Back From (North) Texas – The Short Version

I’m working on a longer version of this, but before any more time passes and my loyal readers (all three of you) start complaining, here’s the highlights from my trip to the North Texas RPG Con…

  • Frank Mentzer is one of the nicest people in the world
  • Frank runs a very loose and enjoyable game
  • “Story Time with Uncle Frank” is one of the best ways to spend five or so hours
  • NTRPG Con has very nice ladies who bring food and (non-alcoholic) drinks to the tables. Tip them, or Uncle Frank will yell at you. I didn’t need to be yelled at – I always tip and tip well – but Frank made sure no one failed to tip
  • Merle Rasmussen is yet another of the nicest people in the world
  • Merle is so low-key and unassuming that he probably really is a secret agent
  • I still don’t really know how Top Secret works, since we never wound up in combat thanks to exceptional planning and execution by my fellow players
  • The dealer room at NTRPG Con is the treasure trove of vintage stuff you’d expect
  • Except for all of the new stuff (Goodman Games, in particular, was delivering the nuevo content)
  • Matthew Goiffon (Super Number One Food Tower) is a name you DCC players should look out for – the kid is very creative
  • DCC is a great con game, especially funnel-stylee
  • Everyone I talked to loved Marc’s “level 10 funnel” DCC game. I wish I’d played in it, but then I wouldn’t have been able to talk with him about it on the drive up
  • DCC is a pretty good fit for Lankhmar
  • I can’t say much more than that since the game I was in was Judged by a rather hungover Doug Kovacs
  • Doug Kovacs may or may not be one of the nicest people in the world
  • Regardless, he’s an interesting and engaging GM
  • Getting to know a number of people I already casually played games with in Austin better at the con (Paul & Brenda Wolfe, most notably) was one of the absolute highlights of the weekend. They are both among the nicest people in the world
  • David Baity, the extra roommate, is also one of the nicest people in the world
  • DB’s safe word is “Pepperjack” – keep that in mind if you wind up rooming with him

As I say, a longer version of the story is coming. But for now, this will have to do. And yes, I’m sure I’ve left out key information and failed to acknowledge lots of other people as Nicest People In The World®. I’ll do my best to remedy that in the more detailed writeup.

Stafford & Petersen To Return To Chaosium

This is apparently happening, at least according to this thread at the purple forum place, which appears to be written by Greg Stafford himself.

I have no dog in any hunt w/ Chaosium right now. I didn’t back any of their Kickstarters (Flying Buffalo took care of my KS disappointment). I’m not especially keen on the CoC 7th rules after having playtested them. But I’m still quite curious about the situation, as there are all kinds of potential repercussions and reverberations. And if any of that shakes out to better support for BRP, I’ll be happy.

Meanwhile, I’m packing for NTRPG Con, where I’ll get to play in a Basic D&D game run by Frank Mentzer and a Top Secret game run by Merle Rasmussen. And the DCC Lankhmar playtest that Doug Kovacs is running. And a couple of other things. So that’s going to be fun. So much so that I might even bother to post some pictures or even write up a report after the weekend. No promises, though. I’m a lazy sod, after all.

BoL: Sacred Restoration

Wherein your humble scribe presents six BoL (Mythic Edition) characters that are approximations of the characters he’s had kicking around in his head for an Egyptian-themed one shot for years now. Would he actually run it in BoL? Maybe. That’s not the first system he’s considered. Nor will it likely be the last.

“An old priest and a young priest. A young soldier and an old soldier. An architect and a thief. These are the six parts that must come together to restore the jars and quiet the soul of Ptatmep,” spoke Pharaoh’s seer, Pentu-Paneb.

“The way will be perilous. The bandits and their scorpions ravage the roads between Upper and Lower Aphtet. We hear the sandstorms are fierce in the valley this season. And it is far from unlikely that the tomb’s occupants have remained at rest after the desecration.”

“Bring forth the amulets. Allow each of the assembled to choose a single talisman to take with them in Queen Khedebneithireretbeneret’s name. Then give them food and wineskins and send them on their way.”

Personally, I just call her “Your Majesty” or “Her Highness.” Or just “The Queen.”


Nebenefer / Lifeblood 11 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 11 / Fate Points 2
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 0 Mind 3 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 2
Careers: Noble 0, Priest 2, Physician 1, Magician 1
Boons: Learned (Religion), Detect Deception
Flaws: Elderly
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Occu
Equipment: Staff (d6), Light Armor (d6-3)

Taheret / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 12 / Fate Points 1
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 1 Appeal 2
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Noble 1, Slaver 0, Priest 1, Magician 2
Boons: Attractive, Silver Tongue
Flaws: Arrogant
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Occu
Equipment: Mace (d6), Light Armor (d6-3)


Ramessu / Lifeblood 11 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 2 (1) Mind 0 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Noble 1, Beast Trainer 1 , Sailor 0, Soldier 2
Boons: Alert, Keen Eyesight
Flaws: Can’t Lie
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Parsit
Equipment: Sword (d6), Bow (d6), Small Shield, Medium Armor (d6-2)

Beketaten / Lifeblood 13 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 3 Agility 1 (0) Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Slave 0, Worker 0, Farmer 1, Soldier 3
Boons: Fearless, Poison Resistance
Flaws: Superstitious
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Parsit
Equipment: Great Axe (d6H), Medium Armor (d6-2)

Architect & Thief

Zazamoukh / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 2 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 1 Ranged 0 Defense 1
Careers: Scribe 1, Merchant 1, Worker 1, Architect 3
Boons: Learned (Engineering), Friends in High Places
Flaws: Non-Combatant
Languages: Aphtetian, Gresko, Sharaal
Equipment: Cudgel (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

Seneb / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Beggar 1, Minstrel 1, Slave 0, Thief 2
Boons: Sneaky, Low-Born
Flaws: Untrustworthy
Languages: Aphtetian
Equipment: 4 X Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

New 0e Clone Iron Falcon Gets It Right

So we’re all drowning in retroclones by now. But not long ago I discovered one that almost snuck right by me and I wanted to make sure that it got whatever minuscule amount of extra awareness that I could bring to it. So…

Go download Iron Falcon already!

Iron Falcon is an 0e retroclone that strives to be as accurate and true to its source material as possible. That means descending AC. That means the five classic Saves. That means no tinkering, no streamlining, no “improvements” and no modernization. Or, as the game’s author, Chris Gonnerman of Basic Fantasy fame puts it on the Iron Falcon site:

…my goals for this project:

  1. Be as faithful as possible to the original game (my coverage target).
  2. Deal with Product Identity issues by omitting the offending element (i.e. no look-alike monsters).
  3. Correct inconsistencies, generally by selecting the simplest solution, or the solution most consistent with the rest of the rules..
  4. Reorganize the presentation to make the game more playable.
  5. Avoid copyright infringement by remodeling; rules are kept similar as much as possible but details are changed (this is different from rule 2 above because it involves not infringing the copyright of the original game). Of course, no actual text is copied from the original game; it’s all written fresh. But in some cases, even a rewrite ends up too close to the original text… there are just only so many ways to say some things.

This makes it, in my mind, the Labyrinth Lord of 0e. Even more so than LL’s own OEC. Well, maybe not more so exactly. But the thing that Iron Falcon has going for it (as you might have guessed from its name) is that it includes the expansions to the core that came in Supplement 1. And some of those (thieves and the increased impact of attributes, especially) are central to my tastes.

This is 100% (well, maybe 90% or so) of what I personally wanted from the other 0e-flavored games. The missing 10% is found in the classes and such from Supplements 2 & 3. But that’s easy enough to get around.

So if this sounds like what you are looking for in an 0e clone, go get you some Iron Falcon right away. And if not, just keep on playing what you like.

BoL: Mythic Mercenary Band!

Wherein your humble scribe, in honor of receiving his print copy of the Barbarians of Lemuria Mythic Edition today, presents a traveling band of mercenaries who are also a traveling band.

Oxaal / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 1 (-1) Mind 0 Appeal 1
Combat Abilities: Initiative 0 Melee 2 Ranged 0 Defense 2
Careers: Blacksmith 1, Minstrel 1, Merchant 0, Mercenary 2
Boons: Attractive, Brawler
Flaws: Hot-Headed
Languages: Talish, Fendic, Iban
Equipment: Hammer (d6), Axe (d6), Small Shield, Heavy Armor (d6-1), Helmet

Dalger / Lifeblood 11 / Hero Points 5
Attributes: Strength 1 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 2 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 0
Careers: Thief 1, Acrobat 2, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 0
Boons: Friends in Low Places, Sneaky
Flaws: City Dweller
Languages: Talish, Fendic, Iban, Guild Speak
Equipment: Sword (d6), Dagger (d6L), Light Armor (d6-3)

Towan / Lifeblood 10 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 14
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 1 Mind 3 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 1 Defense 1
Careers: Scribe 1, Sorcerer 2, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 0
Boons: Fearless, Power of the Void
Flaws: Lustful, Absent-Minded
Languages: Iban, Fendic, Alemb, Saiban, Parlish, Taman, Mogani, Yamash, Baldwish
Equipment: Staff (d6), Dagger (d6L)

Homba / Lifeblood 12 / Hero Points 5 / Arcane Power 12
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 2 Mind 0 Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1 Melee 1 Ranged 2 Defense 0
Careers: Beastmaster 1, Hunter 1, Minstrel 1, Mercenary 1
Boons: Beast-Friend, Mighty Shot
Flaws: Country Bumpkin
Languages: Saiban, Fendic, Iban, Mogani
Equipment: Spear (d6), Compound Bow (d6H), Light Armor (d6-3)

Three Against The Scarlet Trident (Supers!)

The Scarlet Trident

The Scarlet Trident is a criminal organization operating throughout North America. Its ultimate goals, as well as its operational structure, are not understood at present. What is known is that its operatives are almost always equipped with significantly advanced tech. Beam weapons, body armor, stealth suits, even exoskeletons that enhance the wearer’s strength to Super levels have been noted.

Mooks & Henchmen

Scarlet Trident Strike Force 4D
[Qualities: Life Support]

Scarlet Trident Infiltration Team 3D
[Qualities: Invisibility (Sight, Sound)]

Scarlet Trident Brick Breaker
Henchman 4D [Qualities: Super Strength, Super Leap]

Three Heroes Who Have Tangled With The Trident

Certain patterns emerge when analyzing Scarlet Trident operations. To date they have held to committing their crimes with a “things come in threes” pattern. This behavior is almost so obvious as to be trite (as such, it may be deliberately designed to be misleading). There are facets of their actions, though, that are more puzzling. Consider the three most recent Scarlet Trident crimes: each was clearly targeted in areas protected by three decidedly different Supers: Essence, ECHO, and Exile. While these three heroes share certain similarities in their pseudonyms they are otherwise as different as they can be.

Essence is a magical/supernatural heroine who has remained focused on the middle-class suburbs. ECHO is a technological construct operating almost exclusively in the business district and downtown. And Exile a martial artist whose actions have remained confined to the urban slums.

In each incident, a low-scale robbery was undertaken by a deliberately underpowered Scarlet Trident strike force. All three crimes were easily foiled, though no prisoners were captured. The obvious conclusion is that the Scarlet Trident is testing these Supers. But for what purpose?


Real Name: Alessandra D’Abo
Origin: Magical

Composure 3D Fortitude 1D Reaction 2D Will 4D


Enemy (Scarlet Trident)

Athleticism 2D, Awareness 2D, Occultism 2D, Presence 3D

Teleportation 2D, Imbue 1D, Insubstantiality 2D, Wizardry 3D (Complication: Smartphone Grimoire)

Competency Pool 0D


Real Name: Electroacoustic Construct, Humanoid 0
Origin: Hi-Tech

Composure 3D Fortitude 3D Reaction 3D Will 1D


Bad Luck, Enemy (Scarlet Trident)

Awareness 3D, Presence 2D, Technology 3D

Energy Control (Sound) 4D, Energy Form (Sound) 2D, Flight (Complication: Only in Energy Form) 2D, Size Control (Complication: Only in Energy Form) 2D

Competency Pool 0D


Real Name: Nathan Willis
Origin: Special Training

Composure 1D Fortitude 4D Reaction 4D Will 3D

I Brought This Along

Enemy (Scarlet Trident), Intolerance (Criminals)

Athleticism 3D, Awareness 2D, Investigation 2D, Intrusion 3D, Presence 2D, Streetwise 2D

Armor 2D (Complication: Device – Costume), Super Aptitude (Fighting) 4D

Competency Pool 0D

Playing A Gunny Raccoon Or Big Tree Guy

There’s a little movie out right now that you might have heard of called Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s a romp, and at times it feels very much like an RPG session. All of the protagonists are at least somewhat absurd, and their behavior marks them as Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral (with Good tendencies, maybe) in D&D-speak. So they come across pretty nicely as PCs.

I got to thinking about what game I’d use to run a similar story, and while my initial thought was something like Supers!, I think that may have been based on lingering ideas that Guardians as a superhero film rather than a big ol’ pulp scifi adventure. I still can’t quite decide between X-plorers and Tales of the Space Princess, though. So I thought I’d work out how I’d do a couple of the more popular characters and use that to inform my thoughts.

So, without further ado, here’s how I’d approach the core race/class considerations for a certain raccoon and his tree-guy buddy…

For X-plorers: Race-As-Class Classes

X-plorers, by default, focuses strictly on humans. But there’s an excellent supplement for designing alien and robot classes, and that’s what I’ve used here.

Gun-Happy Masked Rodent
Humanoid, Animal-Stock
+1 AGI, +1 INT
Pilot 15+, Security 16+, Mechanics 14+, Stealth 14+
Diminutive (+1 AC, -1 melee damage)
Deadly Marksman (+2 to hit/ranged, +1d6 damage/ranged)

Very Large Plant Man
Humanoid, Plant
+1 PHY, +1 PRE
Martial Arts, Survival 14+, Security 16+, Mechanics 14+
Large (+1 melee damage, -1 AC)
Regenerative (2 HP/Round)

For Tales of the Space Princess: Races w/ Suggested Classes

Tales of the Space Princess has great rules for building unique aliens right there in its core book. I approached these two along those lines. Since race & class are separate in TotSP, I’ve listed a suggested class for each.

Gun-Happy Masked Rodent
Alien: Mammal (+1 DEF, Claws/Teeth do 1d6)
Alien Special Ability: +1 DEX
Suggested Class: Scoundrel

Very Large Plant Man
Alien: Plant (+2 Def, Immune to most poisons, +2 to resist mental domination)
Alien Special Ability: +1 STR
Suggested Class: Star Warrior


Even though I’m more partial to Tales of the Space Princess on the whole, I think I have to concede that X-plorers gets this particular job done better. The custom-built race-as-class classes fit just a bit better, even though I’m not 100% sold on the skills that Big Tree Guy winds up with. That’s a reasonable trade for him having a strong Regeneration ability without having to hack on the rules any further.

Vintage Magic World: Trial By Wilderness

Wherein your humble scribe presents a quartet of adventurers for the vintage version of Magic World (you know, the one that was part of the old Worlds of Wonder boxed set). Why? Because boredom is my enemy. An enemy that can be vanquished only by imagining heroes to vanquish it.

“Hold a moment, gents. Allow old Dasq to catch his breath,” the fat rogue bellowed as the hill turned ever more steep as they ascended. “Carrying all of these wilderness provisions is a bit more than I’m used to.”

“Come now, villain,” the merchant replied, his accent nearly impenetrable to his companions. “You were carrying twice the weight easily when the city guard apprehended you.”

“Yea, b’at were gemsnsilver, wernit?” muttered Wheezing Mohan, the mercenary known in Broken Shield as much for his allergies as for his sword arm.

“True enough, true enough,” Dasq nodded in agreement as he lowered his bulk onto a boulder that seemed to groan beneath the weight. “Though why you all had to get involved in that… situation… I do not know. If you’d all just allowed me to escape we wouldn’t be on this damnable quest in the first place. A curse upon the King’s magistrate!”

The wizard, who had not uttered a syllable since they left the city turned swiftly and hissed, “We got involved in the situation as you put it, my fat friend, because the treasures you were fleeing with were ours. Though I concur with your cursing of the charlatan who claims knowledgeable service of the King. This custom of trial by wilderness is both ineffectual and an affront.”

“Wernall in agreem’t onnat,” replied Mohan. And then he sneezed three times. “Trollas. Three sneezes means trollas, mebims. Besget yarms ready.”

Guy d’Marseinné (Scholar) 120 Crowns
STR 9 CON 12 SIZ 15 INT 13 POW 14 DEX 11 APP 11 HP 12 DB +1d6
Weapons: Short Sword 30% (1d6+1), Dagger 25% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 00%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 40%, Listen 45%, Literacy 65%, Lore 40%, Mechanical Arts 40%, Mercantile Arts 65%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 40%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Vale Loer (Wizard) 390 Crowns
STR 10 CON 6 SIZ 12 INT 15 POW 16 DEX 13 APP 10 HP 6 DB none
Weapons: Staff 45%, Dagger 45%, Sword 45%
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 10%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 50%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%, Control 45%, Illusion 45%, Lift 45%, Speak To Mind 45%

Fat Dasq (Rogue) 220 Crowns
STR 5 CON 13 SIZ 18 INT 12 POW 9 DEX 15 APP 13 HP 18 DB none
Weapons: Short Sword 55% (1d6+1), Dagger 55% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 75%, Fine Manipulation 75%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 55%, Linguist 00%, Listen 55%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 55%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 55%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Wheezing Mohan (Warrior) 105 Crowns
STR 13 CON 9 SIZ 13 INT 14 POW 8 DEX 15 APP 11 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Broad Sword 70% (1d8+1), Mace 65% (1d6+2), Shield 70%
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Leather (2), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 65%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 75%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Echo Chamber Newsflash: BoL Mythic Edition Kickstarter Launched

Readers of this blog are likely already aware, but just in case (and to boost the signal), I thought I’d mention that the Kickstarter for Barbarians of Lemuria: Mythic Edition has gone live.

Personally I’m rather soured on Kickstarter these days and I kinda wish BoL:ME weren’t going that route. But it is. So that’s that. I haven’t decided whether I’ll be dropping cash on this or not just yet, though I’m sure I will ultimately relent and pony up. I do love BoL, after all.

Also, it’s worth noting that everyone’s favorite BoL adventure writer, our good friend G-Man (he of the many adventures hosted here on Strange Stones) has an adventure that will be released if one of the stretch goals is reached. So that’s a strong motivator for sure.

So there you have it, amigos. Your daily dose of exciting BoL news.