC 3 Gold 25
Mace, Banded Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Cause Light Wounds, Fear, Resist Cold

Aghaan Malthu / Human Cleric 1 CE
Headgear: A classic Mongol-style helm
STR 12 INT 12 WIS 15 DEX 11 CON 7 CHR 13
HP 7 AC 4 Gold 14
Morning Star, Chain Mail, Shield, Wooden Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Command, Detect Magic, Putrefy Food & Drink