Category Archives: Kaalmuria

BoL Character: Doran FitzCael

Wherein your humble scribe presents yet another Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. More will follow at highly irregular intervals.

From the misty, moody island of Kel comes Doran FitzCael, hard of liver and weak of eye. This big brawler lives to fight, and is more than happy to join up with any band that’s out to bust heads and bring home a few coins for a fresh pint. Though he’s not the sharpest, Doran stands by his friends in a pinch and is truly the sort you’d rather have with you than against you. Despite his fancy last name, Doran has no idea who his father was, nor does he have a drop of royal blood in his veins. Like many of his countrymen, Doran knows his fair share of drinking songs. He’s even actually a very good singer – a tenor in a bass’ body.

Lifeblood 15
Hero Points 5

Strength 3
Agility 1 (0)
Mind -1
Appeal 1

Brawl 2
Melee 2
Ranged -1
Defense 1

Bard 1
Mercenary 2
Thief 1
Worker 0

Hard to Kill

Poor Eyesight

Kellic, Common (non-literate)

Fist d2+3
Longsword, d6+3
Medium armor & Shield (d6)

BoL Character: Orsola Grimaldi

Wherein your humble scribe presents yet another Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. More will follow at highly irregular intervals.

Within the City of Secrets, none are privy to more whispered wisdom than the shadowy order of priestesses who serve the goddess Ceria. Not without reason are these women viewed with suspicious eyes, as they are well-known extortionists who use their knowledge to line the coffers of their order. Many attractive young women in Liria find their way into the sisterhood as a way out of the lower rungs of society, using their unique “gifts” to gather information for the Goddess. Orsola Grimaldi is just such a woman.

Lifeblood 10
Hero Points 5

Strength 0
Agility 2
Mind 0
Appeal 2

Brawl 0
Melee 1
Ranged 0
Defense 3

Dancer 1
Courtesan 0
Assassin 2
Priestess 1

Knife Fighter



Lirian Kris, d6-2
Very light armor, 1d3-1

BoL Character: Stig Damsgaard

Wherein your humble scribe presents yet another Barbarians of Lemuria character he put together as an NPC for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. More will follow at highly irregular intervals.

From the frozen wastes of Geirbjornhal comes Stig Damsgaard, fierce warrior of the wilds. Captured and enslaved by the forces of Warlord Krug Jas when he was a young man defending his village, Stig soon proved to his captors that his innate ferocity could be put to better use in their army where, at the very least, he would be killing their enemies rather than their slave masters. While serving his new master Stig developed an interest in the songs and poems of the peoples he helped the Warlord conquer. Along the way he has mastered several different folk instruments and intends to learn more still.

Lifeblood 13
Hero Points 5

Strength 3
Agility 1
Mind 1
Appeal -1

Brawl 0
Melee 3
Ranged 0
Defense 1

Barbarian 1
Slave 0
Mercenary 2
Minstrel 1

Spear Fighter
Born To Climb


Native (Non-literate)

Spear (1d6+3)
Axe (1d6+3)
Light Armor & Shield (1d6-1)

BoL Bestiary: Chain Demon

A Chain Demon is a 30’+ length of heavy chain that has been inhabited by a malevolent life force from another plane of existence. The chain is animate, and able to form itself into many different shapes, including various humanoid configurations. Chain Demons attack either by striking with a massive chain “fist” at close range or by lashing out with a smaller (and harder to avoid) chain “whip” to a distance of 30′.

Though their very nature as lengths of chain makes Chain Demons hard to dispatch physically, there may be other ways of dealing with Chain Demons. For example, it is rumored that an immobilized Chain Demon can be exorcized of its malevolent spirit by certain kinds of priests.

Strength 5
Agility 1
Mind -1

Combat Abilities
Attack with 1 chain “fist” +2; damage 2d6
Attack with chain “whip” +4; damage 1d6+1
Defense: 3
Protection: 1d6+2 (steely skin)
Lifeblood: 20

A Dangerous Foe: The Red Marquis

Wherein your humble scribe presents a Barbarians of Lemuria villain he put together on a whim, for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting.

Arnaut Xavier is a minor noble from the region surrounding Liria. In his daily life he is an unassuming, if devilishly handsome, dilettante. Behind the scenes, though, in his guise as The Red Marquis, he is the power behind one of the most prominent thieves guilds in all of Kaalmuria. A criminal mastermind, an a daring rogue in his own right, The Red Marquis commands a large range of henchmen and a number of loyal lieutenants.

Though he is a ruthless opponent who is not above certain dubious strategies, The Red Marquis adheres to a complicated code of honor that, if deciphered, could be used to manipulate him into helping, rather than opposing, a band of heroes.

Lifeblood 11
Villain Points 5

Strength 1
Agility 2
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 3
Ranged 0
Defense 3

Noble 2
Assassin 1
Rogue 2
Alchemist 1

Escape Artist
Poison Immunity

City Dweller


Rapier, d6
Dagger (Lirian Kris), d6-2
Very light armor, d3-1

Green Demons Of The Fevered Dream

When the mighty sorcerer Krug Jas cast Prince Asaam and King Riaz into the realm of the Fevered Dream, he trapped them in eternal battle against the Green Demons who live there.

Though 1,000 years passed in Kaalmuria, time all but stood still for the warriors who fought beneath the Golden Eagle banner of Kharnum Dhrynn. There they remained, fighting a ceaseless horde of demons who all-but-completely resembled their original foes, the army of their nation’s chief rival, the Emirate of Bateer Falim.

Bereft of its leaders and army, Kharnum Dhrynn fell before the might of its enemies (as they themselves would later fall when Krug Dras had squeezed them dry for his own benefit), leaving little but legend of the once proud nation in its wake.

Today all that remains of Kharnum Dhrynn are three strange onion-domed towers hidden in a canyon deep within the Great Western Desert. There, atop her decaying throne, sits the ancient, undying body of Queen Svetla, who works slowly at the embroidery she holds in her dry, brittle hands as she awaits the return of her husband and son from their campaign against the minions of Krug Jas.

The Green Demons appear as human soldiers armed with swords, axes, or whatever one-handed melee weapons are used by the foes they mimic. Except for a slight greenish cast to their skin and a wolf-like lengthening of their canine teeth, the Green Demons are indiscernable from those they are meant to resemble.

The Green Demons are classified as rabble.

Strength 2
Agility 0
Mind 0
Appeal -2

Combat Abilities
Brawl 0
Melee 2
Ranged 0
Defense 0

Soldier 2

Lifeblood 3

Protection: 1d3 (light armor & shield)
Weapons: Swords, Axes, or other 1-handed weapons, 1d6

BoL Bestiary: Vaarloi Death Worms

Vaarloi Death Worms are 5′ long with smooth blood-red skin covering their thick bodies. Though they are often found in deserts, these creatures avoid the heat of the day and are only active at dawn and dusk, unless skies are overcast.

Vaarloi Death Worms attack by discharging static electricity from their bodies. They begin combat by “spitting” their full charge (to a range of 30′) at foes as they are approached. After this large discharge, the worms are left with only small electrical “bites” until they have had a significant amount of time to recharge (typically longer than any given encounter).

Vaarloi Death Worms occasionally bleed off excess electrical charge with a crackling burst that creates a small cloud of ozone in their vicinity, which smells like an approaching rain storm. This aroma may be the source of the ancient warning against traveling through the desert when rain is likely.

Strength 1
Agility 2
Mind -3

Combat Abilities
Attack with electrical “bite” +2; damage 1d3
Attack with electrical “spit” +0; damage 2d6 (once per encounter)
Defense: 2
Protection: 1d2-1/1d6-1 vs blunt weapons (rubbery skin & body)
Lifeblood: 5

BoL Character: Ofra Dral

Wherein your humble scribe presents the last of several Barbarians of Lemuria characters he put together as examples for the players he ran through a couple of adventures in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting.

Ofra Dral was raised on the plains of Zaar, where her innate skill with the sling made her a natural hunter. She often journeyed with her father, Itamar, on his trips to the nearby cities to trade in pelts and pottery, and this view of the world outside the simple life of the Zaari instilled in her a burning desire to travel. Upon attaining the age of consent Ofra left her family’s farm and ventured to the fortress city of Lak Bran Mull, where she served for a time as a member of King Tyr’s army. Ofra now seeks her fortune in the wider world, no longer bound by the duties of family or king.

Lifeblood 10
Hero Points 5

Strength 0
Agility 2
Mind 0
Appeal 2

Brawl 0
Melee 0
Ranged 3
Defense 1

Hunter 3
Farmer 0
Merchant 0
Soldier 1

Sling Master
Plains Tracker


Zaaric (non-literate)
Kellic (non-literate)

Mace (1d6)
Sling (1d3)
Light Armor (1d6-2)

BoL Character: Zoru Dhalim (Etienne Toreaux)

Wherein your humble scribe presents the third of several Barbarians of Lemuria characters he put together as examples for the players he ran through a couple of adventures in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. One more will follow.

Born into the noble house of Toureaux in Roudenelle, Etienne spent his youth studying the Laws of Commerce and dreaming of far off lands that could be exploited, er, tapped, as new sources of spices, gems and ores. When his family was slaughtered and his house raised by the conquering army of Krug Jas, Etienne narrowly escaped with his life thanks to the efforts of a loyal family retainer. Etienne, who took the Zaaric name Zoru Dhalim in order to hide from the conquerer’s army, retreated to the farmlands outside of Roudenelle where he lived as a peasant farmer and began to study the healing arts. When the soldiers of Krug Jas came again and destroyed the farm on which he lived, motivated by nothing more than malice, Zoru vowed that he would become wealthy enough to employ an army of assassins to put an end to Krug Jas once and for all. Though he has not realized this dream yet, his quick mind and years of study have helped Zoru become a very wealthy merchant in a short time.

Lifeblood 10
Hero Points 1

Strength 0
Agility 1
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 1
Ranged 1
Defense 2

Noble 1
Farmer 0
Healer 0
Merchant 3

Great Wealth


Native (Literate)
Zaaric (Literate)

Mace (1d6)
Sling (1d3)
Medium Armor (1d6-1)

BoL Character: Thylissa of the North

Wherein your humble scribe presents the second of several Barbarians of Lemuria characters he put together as examples for the players he ran through a couple of adventures in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. Several more will follow.

Thylissa grew up in the frozen northlands, a fierce and untamed barbarian warrior. In her 16th year she was captured by slavers from the south and sold to the pirate king Draato. Her beauty saved her from the more brutal aspects of slavery and Draato instead treated her as a concubine. In this role she developed skills as a dancer, the better to please her master. When Draato’s ship was sunk on the high seas she was rescued by a passing merchant fleet with whom she served as an able sailor. Since her return to land she has eked out a living as a thief and tomb-robber.

Lifeblood 12
Hero Points 5

Strength 2
Agility 1
Mind 0
Appeal 1

Brawl 1
Melee 2
Ranged 0
Defense 1

Barbarian 2
Dancer 1
Mariner 0
Thief 1

Beast Friend
Quick Recovery

Distrust of Sorcery

Native (Non-literate)

Great Axe (1d6+2)
Hand Axe (1d6)
Bow (1d6)
Medium Armor (1d6-1)