LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: Multi-Classed Characters

Wherein your humble scribe, taking a break from things that go bump in the nether hells, finally gets around to presenting another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s multi-classed characters.

As noted in earlier installments, these characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (default LL/AEC HD, not the Advanced option), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. I did throw out the absolute weaklings, though.

Silvermoon / Elf Cleric/Magic-User 1/1 LG
STR 11 INT 17 WIS 14 DEX 8 CON 17 CHR 7
HP 7 AC 5 Gold 9
Mace, Chain Mail, Shield, Wooden Holy Symbol, Spell Book
Cleric Spells: Command, Cure Light Wounds, Remove Fear
Magic-User Spells: Message, Unseen Servant

Irmiel / Elf Cleric/Thief 1/1 NG
STR 11 INT 11 WIS 18 DEX 17 CON 12 CHR 9
HP 5 AC 6 Gold 6
Long Sword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, Thieves Tools
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food & Drink, Sanctuary

Carsten / Half-Elf Magic-User/Thief 1/1 CG
STR 10 INT 14 WIS 13 DEX 14 CON 10 CHR 10
HP 4 AC 6 Gold 54
Short Sword, Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools, Spell Book
Magic-User Spells: Enlarge, Mending

Levon / Dwarf Fighter/Cleric 1/1 LN
STR 15 INT 10 WIS 14 DEX 9 CON 13 CHR 8
HP 7 AC 4 Gold 69
Battle Axe, Banded Mail, Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Protection From Evil, Remove Fear

Milo / Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1 N
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 7 DEX 15 CON 11 CHR 10
HP 6 AC 7 Gold 45
Short Sword, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

Gromsley / Gnome Illusionist/Thief 1/1 CN
STR 9 INT 16 WIS 13 DEX 16 CON 11 CHR 8
HP 4 AC 6 Gold 87
Short Sword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools, Spell Book
Illusionist Spells: Auditory Illusion, Wall of Vapor

Kaelmag / Half-Elf Assassin/Cleric 1/1 LE
STR 12 INT 13 WIS 14 DEX 15 CON 14 CHR 12
HP 6 AC 7 Gold 19
Long Sword, Silver Dagger, Leather Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, Thieves Tools
Cleric Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic, Light

Malea Shadowwalker/ Elf Fighter/Magic-User 1/1 NE
STR 11 INT 15 WIS 8 DEX 9 CON 10 CHR 13
HP 6 AC 7 Gold 10
Scimitar, Longbow & 20 Arrows, Studded Leather Armor, Spell Book
Magic-User Spells: Darkness Globe, ESP

Urlen / Half-Orc Cleric/Thief 1/1 CE
STR 11 INT 8 WIS 14 DEX 15 CON 13 CHR 9
HP 5 AC 7 Gold 59
Scimitar, Dagger, Leather Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, Thieves Tools
Cleric Spells: Command, Cure Light Wounds, Darkness

Well Hello There, Everybody

And welcome to Strange Stones!

It seems that my pictures of the just arrived Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox Boxed Set have turned out to be pretty popular. So welcome to all you new visitors (and old friends, too) who’ve stopped by.

Pictures of D&D Sets

I don’t have any new content today – I’m far too hungover from a night of EuroRails in which I lost the game but won the “Who gets to polish off this bottle of ’91 Glenrothes?” contest – but I thought for the sake of the new visitors I’d point out my main project on the blog right now, The Demons Of Adad Untash.

This project will wind up consisting of a whole passel of demonic baddies for use with Labyrinth Lord & the LL Advanced Edition Companion (though, clearly, they’re usable with a whole bunch of other games that share a certain DNA, including S&W). I’ve just recently completed the lower order demons and the standard order beasties are up next. They should start rolling out a little later this week.

Meanwhile, here’s one more picture of the WhiteBox, alongside its grandfather and its cousin.

The S&W WhiteBox Boxed Set Has Landed!

Guess what just got delivered to me by my friendly neighborhood mailman? That’s right, kids, it’s Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox Boxed Set time!

Some pictures below:

A few quick thoughts:

  • I love it. It reminds me of my OCE box when it was new.
  • The 3×5 character sheets that were listed in the initial offering don’t seem to be in here. Packing error or change in plans? This is slightly disheartening, but not tragic.
  • The dice are pretty crappy, all things considered. But they’re dice that came in a game box, so even though I’m a snob I love them anyway. Actually, I’ll probably throw these into my big bin o’ dice and put the Gamescience dice from my Castles & Crusades Collector’s Edition boxed set in here, since I’m not really a C&C fan anymore.
  • The box contains a flyer pimping TARGA and Chgowiz’s Reference Sheets, which I think I’ll take advantage of shortly.
  • The digest-sized graph paper pad will have me drawing dungeons within the hour. Or else I’ll refuse to sully it and it will still be pristine 30 years from now. Either way, score!
  • Mythmere’s A Quick Primer for Old School Gaming was born to be made digest-sized. It actually reads better at this size. Weird.
  • The books look sharp and feel “new.” It’s lovely.
  • Oh. My. God. Book II of IV: Spells and Book III of IV: Monsters both have blank templates at the back for you to fill in your own creations. These books are begging to be written in. Can I actually do it? Time will tell.

In summary, I’m damn glad I bought this little package when I did. I just wish that the box-maker hadn’t screwed over Brave Halfling as much as they did, because the delay in receiving this little gem gave Labyrinth Lord, by way of the Advanced Edition Companion, the time and power to devour my brain. Still, it’s not like these wonderful games can’t each get some of my time, and there’s no doubt that they will. If only I didn’t have to have a day job!

LL/AEC Rogues Gallery: The Thieves

Wherein your humble scribe, taking a break from things that go bump in the nether hells, finally gets around to presenting another entry in his Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion Rogues Gallery series. This time, it’s the Thieves.

As noted in earlier installments, these characters are all 1st level, were granted maximum HP (default LL/AEC HD, not the Advanced option), and have a bare minimum of equipment. They were all created with 3d6 for stats, more often than not in order. I did throw out the absolute weaklings, though.

Hendershot / Halfling Thief 1 NG
STR 10 INT 13 WIS 11 DEX 15 CON 13 CHR 14
HP 5 AC 7 Gold 95
Short Sword, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

Torral / Elf Thief 1 CG
STR 7 INT 8 WIS 10 DEX 17 CON 10 CHR 15
HP 4 AC 6 Gold 51
Long Sword, Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

Old Bill Ellum / HumanThief 1 CG
STR 13 INT 7 WIS 13 DEX 14 CON 10 CHR 9
HP 4 AC 7 Gold 34
Short Sword, Silver Dagger, Dagger, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

Black Nance / Human Thief 1 CN
STR 9 INT 12 WIS 8 DEX 16 CON 10 CHR 12
HP 4 AC 6 Gold 19
Mace, Silver Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

Rundle / Dwarf Thief 1 CN
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 9 DEX 15 CON 16 CHR 6
HP 6 AC 7 Gold 47
Hand Axe, Leather Armor, Light Crossbow & 10 Quarrels, Thieves Tools

Walgh / Half-Orc Thief 1 CN
STR 14 INT 9 WIS 8 DEX 16 CON 13 CHR 10
HP 5 AC 6 Gold 6
Long Sword, Dagger, Short Bow & 20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

Lermo / Halfling Thief 1 NE
STR 8 INT 12 WIS 8 DEX 17 CON 10 CHR 12
HP 4 AC 6 Gold 98
Hand Axe, Dagger, Sling & 10 Bullets, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

Jaliesta / Half-Elf Thief 1 CE
STR 13 INT 9 WIS 6 DEX 15 CON 14 CHR 9
HP 5 AC 7 Gold 24
Scimitar, Silver Dagger, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

Veneth / Human Thief 1 CE
STR 11 INT 8 WIS 7 DEX 17 CON 16 CHR 11
HP 6 AC 6 Gold 4
Short Sword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools

BoL Character: Ofra Dral

Wherein your humble scribe presents the last of several Barbarians of Lemuria characters he put together as examples for the players he ran through a couple of adventures in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting.

Ofra Dral was raised on the plains of Zaar, where her innate skill with the sling made her a natural hunter. She often journeyed with her father, Itamar, on his trips to the nearby cities to trade in pelts and pottery, and this view of the world outside the simple life of the Zaari instilled in her a burning desire to travel. Upon attaining the age of consent Ofra left her family’s farm and ventured to the fortress city of Lak Bran Mull, where she served for a time as a member of King Tyr’s army. Ofra now seeks her fortune in the wider world, no longer bound by the duties of family or king.

Lifeblood 10
Hero Points 5

Strength 0
Agility 2
Mind 0
Appeal 2

Brawl 0
Melee 0
Ranged 3
Defense 1

Hunter 3
Farmer 0
Merchant 0
Soldier 1

Sling Master
Plains Tracker


Zaaric (non-literate)
Kellic (non-literate)

Mace (1d6)
Sling (1d3)
Light Armor (1d6-2)

BoL Character: Zoru Dhalim (Etienne Toreaux)

Wherein your humble scribe presents the third of several Barbarians of Lemuria characters he put together as examples for the players he ran through a couple of adventures in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. One more will follow.

Born into the noble house of Toureaux in Roudenelle, Etienne spent his youth studying the Laws of Commerce and dreaming of far off lands that could be exploited, er, tapped, as new sources of spices, gems and ores. When his family was slaughtered and his house raised by the conquering army of Krug Jas, Etienne narrowly escaped with his life thanks to the efforts of a loyal family retainer. Etienne, who took the Zaaric name Zoru Dhalim in order to hide from the conquerer’s army, retreated to the farmlands outside of Roudenelle where he lived as a peasant farmer and began to study the healing arts. When the soldiers of Krug Jas came again and destroyed the farm on which he lived, motivated by nothing more than malice, Zoru vowed that he would become wealthy enough to employ an army of assassins to put an end to Krug Jas once and for all. Though he has not realized this dream yet, his quick mind and years of study have helped Zoru become a very wealthy merchant in a short time.

Lifeblood 10
Hero Points 1

Strength 0
Agility 1
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 1
Ranged 1
Defense 2

Noble 1
Farmer 0
Healer 0
Merchant 3

Great Wealth


Native (Literate)
Zaaric (Literate)

Mace (1d6)
Sling (1d3)
Medium Armor (1d6-1)

The Strange Stones Soundtrack

Have you ever wondered what a website sounds like? No? Well, now you don’t ever have to, thanks to the magic of codeorgan.

This is what Strange Stones sounds like.

Other sites sound different. Here are just a few of the other OSR blogs:

I’ve run out of time to play, but I plan on checking out the tunes from a whole passel of our geek brethren’s sites. Maybe we can put together an album and tour the world?

BoL Character: Thylissa of the North

Wherein your humble scribe presents the second of several Barbarians of Lemuria characters he put together as examples for the players he ran through a couple of adventures in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. Several more will follow.

Thylissa grew up in the frozen northlands, a fierce and untamed barbarian warrior. In her 16th year she was captured by slavers from the south and sold to the pirate king Draato. Her beauty saved her from the more brutal aspects of slavery and Draato instead treated her as a concubine. In this role she developed skills as a dancer, the better to please her master. When Draato’s ship was sunk on the high seas she was rescued by a passing merchant fleet with whom she served as an able sailor. Since her return to land she has eked out a living as a thief and tomb-robber.

Lifeblood 12
Hero Points 5

Strength 2
Agility 1
Mind 0
Appeal 1

Brawl 1
Melee 2
Ranged 0
Defense 1

Barbarian 2
Dancer 1
Mariner 0
Thief 1

Beast Friend
Quick Recovery

Distrust of Sorcery

Native (Non-literate)

Great Axe (1d6+2)
Hand Axe (1d6)
Bow (1d6)
Medium Armor (1d6-1)

BoL Character: Rogan Stringbender

Wherein your humble scribe presents the first of several Barbarians of Lemuria characters he put together as examples for the players he ran through a couple of adventures in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting. Several more will follow.

Though born to Arnosto, one of the noted scribes of the southern lands, Rogan showed little inclination for serious study, preferring instead to spend his days playing whatever musical instruments he could get his hands on. He left his homeland as soon as he could, in search of new melodies and new instruments to play. Life in the real world proved less easy than it had been at his father’s college and Rogan soon turned to petty crime to supplement his income. A short while after this fall into the darker side of things Rogan was befriended by the sorcerer Skaarmaltheneon, who observed in the young man a natural talent for the arcane arts. After a time in the tutelage of that great mage, Rogan has again struck out on his own.

Lifeblood 10
Arcane Power 10
Hero Points 5

Strength 0
Agility 1
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Brawl -1
Melee 2
Ranged 0
Defense 3

Scribe 0
Minstrel 2
Thief 1
Magician 1

Magic of the Sorcerer Kings

Feels The Cold
City Dweller

Native (Literate)
Written Magic

Sword (1d6)
Sm. Shield (+1)
Light Armor (1d6-2)