Category Archives: Games

Elric! Rogues Gallery

Wherein your humble scribe, in honor of the upcoming new Magic World RPG, produces a couple of characters using the Elric! iteration of BRP.

Sayle, Fast-Talking Mercenary, Age 26
Law 3 Balance 0 Chaos 0
Goateed, generous, and garrulous, Sayle travels the Young Kingdoms as a sword for hire, with only a lock of his mother’s hair worn in a small leather pouch about his neck as a reminder of his youthful days in distant Argimiliar.

STR 15 CON 10 SIZ 13 INT 10 POW 14 DEX 14 APP 17 HP 12 DB none
Gold: 360
Weapons: Short Spear 60% (1d6+1), Thrown Spear 50% (1d6+1), Broadsword 55% (1d8+1)
Armor: Sea Leather, no helmet (1d6-1), Small Shield
Skills: Art:Tell Story 65%, Bargain 45%, Brawl 75%, Disguise 35%, Dodge 63%, Evaluate 35%, Fast Talk 60%, Insight 55%, Oratory 55%, Other Language (Melnibonean) 30%, Own Language (Common) 70%, Ride 80%, Search 40%, Shield 40%, Throw 50%

Vanaya, Resourceful Escaped Slave, Age 26
Law 0 Balance 0 Chaos 3
Her long, raven hair loose to hide the Jharkorian slave brand on back of neck, Vanaya wears her dead sister’s boots. She never speaks of her childhood, and has vowed one day to master all the magic she can to make her vengeance upon her family’s tormenters both dark and complete.

STR 10 CON 10 SIZ 8 INT 16 POW 17 DEX 13 APP 13 HP 9 DB none
Gold: 520
Weapons: Dirk 55% (1d4+2)
Armor: Soft Leather (1d6-1)
Spells: Heal, Make Fast, Span of Cran Liret (3)
Skills: Art: Conversation 50%, Art: Formal Dance 20%, Bargain 35%, Conceal Object 45%, Craft: Card Reading/Palmistry 65%, Disguise 35%, Dodge 61%, Evaluate 35%, Fast Talk 60%, Hide 65%, Insight 65%, Jump 25%, Move Quietly 45%, Natural World 45%, Oratory 25%, Own Language (Common) 100%, Pick Lock 25%, Potions 10%, Scent/Taste 40%, Search 40%

Echo Chamber News Flash: Chaosium To Release New Magic World

This just in… Chaosium will be releasing a new version of Magic World this summer! Here’s the skinny:

MAGIC WORLD is a self-contained fantasy roleplaying game using the classic “Basic Roleplaying” system. The game allows you to play characters in a world of fantasy, adventure, and excitement. The rules of MAGIC WORLD are simple to grasp, while having enough options and complexity to suit any gaming style. Characters grow in experience organically, without relying on artificial constructs such as classes, levels, etc. Any sort of fantasy character you can imagine, you can play. MAGIC WORLD contains:

* Full rules for creating characters in a world of magic and fantasy.
* A robust magic system with nearly one hundred spells. Any character may become a spell caster with the right combination of raw talent, and training!
* Detailed, yet streamlined skills and combat rules.
* Complete rules for nautical adventures.
* A bestiary of more than sixty creatures to use as foes for the characters, or as the characters themselves! Play as any species imaginable: Human, Elf, Orc, Centaur, Troll, Talking Beast, and more!
* Gamemaster advice, and resources.
* A gallery of enchanted items which might be found in your characters’ adventures.
* A complete sample campaign setting, “the Southlands”, to jump start your adventures.
* And more!

The best part of this is that little “self-contained” bit. That should mean that the Big Gold Book isn’t needed, and that this little gem can be a proper gateway drug to the majesty that is BRP. That’s a whole lot of new spells for, presumably, the “classic” Magic World system (which is the “Magic” system in the BGB), too. I can’t wait to get my hands on this thing.

UPDATE: In case you don’t wind up reading the comments, I figured I should point out that it’s been revealed that the magic in Magic World will be the Sorcery system from the Big Gold Book (which is the system that appeared in Elric!) with additional spells added in from other Elric!-y sources. The whole game is, in fact, a reworking of the Elric! rules presented as a complete game. This is marvelous news and I’m just giddy at the prospect of having something like this from Chaosium. I think it’s exactly what BRP needs.

TFT Rogues Gallery

Wherein your humble scribe presents a trio of beginning adventurers for that most wonderful of early RPGs, The Fantasy Trip. As I’ve mentioned before, TFT is the game I played most (by a wide margin) back in the day. When the rest of you lot were busy taking your paladins and assassins against the giants or slavers (or whatever) in Greyhawk, the group I played with was busy running our heroes and wizards through our own adventures in homebrewed worlds like Erelandé, Greymere, and Trith. That doesn’t make me better than anyone, but it does make me very different than a lot of folks I’ve encountered in the OSR/geek blogging scene. There are a couple of retroclones of TFT out there (Legends of the Ancient World is the only one I’ve actually looked at), though, so I know I’m not completely alone.

Gathered together in the city of Lyros, the members of this trio of rogues have just finished up a month’s worth of work at the jobs they do when not questing for treasure. Joran’s employer docked him a week’s pay for an “incident” with another caravan guard, but nothing else serious befell anyone. What strange adventures might these three have in the coming days? Whatever trouble they get into will surely be played out on the hex grid of life (because people can move in more than four directions).

Joran of Rask (Human Hero)
Personality: Loud, friendly, and honest to a fault
Job: Mercenary Recruit Pay: $75 Risk: 5/16 Silver: $225
ST 11 DX 11 ( adjDX 10 ) IQ 10 MA 10 ( adjMA 10 )
Talents: Axe/Mace (2), Thrown Weapons (2), Shield (1), Horsemanship (1), Climbing (1)
Spells: Summon Wolf (3)
Equipment: 3 Small Axes (1d+1), Cloth Armor (1), Spiked Shield (1)

Ss’Kel (Reptileman Hero)
Personality: Taciturn, driven by a desire for knowledge, prone to complaining
Job: Builder Pay: $50 Risk: 3/18 Silver: $200
ST 14 DX 13 ( adjDX 11 ) IQ 11 MA 10 ( adjMA 8 )
Talents: Sword (2), Crossbow (1), Alertness (2), Missile Weapons (3), Architect/Builder (2), Literacy (1)
Equipment: Bastard Sword (2d+1/3d-2), Light Crossbow (2d), Leather Armor (2)

Gharli Fenth (Goblin Wizard)
Personality: Suspicious of others, greedy, sarcastic & mean-spirited humor
Job: Town Wizard Pay: $75 Risk: 4/17 Silver: $300
ST 8 DX 10 ( adjDX 9 ) IQ 12 MA 10 ( adjMA 10 )
Talents: Literacy (1), Charisma (4)
Spells: Sleep (1), Lock/Knock (1), Illusion (1), Confusion (1), Persuasiveness (1), Staff (1), Fireball (1)
Equipment: Wizard’s Staff (1d), Cloth Armor (1)

Future*World Rogues Gallery

Wherein your humble scribe presents an adventuring party for Future*World (which is a lot like Travller, but with a gate system instead of starships), from the Worlds of Wonder boxed set. This is BRP at its most basic, but that just makes it more enjoyable, if you ask me. These four adventurers were created completely by-the-book. If I were to run something using this iteration of the BRP rules I’d definitely want to tweak a few things, but on the whole I think the “original” BRP + Worlds of Wonder is downright awesomely playable as-is.

After a couple of years on the wrong side of the law (and a couple of very nice scores), Shavistine Ryn went straight and wound up serving the Empire well. But now that her tours are over, she’s considering a little backsliding for fun and profit in the Frontier worlds. With her lover Kannix, their bear-like Rumahl bodyguard Burrul, and the aimless ex-military robot Nate Jones along for the ride, who knows what kind of trouble (and profit) she’ll stir up?

Shavistine Ryn, Human
STR 11 CON 14 SIZ 13 INT 16 POW 12 DEX 15 CHA 13 HP 14 DB none Credits 823,000
Service History: Criminal 2 / Civilian 1 / Army 2 / ICE 1
Weapons: Holdout Blaster (2d8), Force Sword (2d10)
Armor: Nylar Armor (9P/4B/5L)
Skills: Jump 35%, Climb 35%, Listen 35%, Spot Hidden 35%, Throw 35%, Brawl 35%, Move Quietly 55%, Hide 55%, First Aid 15%, Trade 30%, Intel/Counterintel 50%, Communications 5%, Computer 5%, Engineering 20%, Gate 20%, Maintenance 5%, Pilot 5%, Robotics 5%, Holdout Blaster 35%, Force Sword 40%

Kannix Dralago, Human
STR 14 CON 13 SIZ 12 INT 14 POW 9 DEX 9 CHA 10 HP 13 DB none Credits 182,000
Service History: Civilian 3 / Science 2 / ICE 1
Weapons: Light Blaster Pistol (1d10+3)
Armor: Nylar Armor (9P/4B/5L)
Skills: Jump 20%, Climb 20%, Listen 20%, Spot Hidden 20%, Throw 20%, Brawl 20%, Move Quietly 25%, Hide 25%, First Aid 10%, Trade 35%, Intel/Counterintel 5%, Communications 35%, Computer 5%, Engineering 5%, Gate 20%, Maintenance 20%, Pilot 5%, Robotics 5%, Laser Pistol 50%, Cooking 15%, Relationsciences 30%, Blaster Pistol 50%, Biosciences 15%

Burrul, Rumahl
STR 18 CON 15 SIZ 14 INT 7 POW 19 DEX 7 CHA 11 HP 15 DB +1d6 Credits 129,000
Weapons: Heavy Blaster Pistol (2d8+3), Heavy Blaster Rifle (2d10+4)
Armor: Chitin Armor (5P/10B/6L) + Natural Hide (3p/1B/1L)
Skills: Jump 45%, Climb 55%, Listen 45%, Spot Hidden 25%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Move Quietly 40%, Hide 60%, First Aid 60%, Trade 35%, Intel/Counterintel 5%, Communications 5%, Computer 5%, Engineering 35%, Gate 20%, Maintenance 5%, Pilot 20%, Robotics 5%, Blaster Pistol 50%, Blaster Rifle 50%

N8-J0N3S, Robot
STR 10 CON 22 SIZ 6 INT 10 POW 9 DEX 23 CHA 13 HP 22 DB none Credits 30,000
Service History: Army 4
Weapons: Heavy Laser Pistol (1d8+2)
Armor: Ceramet Armor (7P/7B/7L)
Skills: Jump 20%, Climb 20%, Listen 20%, Spot Hidden 20%, Throw 20%, Brawl 20%, Move Quietly 25%, Hide 25%, First Aid 10%, Trade 15%, Intel/Counterintel 5%, Communications 5%, Computer 35%, Engineering 5%, Gate 5%, Maintenance 35%, Pilot 5%, Robotics 5%, Laser Pistol 50%

Magic World Rogues Gallery

Wherein your humble scribe presents an adventuring party for Magic World, from the Worlds of Wonder boxed set. This is BRP at its most basic, but that just makes it more enjoyable if you ask me. These four adventurers were created completely by-the-book. If I were to run something using this iteration of the BRP rules I’d definitely want to tweak a few things (like adding in the Dodge skill), but on the whole I think the “original” BRP + Worlds of Wonder is downright awesomely playable as-is.

Setting out from the village of Barnswallow Bend in the Duchy of Thraesborn, this curious group of travelers are headed to the Duke’s palace in Cardoun to ask for assistance in the fight against the raiding armies of Prince Harwyck of Fennais. The journey is long and perilous, as the road to the capital runs straight through both the Troll Hills and the Lost Forrest. But with the strong arm of Dolphinia, the stealthy blade of Shyle, the wits of Velturn, and the arcane power of Ordomox the Flame Wizard, the group has a fighting chance to reach their destination. Whether they can convince the crown to send help, though, is an altogether different matter.

Dolphinia Kinnet, Warrior
STR 15 CON 13 SIZ 10 INT 9 POW 11 DEX 8 CHA l0 HP 13 DB +1d6 Gold 13
Weapons: Battle Axe (1d8+2+db), Broadsword (1d8+1+db), Throwing Axe (1d6+1/2db)
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Shield (12)
Skills: Jump 50%, Climb 55%, Listen 45%, Spot 25%, Stealth 25%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Hide 55%, First Aid 45%, Riding 40%, Swim 20%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, Shield 60%, Battle Axe 60%, Sword 60%

Shyle Gantz, Rogue
STR 11 CON 14 SIZ 9 INT 11 POW 10 DEX 18 CHA l2 HP 14 DB none Gold 192
Weapons: Shortsword (1d6+1), Dagger (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Jump 65%, Climb 65%, Listen 65%, Spot 65%, Stealth 65%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Hide 65%, First Aid 45%, Riding 25%, Swim 20%, Cut Purse 90%, Fine Manipulation 90%, Short Sword 65%, Dagger 65%

Velturn the Builder, Scholar
STR 13 CON 6 SIZ 12 INT 14 POW 9 DEX 10 CHA 7 HP 6 DB none Gold 74
Weapons: Hammer (1d8+2)
Armor: Leather (2)
Skills: Jump 45%, Climb 55%, Listen 45%, Spot 25%, Stealth 25%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Hide 55%, First Aid 45%, Riding 25%, Swim 20%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, Literacy 70%, Lore 42%, First Aid 45%, Mercantile 42%, Philosophy 42%, Linguist (Barghrun, Kallestine, Ryellic) 42%, Mechanical 70%, Hammer 25%

Ordomox, Sorcerer
STR 5 CON 10 SIZ 6 INT 15 POW 16 DEX 13 CHA 14 HP 10 DB none Gold 66
Weapons: Staff (1d8), Dagger (1d4+1), Shortsword (1d6+1)
Armor: Leather (2)
Skills: Jump 45%, Climb 55%, Listen 45%, Spot 25%, Stealth 25%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Hide 55%, First Aid 45%, Riding 25%, Swim 20%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, Literacy 50%, Shortsword 45%, Staff 45%, Dagger 45%, Blast 45%, Conjure/Dismiss Fire Elemental 45%, Light 45%, Vision 45%

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: More Multi-Classed Characters

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s more Multi-Classed Characters. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. And, as is now commonplace, they all have some snappy headgear.

Laras Fairweather / Elf Fighter/Magic-User 1/1 LG
Headgear: A large green beret
STR 16 INT 15 WIS 7 DEX 10 CON 9 CHR 6
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 28
Long Sword, Silver Dagger, 4 Darts, Banded Mail, Shield, Spell Book
Magic-User Spells: Hold Portal, Magic Missile

Ulrich Krell / Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter 1/1 NG
Headgear: A light brown fur-lined hood
STR 16 INT 12 WIS 13 DEX 11 CON 13 CHR 6
HP 10 AC 7 Gold 16
Mace, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Shield, Wooden Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Command, Detect Evil

Ousman Njie / Half-Elf Cleric/Ranger 1/1 CG
Headgear: A ridiculously extravagant helmet that resembles an elephant’s head
STR 10 INT 13 WIS 14 DEX 10 CON 15 CHR 11
HP 13 AC 7 Gold 22
Longsword, Short Sword, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Studded Leather, Wooden Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Light, Resist Cold

Nystia Halfmoon / Half-Elf Cleric/Magic-User 1/1 LN
Headgear: An open-faced helm adorned with antlers
STR 10 INT 15 WIS 14 DEX 9 CON 11 CHR 8
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 55
Flail, Sling & 10 Bullets, Studded Leather, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol, Spell Book
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Light, Purify Food & Drink
Magic-User Spells: Burning Hands, Shocking Grasp

Borquelle du Fabinont / Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Thief 1/1/1 N
Headgear: A deep sea-blue wrap with a blank-faced tortoise-shell mask
STR 17 INT 14 WIS 6 DEX 15 CON 10 CHR 10
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 33
Long Sword, Quarterstaff, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Chain Mail, Shield, Spell Book, Thieves’ Tools
Magic-User Spells: Charm Person, Magic Aura

Spiros Schylex / Gnome Fighter/Illusionist 1/1 CN
Headgear: A wide-brimmed floppy hat
STR 13 INT 16 WIS 10 DEX 16 CON 11 CHR 8
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 9
Short Sword, Dagger, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Chain Mail, Spellbook
Illusionist Spells: Hypnotism, Phantasmal Force

Krade Gemcutter / Dwarf Cleric/Thief 1/1 LE
Headgear: A five-tiered ziggurat hat
STR 8 INT 8 WIS 13 DEX 15 CON 16 CHR 8
HP 9 AC 7 Gold 52
Light Hammer, Hand Axe, Leather Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, Thieves’ Tools
Cleric Spells: Detect Magic, Light

Mohrgrest The Grim / Half-Elf Fighter/Assassin 1/1 NE
Headgear: A ridiculously extravagant helmet in the shape of a skull
STR 14 INT 12 WIS 6 DEX 14 CON 9 CHR 17
HP 8 AC 6 Gold 22
Long Sword, 2 Daggers, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Leather Armor, Shield

Cirel Dreamstone / Elf Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User 1/1/1 CE
Headgear: A conical helmet with a crimson tassel
STR 15 INT 16 WIS 16 DEX 13 CON 8 CHR 8
HP 6 AC 3 Gold 15
Bastard Sword, Silver Dagger, Banded Mail, Silver Holy Symbol, Spell Book
Cleric Spells: Command, Detect Magic, Fear
Magic-User Spells: Enlarge, Magic Missile

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: More Sub-Classes

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s more Subclass Classes. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. And, as is now commonplace, they all have some snappy headgear.


Vælar Solm (aka “The Prince”) / Human Assassin 1 NE
Headgear: Classic open-faced Mongol-style helm
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 9 DEX 14 CON 9 CHR 11
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 74
Long Sword, Dagger, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Leather Armor, Shield

Marghal Nightbane / Elf Assassin 1 CE
Headgear: A black hood with sickly mustard-colored stripes
STR 15 INT 14 WIS 10 DEX 16 CON 13 CHR 11
HP 7 AC 6 Gold 31
Long Sword, Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor


Arthur Oakheart / Human Druid 1 N
Headgear: Bare, revealing his mohawk haircut
STR 12 INT 5 WIS 13 DEX 8 CON 11 CHR 17
HP 8 AC 8 Gold 197
Scimitar, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Wooden Shield
Druid Spells: Pass Without Trace, Purify Water, Shillelagh

Asharahsa / Human Druid 1 N
Headgear: A three-tasseled hat
STR 9 INT 10 WIS 15 DEX 5 CON 12 CHR 16
HP 8 AC 9 Gold 145
Sickle, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Wooden Shield
Druid Spells: Animal Companion, Divine Weather, Shillelagh, Speak With Animals


Jiang Jin Lo / Human Monk 1 LG
Headgear: An albino white wrap with an attached grilled gladiator style mask
STR 12 INT 9 WIS 16 DEX 16 CON 9 CHR 5
HP 8 AC 9 Gold 14
Long Sword, 4 Darts

Oralt / Human Monk 1 LN
Headgear: A single-tasseled forest green hat
STR 13 INT 10 WIS 15 DEX 17 CON 13 CHR 10
HP 9 AC 9 Gold 12
Spear, Short Bow & 20 Arrows


Kashord the Sly / Human Illusionist 1 CG
Headgear: A scarlet bishop’s mitre
STR 9 INT 15 WIS 11 DEX 16 CON 13 CHR 10
HP 5 AC 7 Gold 82
Silver Dagger, 6 Darts, Spell Book
Illusionist Spells: Hypnotic Pattern, Misdirection

Errom Tir / Gnome Illusionist 1 CE
Headgear: A sky blue, 4-tired ziggurat hat
STR 7 INT 16 WIS 12 DEX 17 CON 15 CHR 10
HP 5 AC 7 Gold 54
Quarterstaff, 3 Daggers, Spell Book
Illusionist Spells: Blur, Magic Mouth


Fidela the Charitable / Human Paladin 1 LG
Headgear: Bare, revealing her shortish black hair tied back in a ponytail
STR 15 INT 9 WIS 15 DEX 6 CON 9 CHR 17
HP 10 AC 4 Gold 2
Scimitar, Banded Mail, Shield

Haerund, Sword of St. Berestin / Human Paladin 1 LG
Headgear: A long heavy scarf knit from deep sea blue wool
STR 13 INT 10 WIS 13 DEX 12 CON 13 CHR 17
HP 11 AC 4 Gold 40
Long Sword, Chain Mail, Shield


Dennent Brock / Human Ranger 1 NG
Headgear: A plain helmet with a wolf-faced mask
STR 14 INT 13 WIS 12 DEX 9 CON 15 CHR 7
HP X AC X Gold 25
Bastard Sword, Longbow & 20 Arrows, Chain Mail, Shield

Argun Trailminder / Half-Elf Ranger 1 CG
Headgear: A classic, Roman-style helmet
STR 11 INT 14 WIS 14 DEX 10 CON 15 CHR 8
HP X AC 6 Gold 94
Short Sword, Hand Axe, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Studded Leather, Shield

TotSP Party: Against The Dark Lord Of Faalryn VI

Wherein your humble scribe presents a party he put together for the recently released Tales of the Space Princess. These folks are by-the-book new characters, which means they are of wildly divergent “levels” (compensated for a bit by the “luck” mechanic) and have minimal starting gear. On my initial readings, I feel like TotSP is a pretty nice little “old school-based” scifi RPG. Consider grabbing a copy if you’re interesting in such things.

Recruited by the young apprentice Jet to free the master of her order, this motley crew has flown directly into the heart of the black hole that conceals the mechanical planet Faalryn VI, home of the Dark Lord Syrtok. Will the combined might of the barbaric Kygar of Old Earth and the gruff bearman called General Bentusz be enough to defeat the dark one’s diabolical drones? Can “Katie” the science unit and Lq-vraal the beetleman smuggler’s collective craftiness lead them past the traps that are sure to confront them on their course? Will young Jet herself – inexperienced and fragile – survive this desperate rescue attempt? And just what does the nefarious Syrtok want with Master Iliryx, anyway? Find out when these five daring misfits array themselves Against The Dark Lord Of Faalryn VI!

Jet / Human Psychic (Apprentice)
Hit Dice 3 Hit Points 16 Skill 4 Luck 4
Defense 9 Fight 7 Shoot 7
Skills: Activate Psychic Power, Fast Talk, Leap & Swing, Swim
Specials: Telekinesis (DC 15)
Gear: Laser Sword, Robes

Kygar of Old Earth / Human Star Warrior (Veteran)
Hit Dice 6 Hit Points 46 Skill 6 Luck 1
Defense 11 Fight 13 Shoot 12
Skills: Climb, Leap & Swing, Pilot Ship, and Swim
Gear: Ray Gun, Laser Axe

General Bentusz / Ursoid Space Ranger (Ranger)
Hit Dice 8 Hit Points 40 Skill 11 Luck 0
Defense 9 Fight 14 Shoot 11
Skills: Avoid Notice, Climb, Leap & Swing, Pilot Ship, Swim, Tracking
Specials: +1 DEF, Claws (d6), +1 STR
Gear: Ray Gun, War Club, Survival Gear

K8-E / Gynoid Scientist (Doctor)
Hit Dice 4 Hit Points 22 Skill 8 Luck 1
Defense 10 Fight 7 Shoot 9
Skills: Defeat Security, Identify & Use Device, Invent Device, Navigation, Repair Device, Retrieve Data
Specials: Immune to mental domination, fear and poison
Gear: Scientific Tools, Stun Baton, Force Screen, Invizo-Screen

Lq-vraal / Coleopteran Smuggler (Rogue)
Hit Dice 5 Hit Points 32 Skill 8 Luck 1
Defense 16 Fight 9 Shoot 10
Skills: Avoid Notice, Defeat Security, Disguise, Fast Talk, Hide Contraband, Pilot Ship
Specials: Expertise (+2 Defeat Security), Disinterest (-2 Disguise), Mandibles (d6), Multiple Arms
Gear: 2 Cutlasses, Smuggler’s Tools, Freighter (The Squonk’s Tears)

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: More Thieves

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s more Thieves. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. And, as is now commonplace, they all have some snappy headgear.

Runnert of Lomax / Human Thief 1 NG
Headgear: Bare, revealing his long flowing hair (tied back)
STR 10 INT 14 WIS 4 DEX 15 CON 11 CHR 11
HP 6 AC 7 Gold 57
Long Sword, 2 Daggers, Hand Axe, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Silas Smokesky / Elf Thief 1 CG
Headgear: An extravagant tri-cornered hat
STR 15 INT 12 WIS 9 DEX 16 CON 11 CHR 12
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 57
Short Sword, Silver Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

D’Neeta Sahav / Human Thief 1 CG
Headgear: A reversible hood that is black on one side and brilliant copper on the other
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 13 DEX 18 CON 11 CHR 5
HP 6 AC 5 Gold 111
Bastard Sword, Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Ghentlex / Halfling Thief 1 CN
Headgear: A fancy top hat
STR 12 INT 13 WIS 13 DEX 16 CON 10 CHR 11
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 104
Mace, Silver Dagger, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Torbald Keeneye / Half-Orc Thief 1 CN
Headgear: An open-faced helm adorned with spikes
STR 13 INT 11 WIS 12 DEX 14 CON 16 CHR 10
HP 8 AC 7 Gold 127
Long Sword, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Andhal / Human Thief 1 CN
Headgear: Bare, revealing his amazing curly mane
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 10 DEX 14 CON 12 CHR 12
HP 6 AC 7 Gold 77
Scimitar, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Milius Darkwater / Half-Elf Thief 1 NE
Headgear: A blank-faced masked helmet adorned with bat wings
STR 6 INT 14 WIS 10 DEX 17 CON 10 CHR 7
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 48
Short Sword, 3 Daggers, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Hyaldi the Rat Catcher / Human Thief 1 CE
Headgear: A heavy fur-lined hood of pea green cloth
STR 13 INT 11 WIS 10 DEX 14 CON 13 CHR 9
HP 7 AC 7 Gold 38
Flail, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools

Burrus the Toad / Gnome Thief 1 CE
Headgear: A deep green & black headscarf
STR 9 INT 13 WIS 11 DEX 17 CON 11 CHR 10
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 92
2 Hand Axes, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools