Category Archives: Rogues Gallery

TFT LE: A Dozen Carboard Heroes (And Wizards)

Wherein your humble scribe presents a cool dozen TFT (Legacy Edition) characters based on some of his favorite Cardboard Heroes of old. These folks are all 32 point starting characters. Rather than saddle these poor creatures with a personality that you’ll likely just replace, they remain as blank as the stare of a young B/X player in 1982 when confronted with the visual representation of a Dwarven mage for the first time.

Dandy Highwayman / Human M / Hero
ST 12 DX 9 (8) IQ 11 MA 10 (8)
Talents: Charisma (2), Courtly Graces (1), Crossbow (1), Horsemanship (1), Missile Weapons (2), Recognize Value (1), Sex Appeal (1), Sword (2)
Equipment: Broadsword (2d), Light Crossbow (2d), Cloth Armor (1)

Martial Artist / Human M / Hero
ST 9 DX 12 (11) IQ 11 MA 10 (10)
Talents: Bola (1), Detect Lies (2), Knife (1), Priest (1), Thrown Weapons (2), Two Weapons (2), Unarmed Combat I (1), Unarmed Combat II (1)
Equipment: Nunchucks (1d+1), Dagger (1d-1), Bola (Special), Cloth Armor (1)

Archer / Human M / Hero
ST 11 DX 12 (10) IQ 9 MA 10 (8)
Talents: Bow (2), Carousing (1), Missile Weapons (3), Mundane Talent: Wood Carver (1), Sword (2)
Equipment: Longbow (1d+2), Shortsword (2d-1), Dagger (1d-1), Leather Armor (2)

Hill Barbarian / Human M / Hero
ST 11 DX 11 (10) IQ 10 MA 12 (12)
Talents: Climbing (1), Knife (1), Pole Weapons (2), Running (2), Shield (1), Shield Expertise (2), Tracking (1)
Equipment: Spear (1d/1d+1), Dagger (1d-1), Large Shield (2)

Swashbuckler / Human F / Hero
ST 9 DX 12 (11) IQ 11 MA 10 (10)
Talents: Charisma (2), Courtly Graces (1), Diplomacy (1), Poet (1), Quick Draw: Sword (1), Sword (2), Weapon Expertise: Sword (3)
Equipment: Rapier (1d), Cloth Armor (1)

Crusader / Human F / Hero
ST 11 DX 11 (8) IQ 10 MA 10 (6)
Talents: Ax/Mace (2), Literacy (1), Alertness (2), Priest (1), Engineer (2), Naturalist (2)
Equipment: Mace (2d-1), Chainmail (3)

Sorceress / Human F / Wizard
ST 9 DX 11 (11) IQ 12 MA 10 (10)
Talents: Literacy (1), Sex Appeal (2)
Spells: Avert (1), Dazzle (1), Fireball (1), Sleep (1), Staff II (1), Staff to Snake (1), Summon Myrmidon (1), Summon Scout (1), Turn Missiles (1)
Equipment: Staff (1d)

Thief / Human F / Hero
ST 10 DX 11 (10) IQ 11 MA 10 (10)
Talents: Climbing (1), Detect Traps (2), Locksmith (1), Recognize Value (1), Remove Traps (1), Silent Movement (2), Streetwise (1), Sword (2)
Equipment: Sabre (2d-2), Dagger (1d-1), Cloth Armor (1)

Elven Swordswoman / Elf F / Hero
ST 9 DX 13 (12) IQ 10 MA 12 (12)
Talents: Acute Hearing (2), Alertness (2), Language: Human (1), Mimic (1), Quick-Draw: Sword (1), Sword (2), Unarmed Combat I (1)
Equipment: Rapier (1d), Main-Gauche (1), Cloth Armor (1)

Dwarven Mage / Dwarf M / Wizard
ST 10 DX 9 (8) IQ 13 MA 10 (10)
Talents: Literacy (1), Language: Human (1)
Spells: 3-Hex Wall (1), Ferment (1), Light (1), Lock/Knock (1), Mage Sight (1), Open Tunnel (1), Repair (1), Scrying (1), Staff III (1), Stone Flesh (1), Summon Gargoyle (1)
Equipment: Staff of Striking (1d), Cloth Armor (1)

Halfling Thief / Halfling F / Hero
ST 8 DX 13 (12) IQ 9 MA 10 (10)
Talents: Detect Traps (2), Knife (1), Language: Human (1), Pickpocket (1), Remove Traps (1), Silent Movement (2), Streetwise (1)
Equipment: Dagger (1d-1), Cloth Armor (1)

Goblin Wizard / Goblin M / Wizard
ST 9 DX 9 (8) IQ 14 MA 10 (10)
Talents: Business Sense (4), Language: Human (1), Literacy (1)
Spells: Analyze Magic (1), Glamour (1), Lightning (1), Persuasiveness (1), Staff III (1), Summon Myrmidon (1), Telepathy (1), Weapon/Armor Enchantment (1)
Equipment: Staff of Striking (1d), Cloth Armor (1)

NTRPGCon 2017: Pregens for Six Bullets In Bustamante

Below are the pregens I put together for the Mini Six powered western I ran at NTRPGCon 2017. In addition to the game information, each includes the text of the mysterious telegram that they received to draw them into the action. Note also that I drew quite a bit from WilD6 West, a nifty western implementation of Mini Six put together by the same hombre who puts out The Mighty Six superhero thang.

J.B. Armstrong / Dodge 11 Block 7 Parry 7 Soak 7
A fast-talkin’ grifter from back east, full of book learnin’ and people smarts
Might 2D+1 Agility 3D+1 Wit 3D+2 Charm 3D+2
Skills: Pistols 3D+2, Thievin’ 4D+1, Dodge 3D+2, Throwin’ 3D+2, Learnin’ 4D+2, Savvy 4D+2, Wiles 5D+2
Perks: Charming, I’ve Got Just The Thing
Complications: Competitive, Superstitious
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Gear: 6 Throwing Knives (3D+1), $20


M.Q. Black / Dodge 15 Block 7 Parry 7 Soak 7
A singin’ gunslinger from who holds many grudges
Might 2D+1 Agility 4D Wit 2D+1 Charm 3D+1
Skills: Brawlin’ 2D+2, Pistol 6D, Dodge 5D, Riding 5D, Doctorin’ 2D+2, Guts 4D+1, Performin’ 3D+2
Perks: Ambidextrous, Hip Shootin’
Complications: Code of Honor (Code of the West), Vengeful
Languages: English, Spanish
Gear: 2 Colt Peacemakers (5D+1 each), 20’ rope, $19


R.L. Ludy / Dodge 9 Block 9 Parry 9 Soak 9
A foul-mouthed sawbones who sided with the South, who’s smarter than he lets on
Might 3D Agility 2D+1 Wit 4D Charm 2D+2
Skills: Brawlin’ 3D+1, Rifle 3D+1, Dodge 3D, Doctorin’ 5D, Doctorin’/Battlefield Surgery 6D, Doctorin’/Dentistry 6D, Doctorin’/Horses 6D, Learnin’ 5D, Savvy 3D+2
Perks: Cussin’, Natural Born Healer
Complications: Obstinate, Surly
Languages: English, Latin, French, Italian
Gear: Remington Single-Barrel 12 Gauge (6D), Surgeon‘s kit, $23


M. Rivas / Dodge 10 Block 8 Parry 8 Soak 8
An overconfident Mexican bankrobber with a taste for TNT
Might 2D+2 Agility 3D Wit 3D+2 Charm 2D+2
Skills: Pistol 4D, Thievin’ 4D, Sneakin’ 3D+1, Dodge 3D+1, Riding 3D+1, Engineering/Demolitions 6D+2, Savvy 4D+2, Wiles 3D+2, Throwing 4D
Perks: Dirty Fighter, Logical Thinker
Complications: Brash, Jealous
Languages: Spanish, English, Apache
Gear: Colt New Model Army (5D), 6 sticks of dynamite, matches, 50 yd of fuse, $20


E. Valdaron / Dodge 10 Block 9 Parry 9 Soak 9
A mud fence ugly backwoodsman who can tack a butterfly on a moonless night
Might 3D Agility 3D Wit 3D Charm 3D
Skills: Rifle 4D, Dodge 3D+1, Sneaking 4D, Ridin’ 3D+1, Know-How 4D, Survival 4D, Perception/Tracking 6D, Guts 3D+1
Perks: Acute Hearing, Trail Wise
Complications: Rustic, Ugly
Languages: Spanish, English, Navajo
Gear: Winchester ’73 Rifle (6D+1), Machete (4D+2), $23


A.S. Garrett / Dodge 12 Block 6 Parry 6 Soak 6
A sickly gambler from New Orleans who takes risks no sane man would
Might 2D Agility 3D Wit 3D+2 Charm 3D+1
Skills: Dodge 4D, Pistols 3D+1, Thievin’ 3D+1, Gambling 4D+2, Gambling/Poker 6D+2, Gambling/Dice 5D+2, Savvy 4D+2, Wiles 4D+1, Guts 3D+2
Perks: Alertness, Funny
Complications: Anemic, Thrill-Seeker
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Gear: Pocket Derringer (5D), Marked Cards, $20


P.A. Walker / Dodge 11 Block 12 Parry 9 Soak 9
An embittered Southern Gentleman who just can’t let go of the war
Might 3D Agility 3D+2 Wit 3D Charm 2D+1
Skills: Brawling 4D, Rifle 4D+2, Big Guns 4D, Riding 4D, Engineering 4D, Know-How 4D, Command 3D+1, Guts 2d+2
Perks: Killer Instinct, Nerves of Steel
Complications: Gentlemanly, Intolerant (Non-Whites)
Languages: English, German, French
Gear: Sharps Carbine (6D), Bowie Knife (4D+1), $18


LL: Let’s Talk Nerdy To The Animals

The animals, the animals,
Let’s talk nerdy to the animals.
Save vs Death, Mister Bunny.
Roll to hit, Mister Bear.

-Apologies to Gilda Radner

Recently Random Order Creations released Rabbits & Rangers, a “supplement written for Labyrinth Lord describing 50 cartoon animal races and various rules tweaks that let you get a slightly more cartoony vibe out of your game.” And since I’m a sucker for Carl Barks, Looney Tunes, Felix the Cat, Hanna-Barbera cartoons, Redwall, and just about any other instance of Funny Animals (as well as things that twist or subvert the genre, like Cerebus, Howard the Duck, Fritz the Cat, Rock & Rule, and so on), I bought it.

Buying it is no good if I don’t put it to use, though. So here’s a party (in the style of my Labyrinth Lord Rogues Gallery) of characters created using Rabbits & Rangers. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Standard LL Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order.

Note: All of the animal races have assorted abilities, attribute modifiers, limitations, and the like. I haven’t listed those here (except for their natural weapon damage values). R&R is only $2, so if you’re curious, go buy the dang thing.

Billysseus / Goat Fighter 1 N
Nature: Cunning / Luck: 6
STR 16 INT 10 WIS 7 DEX 12 CON 12 CHR 11
HP 8 AC 7 Gold 98
Spear, Longbow, 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Shield
Tooth and Claw: 1d4 bite; 1d6 horns
Languages: Common, Goat, Cow, Chicken, Pig

Bjorn / Polar Bear Fighter 1 L
Nature: Simple / Luck: 4
STR 17 INT 5 WIS 5 DEX 8 CON 12 CHR 6
HP 9 AC 5 Gold 15
Two-Handed Sword, Chain Mail
Tooth and Claw: 1d10 bite; 1d6 claw
Languages: Common, Bear, Deer, Fox, Frog, Mouse, Porcupine

Logana / Badger Fighter 1 C
Nature: Sinister / Luck: 8
STR 14 INT 12 WIS 11 DEX 8 CON 14 CHR 14
HP 10 AC 4 Gold 14
Battle Axe, Chain Mail, Shield
Tooth and Claw: 1d6
Languages: Common, Badger, Duck

Don Pedro Quintanilla, El Pinchazo / Porcupine Fighter/Magic-User 1/1 N
Nature: Stoic / Luck: 7
STR 17 INT 17 WIS 9 DEX 11 CON 13 CHR 10
HP 6 AC 2 Gold 1
Sword, Crossbow, 10 Quarrels, Chain Mail, Shield, Spell Book
Tooth and Claw: 1d4 bite; 1d4+1 claw
Languages: Common, Porcupine, Stoat, Sheep, Bird, Wolf
Magic-User Spells: Shield, Burning Hands, Mending, Manipulate Fire, Erase, Charm Person, Unseen Servant

Red, Just Red / Squirrel Thief 1 C
Nature: Bully / Luck: 9
STR 9 INT 8 WIS 7 DEX 15 CON 16 CHR 5
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 86
Sword, Dagger, Short Bow, 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools
Tooth and Claw: 1d3
Languages: Common, Squirrel, Tiger, Penguin, Owl, Coyote

Brother Bathersby / Kangaroo Cleric 1 L
Nature: Upright / Luck: 3
STR 12 INT 11 WIS 16 DEX 11 CON 14 CHR 13
HP 7 AC 3 Gold 8
Mace, Sling, 10 Bullets, Chain Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Tooth and Claw: 1d4 bite; 1d6+1 kick
Languages: Common, Kangaroo, Fossa, Bird, Gorilla, Owl
Cleric Spells: Purify Food and Drink, Cure Light Wounds

Reynja / Fox Magic-User/Thief 1 N
Nature: Rascally / Luck: 7
STR 11 INT 17 WIS 5 DEX 12 CON 10 CHR 11
HP 4 AC 7 Gold 146
Sword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools
Tooth and Claw: 1d4
Languages: Common, Fox, Panda, Raccoon, Chameleon, Sheep, Kangaroo, Mongoose, Lion
Magic-User Spells: Protection from Evil, Jarring Hand, Allure, Ventriloquism, Shield, Read Magic, Enlarge

Arthur / Crow Magic-User/Cleric 1 C
Nature: Ornery / Luck: 4
STR 7 INT 15 WIS 15 DEX 9 CON 12 CHR 4
HP 6 AC 8 Gold 125
Sword, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Leather Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, Spell Book
Tooth and Claw: 1d4
Languages: Common, Crow, Cow, Wolf, Rhino, Pig, Turtle, Wolf, Kangaroo
Magic-User Spells: Summon Familiar, Mending, Erase, Hold Portal, Magic Aura, Read Languages
Cleric Spells: Sanctuary, Command

BoL: Pregens for The Valley of the Ravenous

As noted previously, I’ll be running a couple of Barbarians of Lemuria (Mythic Edition) games at North Texas RPG Con. Below you’ll find the pregens for the first game, The Valley of the Ravenous. If you’re planning on being at the con and playing, don’t commit these to memory as they may change a little bit. But for the most part, these will be the characters involved.

Meloria / Lifeblood 10 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5 / Fate Points 3
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 1 Appeal 2
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 2
Careers: Noble 0, Priest 3, Scholar 1, Farmer 0
Boons: Inspire, Silver Tongue
Flaws: Fear of Snakes
Languages: Lirian, Gutterspeak, Thaxian, Zaaric, Kellic, Geiric
Equipment: Staff (d6), Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

The youngest daughter of a minor noble family in Liria, Meloria has dedicated herself as a priestess of Estiel, the Lirian goddess of the moon. Where it only served to aggravate her entirely unpleasant sisters, her natural charm has made her a favorite of the temple’s elders, whom she now sees as her real family.

Davanzato / Lifeblood 11 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5 / Craft Points 2
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 0 Mind 2 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Soldier 0, Scholar 1, Healer 1, Alchemist 2
Boons: Keen Eyesight, Friends in Low Places
Flaws: City Dweller
Languages: Lirian, Gutterspeak, Thaxian, Zaaric, Kellic, Geiric, Alchemical Symbology
Equipment: Sword (d6+1), Crossbow (d6), Light Armor (d6-3)
Alchemical Items: Potion of Prowess, Potion of Precision, Sky Eye

Davanzato is an alchemist & artificer from Liria. His patron is Ceria, the Lirian goddess of knowledge and aqueducts. During his brief time in the Esercito Guardia of the city state, he came to know quite a few individuals who would come to be prominent in the underworld.

Aevar / Lifeblood 15 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 3 Agility 1 (0) Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 2 Ranged 1 Defense 0 (1)
Careers: Barbarian 2, Hunter 1, Thief 0, Gladiator 1
Boons: Alert, Mighty Fists, Hard to Kill
Flaws: Illiterate, Ugly & Brutish
Languages: Geiric, Gutterspeak, Lirian
Equipment: Axe (d6+3), Dagger (d6L+3), Sling (d6L+1), Light Armor (d6-3), Large Shield (+1 Def vs all attacks/round)

Aevar is a fierce warrior from Geirbjornhal who often calls upon Brogdr, the Geirbjornhaller god of strength and war. After arriving in the “civilized” south, Aevar’s criminal career was cut short and he paid his “debt” by entertaining crowds as a gladiator in the grand colosseum of Liria.

Timandra / Lifeblood 10 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Merchant 1 Sailor 0 Scholar 1 Thief 2
Boons: Deft Hands, Escape Artist, Tools of the Trade
Flaws: Greedy, Untrustworthy
Languages: Thaxian, Gutterspeak, Lirian, Kellic, Geiric
Equipment: Sword (d6), Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

Timandra hails from Thaxos, where her greed earned her a reputation she couldn’t shake. She now makes her way in the world by taking anything that isn’t nailed down. Though hardly much of a mariner herself, she still calls on Rasos, the Thaxian god of the sea, in times of trouble.

Keziah / Lifeblood 10 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 1 Appeal 2
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 0 Ranged 1 Defense 2
Careers: Dancer 2, Priest 0, Assassin 2, Alchemist 0
Boons: Master of Disguise, Poison Resistance
Flaws: Zealot
Languages: Zaaric, Gutterspeak, Thaxian, Lirian
Equipment: 2 Daggers (d6L – or d6 if dual), 3 Darts (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

Keziah grew up among the nomads of Zaar. She was groomed by the priests of her people to serve as an instrument of divine justice against their enemies. She regularly swears oaths to Ghev, the Zaari god of the sun.

Eogan MacGill / Lifeblood 12 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 2 (1) Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 1 Ranged 2 Defense 1
Careers: Bard 0, Mercenary 2, Beastmaster 2, Healer 0
Boons: Beast Friend, Thick Skin, Fearless
Flaws: Taciturn, Cannot Lie
Languages: Kellic, Lirian, Gutterspeak
Equipment: Sword (d6+2), Bow (d6+1), Medium Armor (d6-2+1), Small Shield (+1 Defense vs 1 attacker/round)

A son of mist-shrouded Kel, Eogan lacks the charm and good nature that are common to his fellow Kelmen. He finds the best companions are those who communicate without words. When pressed, Eogan sings hymns to Dynan, the Kellic god of wine and song and Mael Mav, the Kellic goddess of war.

BoL: Pregens for The Beasts of Eternity

As noted previously, I’ll be running a couple of Barbarians of Lemuria (Mythic Edition) games at North Texas RPG Con. Below you’ll find the pregens for the first game, The Beasts of Eternity. If you’re planning on being at the con and playing, don’t commit these to memory as they may change a little bit. But for the most part, these will be the characters involved.

Jacques Bernat / Lifeblood 10 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 6 / Fate Points 2
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 0 Mind 1 Appeal 3
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Musician 0, Scholar 1, Brewer 1, Priest 2
Boons: Marked by the Gods, Keen Hearing
Flaws: Braggart
Languages: Galiesse, Ora Luccia, Alcázaran, Rheinig, Sigrun, Svata Jazyk
Equipment: Staff (d6), Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

Jacques is a priest of St. Xavier of the Kettle, the patron saint of brewers. His distinctive beers, based upon recipes from across the land, have earned him a small amount of notoriety. He knows that his life is blessed and cannot resist the urge to tell others of his great successes and accomplishments.

Maura Virieux / Lifeblood 10 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5 / Craft Points 1
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 3 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 1 Ranged 2 Defense 1
Careers: Healer 1, Alchemist 1, Architect 2, Artist 0
Boons: Healing Touch, Learned (Architecture)
Flaws: Unprepared
Languages: Galiesse, Ora Luccia, Alcázaran, Rheinig, Sigrun
Equipment: Crossbow (d6), Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)
Alchemical Items: Potion of Shrinking, Potion of Growth

Maura is an architect and inventor from the city of Yllons. She has traveled to Vusseaux to petition the Duke of Plonesse for an investment in her research into the creation of flying machines. Or, perhaps, the development of weapons that can shoot fire across a distance. Or possibly for the construction of a Cathedral to St. Milos of the Hammer. Or maybe Ste. Alizenne of the Book.

Oriabus Roubel / Lifeblood 12 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 2 (1) Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 2
Careers: Soldier 2, Thief 0, Worker 0, Sailor 2
Boons: Mighty Fists, Brawler
Flaws: Infamous
Languages: Galiesse, Alcázaran
Equipment: Glaive (d6H+2), Sabre (d6+2), Medium Armor (d6-2)

Oriabus was a sergeant in the Duke’s guard until he was discharged for “cowardice.” He has recently returned to Vusseaux from three years at sea, hoping his infamy has been forgotten. It has not, despite his entreaties to St. Gaston Five-Spear and Ste. Galiana the Azure.

Olaria de Ibañez / Lifeblood 11 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 2 Mind 0 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 3 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Hunter 1, Mercenary 1, Poet 2, Astrologer 0
Boons: Inspire, Attractive, Friends in High Places
Flaws: City Dweller, Fear of Rats
Languages: Alcázaran, Galiesse, Ora Luccia, Rheinig
Equipment: Foil (d6L+1), Dagger (d6L+1), Light Armor (d6-3)

Olaria is a former mercenary from Alcáz who now resides in Vusseaux via the patronage of the Duke’s nephew Othon, who is infatuated with her. Fiebras, the high priest of St. Baldewyn, is also taken with with the poet. Olaria dabbles in fortune-telling as a way of enhancing her mysterious and dangerous allure.

Arnaud Hanchard / Lifeblood 10 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 0 Mind 2 Appeal 2
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 0 Ranged 2 Defense 1
Careers: Urchin 1, Brigand 1, Servant 1, Spy 1
Boons: Alert, Master of Disguise, Silver Tongue
Flaws: Gullible, Young
Languages: Galiesse, Ora Luccia, Alcázaran, Rheinig, Svata Jazyk
Equipment: Crossbow (d6), Sabre (d6), Light Armor (d6-3)

Like his twin sister Clarisse, Arnaud grew up on the streets of Vusseaux as an orphan. His quick mind and charming ways served him well as he navigated the underside of the city. Though prone to believe the claims and stories of others, he himself is an inveterate liar. He now works for Albaño de Calixto, an Alcázaran merchant with a dubious reputation.

Clarisse Hanchard / Lifeblood 13 / Composure 3 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 3 Agility 1 (0) Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Urchin 1, Brigand 2, Thief 1, Servant 0
Boons: Thick Skin, Fearless, Detect Deception
Flaws: Hot-headed, Young
Languages: Galiesse, Alcázaran
Equipment: Mace (d6+3), Dagger (d6L+3), Medium Armor (d6-2)

Like her twin brother Arnaud, Clarisse grew up on the streets of Vusseaux. Her strong back and fearless nature made her an excellent brigand. She easily sees through her brother’s lies, but had to admit that his plan to work for the Alcázaran merchant Albaño de Calixto was an easier way to make a living.

LL/AEC Party: Explorers of the Diamond Sutra

Wherein your humble scribe presents another entry in an irregular series of Adventuring Parties for Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion. These characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (Advanced Style), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order.

This time around the focus is on psionic characters using the information from the Basic Psionics Handbook from New Big Dragon Games. Specifically for this entry, the party’s comprised entirely of standard class characters that have all tested out to be in possession of Wild Psionics as described on p. 46 of the BPH.

Guided by the words of the Diamond Sutra, two Ghoii, two Heyamii, two Narvatii, and a couple of castless handlers of the items of the dead ride out from Bhaaram Vaat in search of the lost treasures of the ancients. Their elephants well trained in the arts of battle, their weapons consecrated against the unliving terrors that reside deep within the jungles. What they will find beyond the shining city will may shake the foundations of the world.

Gho Dagaash/ Human Cleric 1 LG
STR 12 INT 9 WIS 16 DEX 4 CON 10 CHR 13
PSP 1 HP 8 AC 6 Gold 28
Mace, Sling, Chain Mail, Shield, Silver Holy Symbol
Psionic Abilities: Clairaudience (Clairsentient), Control Flames (Psychokinetic)
Cleric Spells: Detect Magic, Light, Remove Fear

Gho Kalii / Human Cleric 1 NG
STR 12 INT 14 WIS 15 DEX 14 CON 10 CHR 17
PSP 1 HP 8 AC 3 Gold 30
Heavy Flail, Sling, Banded Mail, Silver Holy Symbol
Psionic Abilities: Hypnosis (Telepathic)
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Resist Cold, Sanctuary

Heyam Diisu / Human Fighter 1 LN
STR 16 INT 10 WIS 11 DEX 9 CON 8 CHR 14
PSP 1 HP 9 AC 5 Gold 9
Tulwar, Scale Mail, Short Bow, Quiver w/ 20 Arrows, Shield, 50′ Rope
Psionic Abilities: Dream Travel, Time Leap (Psychoportative)

Heyam Tikkaraal / Human Fighter 1 NG
STR 13 INT 9 WIS 14 DEX 9 CON 4 CHR 9
PSP X HP 8 AC 4 Gold 36
Scimitar, Kris, Light Crossbow, Case w/ 10 Quarrels, Chain Mail, Shield, Small Steel Mirror
Psionic Abilities: Control temperature (Psychokintetic)

Narvat Shaash / Human Magic-User 1 CG
STR 11 INT 13 WIS 11 DEX 11 CON 13 CHR 11
PSP 1 HP 5 AC 9 Gold 113
2 Silver Kris, Spell Book, 8 Torches, Flint & Steel
Psionic Abilities: Chameleon Ability, Expansion (Psychometabolic)
MU Spells: Comprehend Languages, Erase, Jump, Read Languages, Read Magic

Narvat Diil / Human Magic-User 1 NG
STR 12 INT 16 WIS 9 DEX 10 CON 13 CHR 5
PSP 1 HP 5 AC 9 Gold 131
Quarterstaff, Spell Book, 12 Iron Spikes, Hammer
Psionic Abilities: Body weaponry (Psychometabolic)
MU Spells: Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Magic Aura, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Ventriloquism

Priyat / Human Thief 1 N
STR 17 INT 12 WIS 14 DEX 18 CON 13 CHR 6
PSP 3 HP 7 AC 5 Gold 89
2 Hand Axes, 6 Chakram, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools
Psionic Abilities: Mass Domination (Telepathic)

Lagam / Human Thief 1 N
STR 9 INT 11 WIS 14 DEX 15 CON 11 CHR 11
PSP 1 HP 6 AC 7 Gold 42
2 Hand Axes, 6 Charkram, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools
Psionic Abilities: Know Location (Clairsentient)

dT&T: The Voyage of the Panora

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of noble warriors for Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls. Why? Because his long-awaited hardback from the agonizingly (if moderately understandably) oft-delayed Kickstarter arrived at long last yesterday. Pictures of the book provided for your enjoyment.

Erginius of Autoria’s lost classic, The Panoriad, tells the tale of Alkibiades of Pythos and the journey he undertook to recover the Lyre of Tiros for the glory of Pythos and to win the love of Queen Meliana. The charming and charmed Alkibiades – a brilliant historian and philosopher with a talent for preparing spanakopita so delicious that Hera herself declared it the finest outside of Mount Olympus – recruited a disparate band to join him on his quest. Lasthenes, captain of the Panora. Echephron the beast tamer. Isagoras the tale-teller. Thestor, famed bronzesmith of Xaneira. Philonikos the Giant. And, of course, all of the unnamed Panoranauts who perished as the quest continued.

Among the dangers faced by Alkibiades and his compatriots included the Nacippe – a legendary sea serpent, the Oedes – twin tigers of Tartarus, the Haleclyphes – an army of damned souls risen from the River Styx, and Belemeos, son of Hades.

The tragedy of The Panoriad, of course, is that its ending has been lost to time. Many scholars have their own theories, and many fragments and forgeries have been discovered over the centuries, but none have been accepted by the academic community as definitive.

The Panoranauts

Alkibiades of Pythos / Human / Warrior 3 / 5′ 9″ 160 lbs
STR 16 CON 6 DEX 9 SPD 7 INT 14 WIZ 12 LK 16 CHR 32*
Combat Adds +8 Wt Possible 1,600 WU
Talents Cooking (+3), History (+3), Philosophy (+3)
Mace (5d6), Short Sword (3d6), Target Shield (4)

Lasthenes / Human / Warrior 1 / 5′ 7″ 155 lbs
STR 14 CON 12 DEX 14 SPD 14 INT 6 WIZ 11 LK 9 CHR 11
Combat Adds +6 Wt Possible 1,400 WU
Talents Knot Tying (+3)
Medium Spear (4d6), Short Sword (3d6), Target Shield (4)

Echephron / Human / Warrior 1 / 5′ 10″ 180 lbs
STR 13 CON 6 DEX 10 SPD 12 INT 8 WIZ 16 LK 16 CHR 19*
Combat Adds +5 Wt Possible 1,300 WU
Talents Animal Handling (+3)
Broad Axe (5d6), Short Sword (3d6), Target Shield (4)

Isagoras / Human / Warrior 1 / 5′ 10″ 170 lbs
STR 13 CON 9 DEX 19* SPD 10 INT 13 WIZ 6 LK 9 CHR 9
Combat Adds +8 Wt Possible 1,300 WU
Talents Storytelling (+3)
Short Sword (3d6), Javelin (3d6), Target Shield (4)

Thestor of Xaneira / Human / Warrior 1 / 5′ 5″ 145 lbs
STR 13 CON 12 DEX 14 SPD 10 INT 12 WIZ 12 LK 8 CHR 7
Combat Adds +3 Wt Possible 1,300 WU
Talents Bronzesmith (+3)
Broad Axe (5d6), Short Sword (3d6), Target Shield (4)

Philonikos / Human / Warrior 1 / 6′ 7″ 250 lbs
STR 14 CON 10 DEX 9 SPD 5 INT 7 WIZ 6 LK 11 CHR 10
Combat Adds +2 Wt Possible 1,400 WU
Talents Merchant (+3)
Medium Spear (4d6), Short Sword (3d6), Target Shield (4)

The Antagonists

Belemeos, Son of Hades
MR 150
Special Damage: 1/2 (double Spite); 5/Dem Bones (MR 50 Skeletons)
Special Abilities: Bone Armor (10)

Belemeos is a demigod, son of Hades and the mortal woman Polytio. He serves as a guardian of treasures that have been consigned to his father’s realm. He wears armor constructed of the bones of dead heroes and stands well over 9′ high.

The Haleclyphes
MR 120 (8 X15)
Special Damage: 1/1 (normal Spite); 4/Curse You (Level 12, Targets CON)
Special Abilities: Impervious to missile damage

Seeming at first like a dense, swirling fog, the individual spirits that comprise the Haleclyphes rise from the Styx to repel any who would cross without the express approval of Charon.

The Oedes
MR 90 (45 X2)
Special Damage: 1/3 (triple Spite);
Special Abilities: Tough Hide (8)

As black as the grave, the twin tigers of Tartarus stalk the shores of the Styx hungry for any living flesh they can devour.

MR 70
Special Damage: 1/1 (normal Spite); 6/Blasting Power (Level 7)
Special Abilities: Tough Hide (15)

Nacippe is a red-hued sea serpent that preys upon smaller vessels across the breadth of the Sea, breathing fire to destroy the ships and deliciously roast their crews.

Vintage Magic World: The Last Hope of Vilorre-Adinel

Wherein your humble scribe presents a batch of pregenerated characters for the Worlds of Wonder version of Magic World.

The Alabaster Plague has come to Vilorre-Adinel and only a precious few individuals have remained unaffected. Some must stay and tend to the sick. Others, though, have been called upon to journey to the nearby Abbey of St. Rixende to seek assistance in the form of the honey from the Abbess’ sacred bees. The honey, it is said, can cure even the this terrible disease. Rumors that the Abbey has recently fallen to a savage wolfqueen cast a pall upon this quest. Still, brave souls will venture forth in the hopes of saving their home. Mercadier, captain of the guard. Ameline, the new recruit. Jourdain and Petrona, the wastrel children of the Mayor’s brother. Abelard the tinker. Mathena the wool merchant. Guarnier, the hermit who speaks to the winds. Brunissende, the witch of the wood. Among these citizens will be found the last hope of Vilorre-Adinel.

Mercadier (Warrior) 227 Crowns
STR 14 CON 9 SIZ 13 INT 13 POW 11 DEX 12 APP 9 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Battle Axe 65% (1d8+2), Crossbow 60% (2d6+2) Shield 60%
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Leather (2), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 60%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 60%, Spot Hidden 30%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Ameline (Warrior) 224 Crowns
STR 15 CON 15 SIZ 8 INT 16 POW 13 DEX 9 APP 11 HP 15 DB +1d6
Weapons: Sword 65% (1d8+1), Bow 65% (1d6+1), Shield 65%
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Leather (2), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 65%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 45%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Jourdain (Rogue) 325 Crowns
STR 10 CON 11 SIZ 11 INT 13 POW 11 DEX 14 APP 11 HP 11 DB none
Weapons: Short Sword 60% (1d6+1), Dagger 60% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 60%, Cut Purse 70%, Fine Manipulation 70%, First Aid 45%, Hide 60%, Jump 60%, Linguist 00%, Listen 60%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 60%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 60%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Petrona (Rogue) 385 Crowns
STR 9 CON 12 SIZ 11 INT 15 POW 13 DEX 15 APP 10 HP 12 DB none
Weapons: Short Sword 70% (1d6+1), Dagger 65% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 65%, Cut Purse 75%, Fine Manipulation 75%, First Aid 50%, Hide 65%, Jump 65%, Linguist 00%, Listen 65%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 65%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 65%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Abelard (Sage) 230 Crowns
STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 15 INT 14 POW 15 DEX 18 APP 12 HP 9 DB +1d6
Weapons: Hammer 25% (1d8+2), Shield 25%
Armor: Cuirboilli (3), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 00%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 45%, Listen 45%, Literacy 70%, Lore 45%, Mechanical Arts 70%, Mercantile Arts 45%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 45%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Mathena (Sage) 400 Crowns
STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 11 INT 16 POW 11 DEX 13 APP 8 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Mace 35% (1d6+2), Sling 20% (1d8)
Armor: Ring Mail (4)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 50%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 50%, Listen 45%, Literacy 80%, Lore 55%, Mechanical Arts 50%, Mercantile Arts 80%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 50%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Guarnier (Wizard) 119 Crowns
STR 12 CON 10 SIZ 12 INT 17 POW 14 DEX 14 APP 9 HP 10 DB none
Weapons: Staff 55% (1d8), Dagger 55% (1d4+1), Sword 55% (1d8+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 50%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%
Spells: Conjure/Dismiss Air Elemental 55%, Enhance/Diminish 55%, Lift 55%, Speak to Mind 55%

Brunissende (Wizard) 80 Crowns
STR 9 CON 9 SIZ 10 INT 16 POW 12 DEX 10 APP 10 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Staff 50% (1d8), Dagger 50% (1d4+1), Spear 50% (1d6+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 50%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 50%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%
Spells: Heal/Wound 50%, Light/Dark 50%, Seal/Unseal 50%, Vision 50%

Mini Six: Agents of STEALTH

Wherein your humble scribe presents a trio of secret agents written up using his own 00(D)6 hack of Mini Six, but with an eye towards playing in the 21st century rather than the dim past of the 1980s. He blames playing in Merle Rasmussen’s Top Secret game at NTRPGCon for the itch that led to this. Many other fine games were considered as the framework, including BRP, Classified, and MSPE. But Mini Six was handy and fast, like a good field agent’s weapon should be.

Formed in response to the increased security demands of the 21st Century, STEALTH (Strategic Taskforce for the Examination, Assessment and Liquidation of Threats & Hazards) harkens back to ideas and ideals found in 1960s spy fiction organizations like UNCLE. With agents drawn form across the globe and a pan-national approach to intelligence operations and oversight, this world-spanning organization works behind the scenes to fight back the criminality and extremism (whether religious, nationalistic, corporate, or otherwise) that threaten human civilization.

STEALTH is a decidedly optimistic entity, believing profoundly in a bright future that awaits mankind if the dark undercurrents of modern life can be navigated successfully. This optimism occasionally finds itself at odds with the grim requirements of intelligence operations, to be sure. But agents of STEALTH are a generally pragmatic lot who are prepared to get the job done.

Stevan Miljevic (Indigo Symphony) / BP 29 / Dodge 11 Block 9 Parry 8
Agent of STEALTH
Might 2D+1 Agility 2D+2 Wit 3D Charm 4D
Skills: Fast Talk 4D+1, Persuasion 4D+1, Seduction 4D+1, Acting 4D+2, Streetwise 4D+2, Society 4D+2, Disguise 5D, Guns 3D+2, Dodge 3D+2, Unarmed Combat 3D, Gambling 3D+2
Perks: None
Complications: Age, Duty (STEALTH)
Gear & Armor: Glock 19 (3D+1)
Strength Damage: 1D

Fiona MacRae (Graveyard Thistle) / BP 33 / Dodge 15 Block 15 Parry 12
Agent of STEALTH
Might 3D+1 Agility 4D Wit 2D+2 Charm 2D
Skills: Guns 5D, Unarmed Combat 5D, Stealth 4D+2, Throwing 4D+1, Dodge 4D+2, Climbing 3D+2, Swimming 3D+2, Jumping 3D+2, Intimidation 3D, Streetwise 2D+1, Society 2D+1, Search 3D, Demolitions 3D
Perks: None
Complications: Duty (STEALTH)
Gear & Armor: Heckler & Koch P30 (3D+2), Brass Knuckles (+1D+1)
Strength Damage: 2D

Zelda Morgenthau (Crown Cobra) / BP 28 / Dodge 11 Block 12 Parry 9
Agent of STEALTH
Might 2D Agility 3D Wit 4D Charm 3D
Skills: Investigation 5D, Gambling 4D+2, Computers 4D+1, Forgery 4D+2, Search 4D+2, Breaking & Entering 4D+2, Guns 3D+1, Dodge 3D+2, Unarmed Combat 4D, Stealth 3D+1, Demolitions 4D+1, Society 3D+1
Perks: None
Complications: Duty (STEALTH)
Gear & Armor: Walther PPK (3D)
Strength Damage: 1D

BoL: Mythic Mercenary Band!

Wherein your humble scribe, in honor of receiving his print copy of the Barbarians of Lemuria Mythic Edition today, presents a traveling band of mercenaries who are also a traveling band.

Oxaal / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 1 (-1) Mind 0 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 2
Careers: Blacksmith 1, Minstrel 1, Merchant 0, Mercenary 2
Boons: Attractive, Brawler
Flaws: Hot-Headed
Languages: Talish, Fendic, Iban
Equipment: Hammer (d6), Axe (d6), Small Shield, Heavy Armor (d6-1), Helmet

Dalger / Lifeblood 11 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 2 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 0
Careers: Thief 1, Acrobat 2, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 0
Boons: Friends in Low Places, Sneaky
Flaws: City Dweller
Languages: Talish, Fendic, Iban, Guild Speak
Equipment: Sword (d6), Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

Towan / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 14
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 3 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Scribe 1, Sorcerer 2, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 0
Boons: Fearless, Power of the Void
Flaws: Lustful, Absent-Minded
Languages: Iban, Fendic, Alemb, Saiban, Parlish, Taman, Mogani, Yamash, Baldwish
Equipment: Staff (d6), Dagger (d6L)

Homba / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 12
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 2 Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 2 Defense 0
Careers: Beastmaster 1, Hunter 1, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 1
Boons: Beast-Friend, Mighty Shot
Flaws: Country Bumpkin
Languages: Saiban, Fendic, Iban, Mogani
Equipment: Spear (d6), Compound Bow (d6H), Light Armor (d6-3)