Dicey Tales: A Rock & Roll Fable

Wherein your humble scribe uses Dicey Tales (with a smattering of Barbarians of Lemuria, Everywhen, and other related games) to stat up the main cast of 1984’s other great pulp action film, Streets of Fire. Why? Because it’s one of his favorites and he got to see it in a glorious 70mm print this year. Now he just needs to pick up that Blu-ray…

If you don’t know Streets of Fire, let’s look at the trailer…

According to its director, the inimitable Walter Hill, Streets of Fire was sparked by a desire to make what he thought would have been a perfect film when he was a teenager. Something that had “custom cars, kissing in the rain, neon, trains in the night, high-speed pursuit, rumbles, rock stars, motorcycles, jokes in tough situations, leather jackets, and questions of honor.”

Sounds like a lot of what most of us want out of our RPGs to me. So, without further ado…

The Good Guys

Tom Cody (Michael Paré) / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 1 Mind 0 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 2 Defense 0
Careers: Soldier 2, Drifter 1, Criminal 1, Laborer 0
Boons: Crack Shot, Guns a-Blazin’, Steely Gaze, Trick Shot
Flaws: Bad Reputation, Sentimental
Equipment: Shotgun (3D6H/D6), Rifle (D6H+2), Leather Jacket (D6-3)

McCoy (Amy Madigan) / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Soldier 1, Mechanic 2, Drifter 1, Smuggler 0
Boons: Daredevil, Deft Hands, Sneaky
Flaws: Bad Liar
Equipment: Revolver (D6H)

Ellen Aim (Diane Lane) / Lifeblood 9 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength -1 Agility 1 Mind 1 Appeal 3
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 0 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Rocker (Singer) 3, Socialite 1, Profession (Waitress) 1, Temptress 1
Boons: Attractive, Fame, Virtuoso
Flaws: Non-Combatant
Equipment: None

Billy Fish (Rick Moranis) / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 0 Mind 2 Appeal 2
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 0 Ranged 0 Defense 2
Careers: Profession (Manager) 2, Profession (Promoter) 2, Academic 2, Criminal 0
Boons: City Slicker, Paper Pusher, Well Dressed
Flaws: Non-Combatant
Equipment: None

Bad Guys

Raven Shaddock (Willem Dafoe), Bombers Leader (Villain) / Lifeblood 20 / Villain Points 5
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 1 Mind 1 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Criminal 3, Smuggler 1, Mechanic 1, Laborer 0
Boons: Danger Sense, Escape Artist, Natural Leader, Weapon Specialist (Sledgehammer)
Flaws: Anger Issues, Lecherous
Equipment: Sledgehammer (d6H), Switchblade (D6L), Leather Waders (D6-3)

Greer (Lee Ving), Bombers Lieutenant (Tough) / Lifeblood 7
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 1 Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 0
Careers: Criminal 1, Rocker (Singer) 1
Damage: Chains (d6+1), Revolver (D6H)

The Bombers (Rabble) / Lifeblood 3
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 0 Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 0 Ranged 0 Defense 0
Careers: Criminal 1
Damage: d3 (knives, chains, brass knuckles, etc.) or 1 (unarmed)
Special: May attack as a Horde

4 thoughts on “Dicey Tales: A Rock & Roll Fable

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Hey thanks, amigo! The BoX family is, as I know you know from all the varied stuff you do with ‘em, just so much fun for this kind of thing. A tribute to the brilliance of the original design and all the work that’s been done to it since. Cheers!

  1. Narmer

    This is great! I know I saw this around the time it came out but I can only remember it vaguely. I’ll have to watch it again.

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Thanks, Narmer! It’s not a great movie, but it’s a damn fun one. Definitely pop some popcorn when you get around to throwing it on 🙂


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